Cinnamon and Honey
Health Benefits

Natural Cures Using Cinnamon and Honey

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Cinnamon and Coumarin Warning
Posted by Mayallen (Dublin, Ireland) on 05/25/2011


If you are going to use Cinnamon, make sure it is pure Ceylon Cinnamon, and not Cassia which contains 5 % Coumarin, a toxin that is very harmful to the liver and kidneys. Ceylon Cinnamon only has .05% Coumarin. The Cinnamon you purchase in the stores or Supermarkets has little or no curative properties... I had to send away to Sri Lanka to get the TRUE CINNAMON Good Health...

Cinnamon and Coumarin Warning
Posted by Leah (New York, NY) on 05/28/2009


I read all your remedies using a teaspoon or more of cinnamon a day, but then when I did an internet search, I found all sorts of wanrnings about long-term usage of cinnamon. There can be a real danger of liver damage. Here is one link I found, but you can do a simple Google search yourselves.

I think you should post this warning on top of all the posts indicating large daily intake of cinnamon powder. Thanks.