Bentonite Clay for Health

Heavy Metals
Posted by GT (Vero Beach, Florida) on 08/22/2007

Please do more articles on bentonite clay. It's amazing -- Balances the pH levels quickly so you don't have to use baking soda, has all the minerals in it, takes out toxic heavy metals without taking out the good nutr. good for external skin ailments; good for detoxing vaccine damaged children.

Autoimmune Skin Conditions
Posted by Jessica (Illinois ) on 02/28/2019

So I have a autoimmune disease called granuloma annulare and have a red raised itchy areas all over my body. My face, neck, bilateral arms, chest with some on my upper shoulders as well. Do u think bentonite clay will be beneficial to use to help soothe areas and draw out toxins? If so, pls tell me where to get organic (if there is such a thing) and how much to use to apply to body pls. Thanks in advance !

Autoimmune Skin Conditions
Posted by Kristie (Tennessee ) on 01/04/2020

Hi Jessica, My husband has had GA over 12 years. The clay didn't do anything for him. He has tried so many things over the years. Recently he stopped eating any peanut products and anything cooked in peanut oil. Within a month his rashes were 90% gone. I don't know if this will work for you but it's worth a try. He always felt something he was eating or drinking was causing inflammation.

Cold Sores
Posted by Am (B.c.) on 07/05/2015

Yes I just tried Bentonite Clay on my cold sore and it relieves the pain and swelling..but found putting it on dry..considering it is wet it dried it faster...I was hoping it would have healed it faster .. I put it on a cut cuz I have eczema and over night it was totally closed up...I have been telling people about it..never hurts to have options in an emergency..

1 more thing I couldn't find any info on putting it on cold sores...I was just informed when I got mine from the healthfood store that they have a lemon balm lip balm and it did work in taking the swelling down.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pam (Surrey, Uk) on 11/11/2011

I took sodium bentonite clay - 6 ounces per day for 3 days and a several week old problem of pain in stomach from low acid production went away very quickly, still using HCL betaine and enyzme tablets. Day 4, I can eat normally. It seems to have helped with candida as well and my energy levels are up and muscle pains vastly improved. I got a good quality one and it is better than other clays for internal use because of the ADSORB quality. Google absorbtion and adsorption for clay and you will get the technical explanation! I used it as a face mask - fantastic! Had a bath in, makes skin very smooth. Using it on hair next! Pam

Bentonite Clay Side Effects
Posted by Karen (Australia) on 04/12/2023

I know this is an old post, but may I give some sound advice for anyone reading this thread?

Whenever starting something natural like Bentonite Clay, first make sure you have the correct form, then start dosing with 1/4 recommended dose and work your way up slowly to the recommended dose.
Remember that recommended dose is just that, its a recommendation. So start slow and gradual and be conscious of any side effects, good or bad, then adjust accordingly. Find the right dose for your individual needs and responses.

Good luck

Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 10/19/2008

Information in "The Clay Cure" by Ran Knishinsky advises clay NOT be taken with psyllium (or ground flaxseeds etc) as it will be too severe on the stomach.

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Gene R. (Great Barrington, Ma, Usa) on 02/12/2012


WARNING! You do NOT want to mess around with an abcessed tooth. They are extremely dangerous and must be treated quickly. The infection can, in a matter of a few hours, travel down the neck and into the heart or up into the brain. This is what used to kill people in the old days. DO NOT TAKE CHANCES WITH A TOOTH ABCESS!!! See a dentist ASAP! If you can't afford a dentist, try looking for free dental clinics in your area.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Leelannee (Sussex, Nj) on 11/23/2011

I had an allergic reaction to a depillatory lotion. Feeling like I couldn't wash it off entirely because my skin was so inflamed and sensitive, and remembering how absorbent bentonite clay is, I applied a paste to my skin. It felt very soothing, and when I washed it off about 30 minutes later, all the pain and most of the inflammation was gone.

A friend of mine had an allergic reaction to tea tree oil applied to her skin, and bentonite clay was very soothing.

Bentonite clay should be helpful in exposure to poison ivy and other botanical (or synthetic) irritants, as it would absorb the oils that cause a prolonged reaction because they are difficult to wash off.

If using BC for irritated skin, I recommend making sure that your clay is well-hydrated before applying; it should be a soft texture, like yogurt or mayonnaise. Otherwise, the clay is very sticky when first mixed into water, and might be difficult and painful to apply (I always have a jar of hydrated BC on hand, because I have found it helpful for acid reflux).

Also, wash the clay off before it dries, or soak off gently in a tub, to prevent over-drying or having to pull on or scrub the skin.

Bentonite Clay Side Effects
Posted by Rsw (Canton, Oh) on 11/08/2011

I took it last week, 1 tablespoonful, and had the exact reaction! I bought it already mixed in a bottle with directions to take it by mouth. I apparently doesn't agree with some people because I rarely get sick, much less to that degree. I might put it in my bath but no more ingesting it for me.

Bentonite Clay Side Effects
Posted by Laurie (Hermosa) on 02/20/2016

There are several type of bentonite clay. If you are using it internally you must use the calcium bentonite clay. Typically bath clay is mostly sodium bentonite clay and is not the same. if you meant tablespoons ouch!!

Posted by Stacey (Greensboro, Nc) on 10/23/2009

I use the sodium clay for acne externally. A thin coat of clay really helps my oily skin. I've tried it internally, but I really didn't feel it was benefiting me in any way other than it did help stomach acid problems.

Heavy Metals
Posted by Lilu (Los Angeles ) on 03/26/2022

You're probably using the Sodium Bentonite (Not So Safe For Internal Use) clay as opposed to the Calcium Bentonite Clay. The difference is that the Sodium type is abrasive due to the shape of its grains while the Calcium type is rectangular in shape.

Heavy Metals
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/21/2015

Yekara, just take a clean old rag and put clay (any green clay should do) on it, a nice mound. Then wet it all, fold in the edges and put the smooth side on where it hurts/is gravely. Leave on, say, for an hour. In a few hours make a new one for an hour. You can use the same rag - washed out, but discard the used clay and wet a new mound. Hope this is clear.

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 02/12/2012

I very much agree with Gene R. From Barrington, An abscessed tooth is NOT something to play around with. A good dentist is needed for this potentially dangerous condition and is very treatable by a good dentist. With timely care the tooth might be salvagable. And it may not be. The longer you wait for such care the less likely the tooth will be salvagable. In the GOOD OLD DAYS: the ONLY remedy was tooth extraction and this was what was done. Some conditions DO require timely care by a qualified doctor. An abscessed tooth is one of those conditions....Oscar

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Susan E. (Tallahassee FL) on 04/23/2023

I loved your post, I have one really bad abscess and one lesser one, plus multiple infected teeth and I just cannot bear the thought of losing so many teeth, which is what the dentist wants to do. Can you please share the specifics of your protocol? How much clay, how much ACV and used when, for what lengths of time? Thanks, I just cannot accept that my body cannot heal this. I have altered my already pretty clean diet to squeaky clean. I know this will help. Thank you!!!

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Yvonne Bent (California) on 03/29/2017

In regards to clay and apple cider vinegar, each of these substances increases the alkaline level in the blood and body. Acidity in the body breaks it down, whereas alkalinity brings it up. As light orders all matter, the light level in the body (pH, meaning potential hydrogen, and the sun is a hydrogen star--can't get more light than that) it is showing how the natural things enhance the body to respond to its most natural method of healing.

How to Use Bentonite Clay
Posted by Carolann (Cambridge, Uk) on 07/21/2014

A friend recommended I take Bentonite Clay for acid reflux, also high cholesterol. It was emphasised that no metal tools be used in connection with the clay powder, so I take two tablespoons of calcium bentonite clay powder and mix it with 500 mls fresh clean water in a glass jug mix with plastic or wooden spoon. Stand in the fridge over night. In the morning take any meds as normal and after two hours take the mix from the fridge and stir again then pour a quarter into a clean 500 ml glass and add water to fill the glass and drink I do this once a day and have had no nasty side effects and am beginning to experience good results with the reflux; only blood tests will tell if its helping the cholesterol levels. I do drink a lot of water during the day.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Maria (Nj) on 08/26/2015

Hi, can I apply clay paste to my cat who has allergies? his face gets so red and itchy. I was reading your post and you said to remove the mask before it dries up; doesn't it dry up right away?

Posted by Jrc (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/20/2010

I have used bentonite clay in detoxes primarily geared toward colon cleansing using Dr. Bernard Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care and I have only seen positive results. This system uses various herbs and supplements, including psyllium husks and flax seed water to detoxify the body, get rid of old fecal matter and basically rid the body of many toxins over a period of at least 2 to 3 cycles of the program [this can take a year to complete them all.

I would suggest contacting a natural health practitioner or even your MD (the latter may suggest not doing it at all-often they can be wrong), but use your judgment since if you are already on various medications you may need to adapt this program or only use it if you are in fairly good health, but never stop taking your medication when on this program; however you may need to adapt it slightly. Why? This program has no food for about a week and your medication may require food. Additionally, if you take bentonite clay alone or without the proper amount of water it can have a negative side effect. This program mentions clay water which indicates it is water based or has added hydration which is completely necessary for this clay.

Where to Find: Canada
Posted by Chuck (Idaho) on 01/10/2016

I've been using the great plains bentonite detox daily for years. It cured the acid reflux issues I was having. Also, when I consume Alcohol, I tend to have little to no hangover, where prior to the bentonite, I would suffer from severe migraines after a night of fun. The hot ticket is being sure to hydrate while taking bentonite, as it will definitely dehydrate you.

Also, I noticed it will weaken medications, so take those well prior to your bentonite regimen. Some noted constipation while consuming this product, I have not had that or any other side effect associated with calcium bentonite. Drink plenty of water, and I think you'll agree, the benefits are wonderful and I was able to stop taking the body aching prilosec completely!

Where to Find: Canada
Posted by Craig S. (Northern Wisconsin) on 03/03/2016

While searching sources of clay I found there's a lot of sources but many deceptive with very little disclosure. The only site that I trust is the living clay site. Right on the label it states that you can eat it. The disclosure of information on this product was most welcome. The previous female owner was a teacher, probation officer and earned her bachelor of Science degree. The company was bought out by Nutrisudicals. The original owner Mrs. Peters lives in Texas and is 77 yrs. old. She wrote a book referencing living clay and her experiences. She does radio programs that you can schedule to participate in asking questions regarding living clay. A friend of mine wrote her a letter and Mrs. Peters called her. She stated that she's a wonderful women to talk to. I have been soaking my legs that had diabetic sores They are drying out and scabs form and eventually fall off. My legs are about 80% clear. The V.A. had me putting calamine compression bandaging but the results from soaking my legs for 15 minutes is very good for healing progress and less restrictive as compared to solo application. I also drink 1/2 tsp in water in the morning. I then wait an hour before I take meds. It is calcium bentonite. Since taking it internally I have moved from my recliner to sleeping a restful nights sleep in a bed. I'm waiting for my 3 month blood tests to compare for changes. I rarely found negatives on the net but only found positives from users.

Bentonite Clay Side Effects
Posted by Sarah (La, Ca) on 01/28/2010

OK- update... I am now wondering if it might have been a gallbladder or pancreatitis attack? Either that or Norovirus ( saw on the news was going around)... but I'm wondering if the clay could stimulate a gallbladder/ liver cleanse that would give symptoms like what I experienced...

Calcium Vs Sodium Clay
Posted by Stacey (Greensboro, Nc) on 08/04/2009

Calcium Montmorillonite clay v. Sodium montmorillonite (Bentonite)?

I've been considering taking bentontite clay, but realized there are 2 different types: one dominant in sodium and the other calcium. I know that Bentontite is the "product name" of the clay, and I've seen respectable companies selling one or the other, but attributing the same properties to each. Is there a difference between the two if you want to take the clay internally?

Heavy Metals
Posted by Susan (Boston, Ma) on 01/12/2010

It will not remove a piece of titanium from your neck. It means, I think, that it will remove toxic metal molecules from your blood (or other body fluids perhaps) that you may have ingested by, for example, drinking water with metal residue in it, or maybe by breathing in a location where metals were in the air, or eating food that was grown in a location where metal had seeped into the soil, or by having your cavities filled with metal. I'm not an expert; this is how I understand it.

Posted by Patrick Warren (Naples, Florida) on 11/10/2008


I noticed a couple of warnings from users that were using Bentonite clay & Psyllium. Psyllium has been safe for me; however I cannot understand why anyone would use Bentonite clay to cleanse your intestinal tract. For years when I lived in Texas, we used Bentonite clay to seal ponds so they would not leak (it swells and seals and lasts for years). I can only imagine what that stuff would do to your intestinal tract. So I suspect the negative feedback is more on Bentonite clay and not psyllium.

Posted by Sam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) on 02/27/2009

I was very surprise when I read these warnings as I just completed a 7 day detox. The main ingredients were BENTONITE CLAY and PSYLLIUM.I do not know whether I can mention the name of the product - but it was from Arise and Shine. My results are so great and I feel fantastic (lost 6 llbs) - I have decided to continue for another week. Everyone is different but I guess it has something to do with the quantities used. By using a prepared product - I guess they have done their research and know exactly the quantities one should use.

Some years ago, I suffered from food and house mite allergies and by using bentonite clay while detoxing was the solution for me. It is true that it is used for sealing and binding - but that is exactly why it is useful in assisting to remove mucoid plaque built up inside our intestines over years.

Posted by Julie (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 07/29/2008


I used bentonite for an intestinal cleanse. It worked well; however, I developed an allergy to psyllium, which is a common allergen. I got very bad hives. I had to change the fiber. Using fiber is very important with this clay. This is a magnetic clay, and it did take some pain away, also. I would definitely recommend using another type of fiber - I used wheat germ, even oatmeal, whatever I could find.

Posted by Robin (Chicago, Il) on 08/04/2010


Bentonite clay will remove "EVERYTHING" from your body. Our doctor suggested that my husband (at the time) use this to detox from smoking marijuana, because he had to be tested. I know, stupid move on his part!! Anyway, it worked. BUT, it will make you EXHAUSTED, and you have to take a multivitamin TWICE A DAY with it. The biggest thing is to DO YOUR HOMEWORK before trying something that someone just happened to suggest on a Web site. This is all anecdotal. It "may" work for you, but you have to read other information, too!!

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Diane (California) on 01/07/2017

May I ask how you were able to slowly grow back your tooth. What does your diet consist of? Can you please give a detailed description of what you eat everyday. Did you put the apple cider vinegar on your tooth to stop the infection? I would truly appreciate your response. Thank you!

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by A.b. (Concord, Nc) on 10/02/2017

I hope you are still around.Can you please tell me how you used the clay and apple cider vinegar protocol? I am extremely in debt and have no way to pay a dentist. This feels like an abscess. Thank you for your help and I truly mean that.

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Ab (Concord, Nc) on 10/03/2017

Thank you for the reply. How do you deal with all the saliva that the clay produces?

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by Katzie (Calgary, Alberta) on 05/01/2023

I found it in Mexico. But I believe it would work just as well to add iodine drops to bee propolis yourself. My bottle is a tincture. It was interesting as it sticks to the "seat of the infection", so I could see where the troublemakers were. It works quickly and I was amazed at the difference!

Microplastic Detoxing
Posted by zalmus (Israel) on 01/25/2024

Internet suddenly exploded with new research about the amount of microplastic in our bodies. It's everywhere, including Dr. Mercola, despite he wrote on this subject many years ago. Bentonite comes to my mind. Any comments please? And something else, Any bentonite in glass bottles, to avoid plastic-not-fantastic anymore?

Autoimmune Skin Conditions
Posted by Melanie (Ireland) on 01/15/2020

Hi Jessica, I have some sort of inflammatory auto immune condition not yet fully diagnosed - and I watched a documentary about a man who had a chronic autoimmune skin condition and he managed to alleviate I think all symptoms over time using a juice diet initally. It is so worth a watch - and he's not the only one, I also spoke to an Irish guy who healed himself from Rheumatoid Arthritis using a similar technique. I did a long juice fast last January and it made a huge difference to my symptoms then, and I would definitely recommend at least investigating the possibility that it might help!! all the best Melanie

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/27/2015

Maria, on humans, we just leave it till it dries up and flakes off. I imagine you can do that on an animal. And if he licks at it, all the better! A small amount is good internally too.

Where to Find: Canada
Posted by Nicole (Gatineau, Quebec, Canada) on 10/13/2010

In order to get your clay, go to the health food stores on the Quebec side (Gatineau) and there you will find the best choice of clay. Clay has been used widely in Europe for many years and is still popular today, especially in France. The best clay actually comes from there. I love the health food stores in Quebec as they carry popular items from North America and from Europe.

Bentonite Clay Side Effects
Posted by RayB (San Francisco, Ca) on 03/22/2024

It sounds like you had those severe issues because you took the type of bentonite clay you are not supposed to ingest, sodium bentonite clay is not safe for ingestion. Only Calcium bentonite clay for ingesting.

Posted by Artemis (New York ) on 06/10/2016

Just bought a bottle of .... Betonite Clay from Whole Foods for detox. Suzanne Sommers also remarked on it saying to take a tsp or two in the morning. Well, the suggestion above to take a tsp with applesauce or yogurt sounds good...I will try it out. The brand is the one I have seen for years and it's the only brand I know of and just found in health food store. I hope your applesauce/yogurt suggestion works. Will let you all know.

Posted by Janice (Pennsylvania) on 03/14/2023

Rosacea is a Mite that goes to the Pancreas. Never heard of Bentonite clay causing mites.

Abscessed Tooth
Posted by peter (chicago) on 04/28/2023

I cannot find bee propolis with Iodine, do you add iodine yourself?

Remineralized Teeth
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 10/21/2023

Dee, did you use sodium bentonite clay or calcium bentonite clay?

General Feedback
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 02/14/2016

HI U MOMMA AND Msmg, , , , , , , , , , , this post is right up ya'lls alley as it is about the benefits of clay, which you both advocate. I use it for my gut, but this is beyond that. Quite interesting.


General Feedback
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/17/2016

Dear Robert Henry,

Thanks for sharing that! It is always interesting to learn new things about natural remedies!

~Mama to Many~

General Feedback
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/18/2016

ORH, good for you! How are you using it? Internally? Poultices? Any results yet?

Posted by Yekara (Jerusalem) on 02/22/2015

Hi, If I want to use clay as a poultice for a very painful area of my body- in my case neck and shoulders, it feels like there is granulated stuff in there, shards of glass ( there is not literally glass inside of me, that is simply a description of what it feels like) what kind of clay do I use and how much or would a different kind of poultice be better?

please give me very clear directions and thank you. Yekara

Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 02/22/2015

To Yekara,

Re clay poultice...

I use Bentonite Clay. I just use a tablespoon and dissolve to a paste in warm purified water and apply....let dry. Wash off after 30 minutes.

You can google and find sources on line if not available locally.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/23/2015

Yes, Yekara, Dave is right, you can just wet the clay and smear it on your skin.

Another thing you can try, since you seem to be in Jerusalem, is bathe in the Dead Sea as often as you can and take some mud and/or water home in a jar/bottle to apply on your skin when you're home. Careful though, it stings on open sores! You can water it down.

How to Use Bentonite Clay
Posted by Heather (Clarkston, Michigan) on 03/14/2013

I bought some betonite clay at Whole foods market for itchy skin that has no apparant cause. Came here looking for answers as to how to use external or internal. Confused! Product did not specify if calcium or sodium etc. however, was in Bulk food section of store... hhhmmmm Help!

Broad Benefits
Posted by WolffDen (Jacksonville, Florida ) on 11/11/2021

Can you raise blood calcium from ingesting too much calcium bentonite clay? Curious.

Where to Find: Canada
Posted by Suzanne (Orleans, Ontario, Canada) on 02/17/2010


I live in Ottawa Canada. Does anyone know where I can Purchase Bentonite Clay? I understand that it has great healing remedies. I don't want to purchase on-line really, really bad experience with that.

Energy, Skin, Hair
Posted by Veronica (Arizona) on 12/29/2022


I find myself in the same position Hal was in 2009 with the oily facial skin and hair. How would I use bentonite clay? I use it on my face alone with a little of water and I love it. I would like to correct the oiliness of my hair.

thank you

Heavy Metals
Posted by Betsy (Los Angeles, CA) on 04/17/2009

Bentonite Clay

Question-What does it mean to remove metals? I wanted to use the clay to remove toxins-but does it physically remove metal? I have a piece of titanium metal in my neck-I started using the clay and have had pain in my shoulder and neck-plus headaches. Is this die off or is the metal being pysically removed from my neck which would not be good as it is taking the place of a removed disk. I tried to find the answer on the internet as to what it means to have metals removed, but could not find it. Please let me know what the process consists of. Thanks for the help.

Heavy Metals
Posted by Yekara (Jerusalem) on 02/20/2015

Hi, how does one make a poulstice from bentonite or other clay. I want to use it on my shoulder and neck which hurts a lot, and feels like it has gravel and shards of glass in it.

What kind of clay do I use and how do I make the poulstice. thanks, Yekara

Posted by Waqas (Tx) on 12/24/2015

Thanks for clarifying.

Posted by JJ (Oklahoma ) on 11/20/2023

I put it in capsules. It's a texture thing with me.

Posted by Lea Ann (Vermont) on 12/20/2023

I have size "0" capsules. One comment said they put the Bentonite clay in the capsule, instead of blending it. The capsule holds 400 - 600mg of powders. Would I put the 1/8 teaspoon measurement into capsules to take one in the morning and the other late afternoon? Does it work as well as drinking the mixture?

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