Banana Peels
Health Benefits

Cure for Warts! The Banana Peel Home Remedy

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Katrina (Washington, DC/USA) on 02/11/2009

I have some flat warts on the back of my hand. I tried taping banana peel on it and sleeping with it for 7 days straight. The results are that the warts are still there. There are now more of them. On top of that, the area where the banana peel was now has some horrible eczema. I'm now treating the eczema, which I didn't have before, with aloe vera.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by PlantarBeGone (Suffolk County, NY) on 09/22/2008

The plantars keep coming back and spreading despite the bananas. Too bad. I got my hopes up. :(

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Joel (Louisville, KY) on 05/22/2007

I tried the banana peels for 5 weeks or so faithfully, and had no luck. As others on the site have said, it turned my wart brown and made it wet and spongy so I could cut at some of it, but it didn't make it fall out. It is still here. This is a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by CJ (Boston, MA) on 03/22/2007

I've had plantar warts on my feet for 10 years and in that span of time I've tried every remedy under the sun to get rid of these stubborn, painful, embarrassments. Warts occur in a variety of shapes and sizes. What I have are "mosaic warts" which are multiple plantar warts in a large, flat cluster. I started out with just three small warts in various places on my foot. I went to my Physician and the first thing he tried was cryotherapy (Freezing the warts). But you have to make multiple visits to do it multiple times which is inconvenient and expensive. The next thing he tried was the most painful of anything I've ever tried to do to get rid of my warts. He injected an anesthetic into my foot (OUCH!) and then proceeded to dig or cut out the wart. I had three good size holes in my feet when I left the office. I thought that was the end of my plantar warts but I was sooo naive! Not only did they come back but they came back WITH A VENGEANCE! Many more than just three. They grew back as mosaic warts. I decided to try to take care of it on my own. When they began selling a freeze kit at the drug store, I tried it myself from home on more than one occasion with no results. I tried salicylic acid in many forms with no results. I tried the duct tape occlusion method which only made my socks or shoes sticky and gooey because the duct tape did not stay in place while walking. I tried soaking my feet in water and using an emery board or pumice stone to file the dead, loose tissue away. I even tried soaking and then paring (shaving down) it myself with a sharp blade! Desperate times call for desperate measures but nothing helped. I decided to go back to the professionals. A Podiatrist prescribed a Formaldehyde solution that looked like a roll-on deodorant. The idea was that when applied to dry skin it would disinfect and kill the bacteria. I saw nothing happen. The last thing I tried was immunotherapy, which triggers your immune system to destroy the virus causing the wart. I used an Imiquimod topical cream called Aldara. It is generally used when other treatments have failed. I had high hopes. Imiquimod treatment is expensive ($80 prescription co-pay) but I didn't care. You're supossed to apply it before going to bed three nights a week for 16 weeks. The only thing that happened was MORE WARTS APPEARED!!! I was devestated. No traditional treatments worked. Then I read about this natural method of curing warts with a banana peel and I was extremely excited and hopeful again that this would be the answer I was looking for - and a cheap one at that! I started eating lots of bananas and saving the peels in the refrigerator. At night I'd take one out, cut a piece of banana peel to size (in my case I used quite a bit of the peel!), rubbed the inside of the peel into the warts as an extra measure, then held the peel in place with duct tape & socks overnight while I slept. (It does get kind of gushy & gross. Wear old socks.) In the morning I'd remove the tape & peel and wash the banana residue off in the shower. Sadly after 14 nights of "banana feet" (not consecutively) I've seen NO changes to the warts. As other people have said, they looked brown but that was just the banana residue that washed right off. They also looked kind of swollen in the morning like a sponge would be when it soaks up water, but by later in the day they were back to looking like they always have. They're not shrinking, disappearing or falling off. They haven't pulled out or dried out - absolutely nothing! I'm starting to lose hope in the banana peel method or ever getting these warts off my feet at all. I saw the apple cider vinegar cure on this site so I guess I'll try that next in my on-going battle with these awful plantar warts.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Perry (Shanghai, China) on 02/06/2007

I found your site 4 months ago and felt excited at the easy method to cure warts. I had the annoying warts for about 2 years. But the total number has climbed to more than 20. According to the listed instruction, I took the peel secured on the warts with band-aid on it every night (for about 8 hours). After 4 days, the warts turned brown or even black. However, I found the warts were still black after practising this for one month. So I chose to quit at that time. Two months I decided to take on the remedy again but get the same result so far. Moreover, I found some new and small warts are turning out! I am not sure it's related to the banana remedy or the warmer weather here. I wonder anyone once has the similar problem and I need the help. Thank you!