Health Benefits

Cloves Health Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Tooth Pain
Posted by Cj (Longview,, Texas) on 08/11/2010

After returning from foreign travel, our family needed relief from traveler's diarrhea. We ground whole cloves in a coffee grinder and put them in capsules. We took a capsule with every meal for a few days. This fixed us right up. I have read that fresh ground cloves kill parasite eggs. Well, there is no denying that we are better and hopefully over the ailment.

Tooth Pain
Posted by Tina (Bowling Green, Ohio, Usa) on 04/28/2010

Had to put clove powder on a cavity that was really hurting last night. Took an hour to work but finally made the pain disappear.

Tooth Pain
Posted by Lera (St Petersburg, Fl) on 02/11/2010

After doing research on cloves, I too discovered how good they are for toothache and sore throats...I also discovered they are very high in antioxidants... even better than berries like acai and guava... so using them as a breathe freshener also will keep your antioxidants high!

Tooth Pain
Posted by Bosco (Beaver Falls, Pa) on 09/08/2009

Clove Oil helped my aching tooth. It was a friday night when my tooth started to ache (go figure, and on labor day weekend so no dentist available for 3-4 days, always my luck). I spent labor day with an ice pack on my jaw and cheek all day. I used anbesol so many times i began to like the flavor. I had to figure something out because the next day I had to open my store and run my business and had to sleep. So I saw this about clove oil. I tried a couple drops of pure clove oil on a gauze pad and held it between my teeth. As soon as it became saturated, it was unbearable and I had to spit it out. At that point the pain went from 7 to 10 (on a scale of 1-10). When I finally got my jaw frozen again, I decided to try again. This time I mixed 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 2-3 drops of clove oil in a small dish and dunked a gauze pad in. It tasted much better that way. I held it between my teeth for as long as I could before the pressure was causing more pain than the tooth was. Needless to say, the pain went away completely for the next 4 hours. To be sure I didnt wake up in the middle of the night with massive pain again, I dunked another piece of gauze in and held it for about 10 minutes. The nextg morning I woke up with no pain. Didnt need more until about noon. Great Remedy

Tooth Pain
Posted by Ellen (Arlington, TX) on 08/31/2008

I woke up with a horrible toothache around 5:30 AM, this morning. I took two Tylenol and used Chloraseptic spray on the gums surrounding the tooth that was hurting. Nothing really worked. Actually the pain progressed until I couldn't do anything but sit in my computer chair and deal with the agonizing pain. I found this site a few weeks ago and had used two other recommended cures for other issues with great success. So it finally occured to me to search this site for a cure for toothache. Under the topic of tooth absess I saw clove oil and powdered cloves were used by many for relief of tooth pain. I immediately went to the kitchen and rubbed powdered clove on the surrounding gums. Within minutes my pain had diminished to bearable levels. I ate and then applied more powdered clove. The pain is gone! I am so grateful for this website. It has made a huge difference in my life in the last few weeks. Thank you all.

Tooth Pain
Posted by Susan (Missoula, Montana, USA) on 04/18/2008

Be careful what you put out in the universe, keep it positive at all times! Yesterday there was a boring meeting I just did not feel like attending so I crossed my fingers and used the little "white lie" about a toothache! This morning I woke up to a throbbing in an upper molar, and drinking cold water set me over the edge! Grabbed a tiny bottle of pure Clove Oil. Applied two drops to outside of my cheek opposite my toothe, then one drop on gum area! I couldn't believe it...sure it's a tad bitter, but ten minutes later I am pain magic!

Tooth Pain
Posted by Jamie (Mesa, Arizona) on 01/10/2008

Pertaining to clove powder, it is incredible. The tooth pain is gone but unfortunately, the abscess is still hurting but I just may be able to sleep today.

Tooth Pain
Posted by Geena (Christchurch, New Zealand ) on 08/24/2007

I was in agony with an infected tooth and even codeine and anti-inflammatories didn't seem to much ease the pain. Then I tried 100% clove oil. WOW is all I can say! The pain went in just seconds. It was truly amazing. Thank you so much and for this great site.

Tooth Pain
Posted by Helen (Merrill, Wisconsin) on 08/22/2007

Ok after reading all the posts here, I ran to the grocery store and bought cloves, garlic, grapeseed oil (the store didn't have coconut oil) and tumeric. I put powdered cloves on my abscess for the pain. Pain is instantly gone. I will apply the garlic, oil, and tumeric later and let you know how that works!

Tooth Pain
Posted by Jennifer (Seattle, WA) on 06/04/2007

WOW! is all I can say. I was in such severe pain from an exposed tooth nerve that I thought I was going to go to the E.R. Then I tried cloves and my goodness the pain was gone in 2 minutes. Thank you for this web site- It is now on my favorites list.!!!!!

Tooth Pain
Posted by Sue (Ottowa, Canada) on 03/26/2007

Cloves are nothing short of a miracle. I'd been in severe pain with an abscess and not even the most potent painkillers, antibiotics or extra strength oragel were helping. I read about clove oil on the internet and went to the local health food store to find some. They didn't carry it and neither did the drug store, so I bought powdered cloves and emptied the contents of a teabag and put the clove powder in. Within 5 minutes I was PAIN FREE for hours. I actually got some sleep! This is an unbelievable remedy and I only wish it were taken more seriously. No one with a toothache needs to use anything but cloves!

Tooth Pain
Posted by Barbara (Surgoinsville, TN) on 01/17/2007

My daughter was told to chew a clove of garlic and her tooth ache and the swelling would go away in 5mins. she said it was gone.

Tooth Pain
Posted by Kathy (Canonsburg, PA) on 11/20/2006

Oil of cloves and peroxide for Abscess tooth cured my abscess overnight. Because I have no dental insurance I decided to look on the internet for natural cures for an abscess. My cheek was so swollen for a couple days I looked like a 'chipmunk". It was swollen inside my mouth to the size of a dime and I got no relief. Yesterday (Sunday) I alternated between the peroxide and oil of cloves and today it is gone. I can't believe it. I could hardly eat or talk yesterday. Thank you thank you for your valuable website.

Tooth Pain
Posted by Kelly (Miramar, FL) on 11/19/2006

Powdered clove cured my tooth ache. Thank the Divine; this worked IMMEDIATELY!

Tooth Pain
Posted by Anon (NYC) on 05/04/2006

Fill the tooth with clove powder. Works better than anything.