Cure for Warts! The Banana Peel Home Remedy

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 11/06/2006

Thank you for your site. I read the bannana peel cure and didn't believe it, but thought it was worth a try. My daughter is a swimmer and swims 5 days a week has struggled with planters warts for 8 years. She has had them removed twice and one time it took her whole spring break to be able to walk as they were so deep and she had 5 cut out! She started getting them again and the doctor tried formaldehyde on them and they actually got worse. Next he recommended going to the hospital and having them both use a laser and cut them out. I decided to go online and see if there were any home treatments. She had 12-15 two weeks ago some in deep clusters. We sanded down her foot with a foot file and then put the ban nana peel on overnight. I ended up using Johnson & Johnson waterproof tape and a sock over that to hold it in place. The next day her foot had little black spots. We are still doing the treatment and we are on our 6th night, but only after 3 days, I believe they are all gone. Where the black dots were, several of those then had little holes with no evidence of a wart only clear skin. I'm going to keep doing this for another few nights and then make an appointment with the foot doctor to see what he says. I'm actually using a flashlight to see where the warts were. Sorry this is so long, my daughter and I are amazed at how this is working. We don't know why it works it just has.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Leslie (Los Angeles) on 10/15/2006

I have seen drastic reduction in some rather large plantar's warts on the feet. Maybe too soon to open the champagne. I was wondering if the banana peels I cut in squares and used one or two bandaids to hold in place are supposed to turn the skin back to completely normal or if there's a residual little round scar for a while? I also didn't know whether the peels should be kept on constantly, because that does make the area moist and thus the wart area puckers up for awhile until peels are removed. Leslie

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Shannon (Kansas City, MO) on 10/05/2006

I have had a plantar's wart for YEARS. I sought help from a podiatrist for which he prescribed an acid compound. For the last eighteen months, I have used this acid compound EVERY DAY to burn off the wart. The wart I had grew to two warts and they DID NOT GO AWAY. Finally, a coworker recommended your website and I discovered the banana peel remedy. IT WORKED IN ONLY A FEW DAYS!. I taped a small piece of a green (unripe) banana peel to the two warts and left it on while I slept at night. After doing this only a few days, the warts are completely gone and the skin on my foot looks healthier than it has for years. Thank you Earth Clinic! I am so grateful for all of your information.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Charlotte (London) on 09/12/2006

Absolutely fabulous... i used this as a little girl when i was a keen swimmer and had up to 8 verrucas at a time. The doctor suggested it and truly works!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Connie (USA) on 08/07/2006

I had a plantar's wart for 2 or more years. I tried many over the counter remedies including the freezing method now sold OTC. I tried duct tape, but had trouble with it staying on my foot... it would shift when I walked... and also goo up my socks or shoes. I then saw this site about the banana peel. I cut a piece to go over the wart, then I used duct tape over that and another tape over the duct tape. It was gone within 4 days. I am so amazed after all I've tried and the banana peel worked. I don't know if the duct tape helped too, but the banana peel and duct tape sure did the trick and did it fast!!! Thanks for your info... if not for you, I'd probably still have the stupid thing!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Michelle (Alberta, Canada) on 03/11/2006

I read about this on your website while searching for another method to get rid of planters warts on my 7 yr-old daughter's foot. She'd had one removed by the doctor using liquid nitrogen and I knew I'd never get her back there, so I figured I had nothing to lose by trying this. I cut a small piece of banana peel big enough to cover her wart, rubbed it over, then held it in place with a bandage and a sock for 3 nights. I was then able to pick the wart out with my fingernail and everything looks great! Thanks!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Tim (Calmar, Iowa) on 03/01/2006

Took the advice of a few writers here and applied a banana square to my daughter's plantar wart every second night (secured within a couple of band-aids) and rubbed the peeling on the wart the another nights. It has been 3-4 weeks and the wart is gone. If we had taped it every night, it probably would have disappeared even earlier. No doctors, pain, or recovery to deal with.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Savannah (Issaquah, Washington) on 01/18/2006

I used the banana peel for a wart on my leg. It worked great! I cut out square inch piece of banana peel and put it on my wart and left it on for an hour. I could immediately tell that it was working because I felt it dissolving the bacteria inside. It didn't hurt at all but it made it itch a little bit. But it was all worth it. Within 10 days my annoying wart was gone all with only one use! Thanks Earth Clinic!!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Jean (Franklin, Wisconsin)

I tried this on a wart once, and it did disappear within about 10 days. Nevertheless, I wasn't sure of it. I had my son mention this to a friend who had hundreds of warts on his foot and various other places. He had been through ALL the usual treatments, and his condition persisted for years. About a month and a half after my son telling him about the banana treatment, I got a call from this kid's mother thanking me profusely for passing along this remedy. She's the one that told me how bad the situation really was, and she said all warts had completely disappeared!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Katie (Melbourne, Australia)

I am using the inside of the banana skin only. It seems to be working (day 3)...

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Sherry (Scotsdale, Arizona)

I had a very deep plantar's wart about 1/2 inch in diameter which had been growing on the bottom of my foot for at least 8 years. I treated this wart with banana peel secured with a bandaid and refreshed with new peel at least 3 times a day (this I did after removing the callous with curved blade Revlon cuticle scissors). I also used an emery board to lightly file the dead tissue away as the wart was brought to the surface by the potassium in the banana peel. It has taken 6 weeks to free myself of this lump in my foot - and I am elated! My sister had surgery on a plantar's wart and it left scar tissue which she said was more annoying that the wart itself. Natural cures are always better. During the time that the wart tissue was dying the body had time to build new repair tissue in its place without scaring. Be patient and diligent in your endeavor, as stubborn or deep warts take time. It does not take a big piece of peel - just cut off a slice of banana and then cut a piece the size you need. The best bandaid for constant use, which has total comfort (no latex) (and you cannot even feel the bandaid) is Nexcare Comfort (there are different Nexcare bandaids - choose the one that says Comfort). They leave absolutely no residue on your skin, they are also flexible, and stay secure, and breath with your skin.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Cindy (Amarillo, TX)

My doctor actually told me about this! He said to use a scalpel to trim the dead skin, then use the inside of an unripe banana peel on the wart for 15 minutes a day. It worked!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Cynthia (Eustis, Florida)

Banana peel worked for the warts I had since I was about 13 (I'm now 45). I had approximately 50 warts, mostly on my arms and some on my legs. They covered such a large area that I actually taped whole banana peels to my arms every night. It felt weird but within three months my warts were completely gone.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Melissa (Oklahoma)

Every night for 6 nights I taped a small piece of banana peel on a planter wart on my toe. After a while the wart turned completely black. It was black even down deep. I guess the banana peel killed the wart and it finally came out.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Stephanie (Peoria, AZ)

My 13 year old daughter had a large planters wart on the bottom of her foot. We saw our MD who cut the skin around it and told us to give our over the counter wart medication 6 more weeks. If the wart did not go away on its own, we were to schedule an out-patient surgery to get it removed. I found this website and decided to give the banana peel a try (after completing 7 more weeks on med. with no results). After 3 days of application of the banana peel to her foot, the wart is gone. I'm so happy!!!! Thank you for sharing this incredible information for free. I just had to write and tell you of our success.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Elijah (Bay Area, California) on 11/17/2010

Im Elijah and I have been dealing with the same wart for some years now. I never really tried to remove it, because I always believe if I did it would pop up somewhere that I really didnt want it. I didnt see doctors because heard its to painful and too expensive and didnt freeze it because who does like the idea of freezing their skin. Anyway I finally got tired of looking at it because it looks gross and decided to use the internet sincation banana peel. I just have one question. Should I scrape all of the black dead skin off of the top when it starts to die? Also should I let the area heal before reaplying banana peel, because to me it sounds a little like putting something on a open wound and I dont want it to get infected. Or should I reaply the banana peel right after I pick all of the black dead skin off?

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Cameron (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 11/18/2010

The Banana Peel remedy is a very effective one, I have removed 2 warts from my children with it. Leave the Banana Peel on for as long as you can, secured anyway you can depending on the site. Green Bananas work work best. You can if you wish scrape off the dead bits of the wart without breaking skin, it will come off anyway and it should not be able to get infected as it is not an open wound. Warts take varying amounts of time to die so be persistent, never let up, if nothing else keep it on overnight at the very least. Say goodbye to the wart it won't around for long.

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