Budwig Diet
Health Benefits

Budwig Diet Protocol for Cancer

| Modified on Aug 06, 2023
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Breast Cancer
Posted by G. Michael (Reading, Pennsylvania) on 11/27/2007

Cancer is an anaerobic disease and cannot thrive in an oxygen rich environment, Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg discovered in the 1930's. Johanna Budwig a famous German Biochemist used Warburg's discovery to create a cancer cure and it is as follows: 4 Tablespoons of Organic Flaxseed Oil mixed with 8 Ounces of Organic Cottage Cheese. The oil is loaded with electrons and electrons attract lots of oxygen. The protein in the cheese acts as a vehicle carrying the oil and oxygen to every cell in your body, flooding the cells with oxygen. Since cancer CANNOT thrive in an oxygen-rich environment, it falls apart. The side effect: You feel wonderful! When you mix the flaxseed oil and the cottage cheese together it is important that the oil "vanish"; then it is ready to eat. If you put the oil and cheese in a regular blender and add a couple of ounces of SKIM milk, it makes it easier to mix. Keep all ingedients refrigerated until eating. Johanna Budwig was used by the Lord to cure thousands of people with cancer, including many of whom had Stage 4 Cancer, some of whom were at death's door. I found out about this cure while doing research on a book about natural cures that the Lord is having me write. About 21 months ago the Lord had me pray and fast about the book and also about cures for different disease, including cancer. The day after praying and fasting I went to a local college where I was doing my research, got on the computer and within a couple of minutes the above cure was on the computer screen. Praise The Lord! I have told many people who have cancer or who family members or friends have cancer about this cure and the feedback I am getting back is wonderful. Two stage four cancer patients are doing wonderfully and a friend of mine who had an aggressive form of breast cancer, in her latest tests cannot find any cancer.

Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, TN) on 10/24/2020

HI U SHAHID, ORH here, and few folks know that MSM is the result of mixing DMSO and Hydrogen Peroxide. DMSO once was make from black liquor from pulp mills. Now it is made from Methane gas. But, you on the right track with the mentioning of Sulfur. Your body produces it's own Glutathione until you begin to age. That too is a sulfur compound that keeps your mind keen. I don't post unless I talk about our little farm. Our fall garden has kale, turnip and mustard greens and collards. Few like these veggies because they are bitter until several frosts. They are usually raised by poor people. I raise then because they are full of sulfur and Vit K. They are not my favorite dish. I had much rather eat ice cream topped with some of our peach jam. Speaking of ice cream. Does your home made ice cream have the same texture as store bought? The answer is no, because store bought has wood pulp in it to give it texture. Dissolved wood pulp is in lots of our processed food. I worked in 8 mills in my life time, but none made dissolved pulp. I know folks tire of my garden stories but I have a message. Humans don't have a clue, but animals do. Animals will not eat GMO unless they are hungry and can not find natural stuff. If you go the processed food route then you are full of GMO's. I intended this post to be educational, but it's turning into a lecture, so I'll close.


Posted by Sofia (Claymont, Delaware/united States) on 10/09/2011

I researched the Budwig Protocol after I read about on a yahoo group about 4 years ago. To help control my asthma AND terrible psoriasis. I consumed the foundation meal (flaxseed oil/cottage cheese - focc) religiously for 5 months. My psoriasis totally cleared and my asthma improved immensely. This diet, once you get used to it, helps many conditions but is used primarily for cancer. This is a "great anti-inflammatory diet."

Till this day, I eat it 3 to 4 times a week for breakfast. Be sure to follow the exact guidelines if you are on a quest to cure cancer. Also, be careful to stop consuming "focc" 3 to 4 days before any surgeries as it thins your blood nicely. I am a true believer in this diet as a "cancer preventative".



Breast Cancer
Posted by G. Michael (Reading, Pa) on 01/15/2008

follow-up on 11-27-07 flaxseed oil/cottage cheese cancer cure. When I first made this post I wasn't sure about how long the post should be so I didn't add the following: It is also important to stop eating foods that are unhealthy and that help to cause cancer especially partially hydrogenated oils(trans fats,) chemical preservatives, food dyes, aspartame and any other chemical sugar substitute, msg, public water(chlorine,) farmed-raised fish especially salmon, meats and poultry that have antibiotics and growth hormones, sugar, white flour, high fructose corn syrup, and Fast Food. Also stop using your microwave oven. Some foods to ADD to your diet would be as much organic food as you can afford especially broccoli and carrots(juicing carrots would be great,) nuts, beans, seeds, and of course other vegetables and fruits. Plenty of non-public water is also helpful. Spices such as garlic, ginger, and curry are excellemt. Finally, a colon cleanse is also beneficial.

General Feedback
Posted by Mare (st louis, mo) on 07/22/2007

Dr. Johanna Budwig was the foremost expert in the world on fats and oils. She was able to heal people even from their deathbeds using flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. (It's all about the electrons!) She also recommends veggies and fruit. (no meats, animal fats, or sugar.) She lived into her 90's. and was a nominee for the nobel prize many times. Earth Clinic should be all over this one. It helps all sorts of diseases, Heart Infarction. arthritis, cancer etc, and is good for athletic performance and in fact, the whole family. I have done oil pulling for only a short time and it has helped the floaters in my eye get smaller & less dark. (they were the result of a burst capillary.)

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) on 10/31/2009

I have never had cancer and don't want it. I have read all of Johanna Budwigs books and they are facinating. She recommends eating this mixture once a day as a preventative measure. I have been eating this once a day either for breakfast or as a desert and it is delicious! She also recommended saurkraut juice first thing in the a.m., which is why everyone is having great success with the acv, I believe. And sunlight, everyday. No sunscreen! You don't need to bake in it, just a healthy amount of sunshine. Light excercise like walking, is beneficial (if you are not too sick). And vegetables, vegetables, vegetables! Both raw and cooked. I eat about 8 ounces of protein (meat) a day because I feel better when i do, but I am a healthy person, if you are sick, no meat that includes fish. I recommend that people buy one of her books, the woman was brilliant! She was not only a scientist, but a pharmacist, doctor and more, because she needed first hand knowledge of these sectors. I hope this helps someone who is desperate for answers. Lisa

Breast Cancer
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 10/14/2012

I cant remember if I read it on earth clinic or in another blog.. But a woman sent home from hospital and told to put her "affairs in order". Decided to tackle the problem of her cancer with baking soda mixed with a sugar. Normal healthy cells after three days fasting go into a hibernation pattern, the cancer cell cant do this and get ravenous. So she fasted for three days but drank copius amounts of pure water, on the fourth day she consumed the baking soda that had been mixed with sugar, the cancer cells needing 18 times more sugar than ordinary cells took up the baking soda now bound with the sugar... After about four sessions of doing this she was tested as clear. Correct me if i'm wrong but there's a utube video of a guy mixing the concoction which he swears cured him. He does it in easy to follow steps.

Breast Cancer
Posted by Ryan (Dallas TX) on 10/20/2022

Right off the bat, I can tell this remedy can and more than likely will work. I learned alot about cancer and natural remedies with my dad passing from throat cancer and my mom having stage 4 breast cancer. Lots of research got her to where she was in remission and barely had any left. She got convinced by the doctor to do chemo and died about 2 weeks later when her organs shutdown. I truly believe if she didn't do chemo she would be alive.

What worked for her that I see correlates with this is:

Cancer cant live in a oxygen rich and alkaline environment, she would take maple syrup mixed with baking soda because the cancer would feed off of the syrup and allow it inside the cell then would get to the baking soda and get a huge dose of alkaline which kills it. I can see mixing this together would get past the stomach acid and get absorbed in the gut. honey would allow the cancer to absorb it. Love it. hope this helped someone.

Breast Cancer
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 10/30/2022

Jen, the molasses or maple syrup is supposed to be taken WITH baking soda. Read up on that - the sweet stuff acts like a Trojan horse to get the baking soda into those cells to eliminate them.

Prostate Cancer
Posted by Ferman (Aumsville, Oregon) on 11/04/2011

I have had prostrate cancer and leukemia for over 20 years and have kept both in control with the Budwig diet. One thing many have overlooked is that the purpose of mixing the cottage cheese and oil is to make the oil water soluble so it can be absorbed. I don't know how many people I have talked to who do not add any water. I use 1-2 TBS flax seed oil with 3 heaping TBS of cottage cheese 3-4 large strawberries and enough water to make as thick as thin milkshake. (if you use a Magic Bullet Mixer this makes 1 container full) if berries are not to sweet add a little stevia (stevia by the way is only sweetener that is alkaline)

Good Health To All,

Ferman Aumsville, OR

Posted by Kerstin (Emeryville, Ca, Usa) on 10/24/2011

In February this year 2011, I had to bring my 8 year old Great Dane to UC Davis emergency and they found a huge mass on his spleen. They did surgery on him and removed his spleen and he was diagnosed with hemangioscarcoma and told me without chemo he would have 19 days to 2 months to live and with chemo 5 to 6 months.

At the time I was in a state of shock and agreed to do chemo but after doing some research and seeing what my poor dog had to go through (5 people holding him down and him crying howling 30 minutes straight!! ) Anyway, long story short, I decided to hell with chemo, I'd rather see him live a quality life for a shorter time than live longer in misery.

When researching the internet I came across "the Budwig Protocol". Basically what it is is Organic Flaxseed Oil (the kind you find in a bottle @ Whole Food's refridgerated section) and Organic Cottage Cheese Lowfat.

I hope you will check in to this because all I know is that it's been 8 months now since my Great Dane was given max 2 months to live and he is doing GREAT!!

Twice a day I give it to him and I will continue doing so all his life. In addition to the cottage cheese and flaxseedoil, I feed him raw meat (chicken turkey necks tripe etc) supplements like Glutamine, Arginine (spelling?), milkthistle, garlic, multi vitamin). What I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT feed him is dryfood, carbohydrates, rice, processed food etc.

I think the reason for his Hemangiosarcoma has to do with genetics and the toxic environment we live in but I blame in particular all the vaccinations that I unfortunately gave him the first years of his life. If I knew then what I know now.. but I didn't.

I have come across a Great Dane breeder who has a litter of puppies that are 4th generation with no vaccinations! That is the way to go! In the meantime I am loving and appreciating every single day that I get to enjoy with my wonderful companion!

Good Luck! Oh by the way, I have started the Budwig Protocol myself to hopefully prevent any future cancer or other desease.

Yes please do your own research! You will not regret it!


General Feedback
Posted by Marti (Blairsville, Georgia Us) on 10/24/2011

Interesting - I got a "Budwig Diet" 5 years ago. Strawberries and cottage cheese. It didn't work!! But it did taste good! Strangely, I feel very well and have quite a bit of energy at 72! I refused chemo - working at natural solutions. I believe the Lord will heal this thing if I get & keep my body alkaline and healthy otherwise!

I would love to have her REAL Diet as I have stage 4 melanoma in my liver and a spot on my lung and who really knows where else.

I have been on a 30 day juice (carrots & beets, w/tops - they taste like dirt) and doing a lot of detox.

Looking forward to your reply with the REAL Budwig Diet!

Godspeed, Marti

Posted by Davie (Sante Fe, New Mexico) on 10/25/2012

I've read that asthma can be caused by vitamin defiecienies in Omega 3 which is flax seed, as well as B6, B12, Vitamin C Selenium, Mangesium and Iodine ( Kelp works) A Harvard study suggests children severe asthma are vitamin D deficient. Also found low levels of vitamins A and C in the diets of people with asthma. Make sure you buy the best quality vitamin D

Prostate Cancer
Posted by Ron (Johnson City, TN) on 10/18/2005

How I Reduced My PSA Level by over 50% without Prescription Drugs: From November 1998 to early November 1999, my PSA level climbed from 1.7 to 5.1, and a month later jumped to 6.15. My doctor made an appointment with a urologist, who said that my prostate was slightly enlarged and scheduled me for a biopsy to test for prostate cancer in early December 1999. During my discussion with the urologist, he indicated that there was considerable research that showed a high correlation between consumption of red meat and that of cancer, in general, including prostate cancer.

In the meantime, I became aware of the work of Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and Nobel prize nominee, who did extensive research in the benefits of flaxseed oil combined with sulphurated protein in the diet. She helped many seriously ill individuals, who had been given up as terminal, to regain their health. The program that she used was flaxseed oil blended with quark, the German form of cottage cheese.

In early December 1999, I began a program of flaxseed oil and low fat cottage cheese. Specifically, in the morning, I took five doses, each consisting of two 1,000 mg softgels of flaxseed oil with one teaspoon of low fat cottage cheese. I repeated this in the evening, so that my total daily dosage was twenty softgels of flaxseed oil and ten teaspoons of low fat cottage cheese. In the one year since I began this program, my PSA level has dropped from 6.15 to 2.4. I have now reduced my total daily dosage to two softgels of flaxseed oil and one teaspoon of low fat cottage cheese.

CONCLUSION: In my case, I was able to reduce my PSA level by over 50% without surgery or prescription drugs. The only change that I made besides the program described above is that I reduced my intake of red meat in favor of fish and poultry.

Posted by Joe (Rome, Lazio, Italy) on 11/03/2011

I have done quite a bit of reading about the Budwig diet, and it seems that as an alternative to cottage cheese you could use quark. It makes it taste much, much nicer, especially with some cinammon and some berries. I have it every morning because it's delicious - tried the cottage cheese for awhile but the consistency put me right off.

Also, I don't think yogurt works too well - something to do with the sulphur content, but I don't remember exactly. Sulphur in itself is a very interesting element and should be researched. I think it's one of the primary ways your body moves oxygen around your body.

Colon Cancer
Posted by Al (Alvena, Sk., Canada) on 10/09/2012

I used the Budwig diet for five weeks between surgery and chemo for colon cancer, stage 3, and reduced all the oversized lymph nodes to normal size by doing so. 80% of lymph nodes removed during surgery tested positive for cancer. I did not have the original recipe, just the basic 3 tablespoons of flax seed oil and 1/2 cup of 2% or less preservative free cottage cheese blended together. My blender would not mix it properly so I added a small amount of 2% milk to facilitate blending and then added liquid honey and cocoa powder to taste to make it palatable. I sometimes added asparagus/barley greens for some added nutrition. I used this for breakfast for five weeks and I credit it and not the ensuing chemotherapy(which disabled me) for getting rid of the cancer. Asparagus is supposed to be a better anti cancer agent if cooked. Barley greens contain all the enzymes known to man and so I believe are important to good nutrition. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO MIX THE FLAX SEED OIL AND COTTAGE CHEESE TOGETHER FIRST BEFORE ADDING ANYTHING ELSE. The flax seed oil has all the essential fatty acids that your body needs and the cottage cheese has the correct protein to allow the fatty acids to assimilate in to our bodies in a useful manner and go directly to destroying cancer.

Posted by Shahid (CA) on 10/24/2020

There is a compound called MSM (Methyl sulphonil Methane). Can it also be added to the mix as source of sulphur?

General Feedback
Posted by Brian (New Zealand) on 07/06/2017

hi marti go to the budwig clinic on chrome. you will find a lot of info. on the budwig protocol there .I believe if you get started on the oil and quark [lowfat cottage cheese] while you are reading up on the expanded diet it may be of help to you. good luck and god bless Brian

General Feedback
Posted by Ali (Wales) on 08/01/2021

The Budwig Protocol is outlined at the top of page 1 in this thread. You can buy her book. It's also outlined on the Cancer Tutor website I believe.

Breast Cancer
Posted by D M (Orlando, Fl) on 10/14/2012

I would try a plant-strong or preferably plant-based diet with lots of juicing (carrots, greens, etc. ) and as little sugar / animal products as possible. According to a study reported on the video "Forks Over Knives" there is a link between milk protein (casein) and cancer, so I would avoid all milk products and use a substitute like almond milk (naturally high in calcium and protein). In the video, a graph showing results of the study showed cancer rates in a population group went up when intake of animal products (I believe milk) went up. Cancer rates dropped/remission occured when intake went down. This was repeated several times over time, so a definite link on the graph was evident. Bovine Growth Hormone in milk may or may not be a factor. My father is a cancer survivor and vegan (86 and in perfect health -- no cancer, no meds, no diabetes, no HBP -- walking over 2 miles daily); he avoids milk due to studies linking animal products to cancer. Instead he drinks plant-based milks. Best wishes! :)

Breast Cancer
Posted by Missm (New York) on 07/26/2020

You can get bottled water delivered to your home for a nominal fee. They are large bottles. Then purchase a hand pump from Walmart for the top. The bottle water company will pick up the empties and deliver fresh water.

Dairy Alternative
Posted by Tina (Canada) on 05/31/2019

On the budwig diet... Is there an alternative to animal milk cottage cheese/quark I can use? I'm allergic to animal milks, not just cow milk. also, would it still be effective if I take it only twice a day? I can't make it at work.

Breast Cancer
Posted by Kelli (Dayton, Tn.) on 10/15/2012

Hello I was told after a mammo and ultrasound that I need a biopsy for breast cancer. I have a 1.5 centimeter tumor in left breast. I have appointment next week for a biopsy. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do until that appointment after hopfully after thru any treatments. I was told to try dmso and vitamin c and rub on 2 times a day which will start tomorrow. I was also told to swallow dmso and buffered vitamin c. What does anyone think?

Breast Cancer
Posted by Lloyd (Charlotte, NC) on 12/16/2012

Well, I can speculate "in theory. " The DMSO is a carrier/ solvent and will transport the Vitamin C into the site. The question is, will the Vitamin C attack your particular tumor. My wife tried a well known natural remedy using enzyme therapy on her breast cancer (under the supervision of an MD) and the tumor kept growing. We then went the traditional route and now, five years later she is fine.

The DMSO itself has extraordinary qualities alone. I suggest you google it and read about the healing qualities of DMSO but if you go an alternative method, monitor closely and be ready to opt for another method if the tumor continues to grow. Of course, we all know the dangers of metasticised tumors. One more thing about DMSO, you must dilute it by at least three to one, purified water (reverse osmosis) to DMSO, or otherwise it will "burn" the skin. Why not add a few other things into the mix? Add a few drops of colloidal silver in case the tumor is virally based. Look at other herbals that you might add that have a history of helping with cancer. A salve with four or five elements might be a poultice that already exists. A good google search could give you ideas to add to the DMSO/ Vitamin C combo.

Breast Cancer
Posted by Art (California) on 10/29/2022 2392 posts


What type of cancer is being dealt with and at what age and stage?


Breast Cancer
Posted by Charity F. (New Jersey) on 07/25/2020

How do you get non public clean water? I am asking for my mom who has breast cancer?

Breast Cancer
Posted by Jen (Australia) on 10/29/2022

Hello Ryan,

I have read about blackstrap molasses and also maple syrup but backed away as it is known that sugar feeds cancer.... and yes I am looking for a fam member for a cure... but so far Bicarb of soda with lemon juice, and previously the 35% Hydrogen peroxide 25 days up and down... no big change....but happy that there has been success for your family members!! Greetings Jen Australia

Posted by Darla (OH) on 08/06/2023

Hello, I came across your post while exploring this diet for my dog. A mass was recently found by an emergency vet and they suspect it was related to the spleen. Do you have any idea how much to use for a small breed Maltese? I'm trying to find dosing but cannot.

Thank you in advance for responding if you see this.