Aloe Vera
Health Benefits

Aloe Vera and its Wonderful Health Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Celiac Disease

2 User Reviews
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Posted by Susan (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) on 02/13/2010

Before I was diagnosed with celiac disease, I suffered a terrible bout of hiatal hernia with acid reflux (my dr. calls it GERD). He put me on a presciption to deal with the intense discomfort and I took it faithfully for a month with very little relief. Finally in desperation I bought a bottle of aloe juice, took it and within a day I was markedly improved. Within a week the aloe vera had virtually completely healed my stomach and intestinal problems. I use the juice from fillet and it is not as bitter. Now, years later, I still keep a bottle on hand to help me if I accidentally ingest gluten - it helps with the discomfort until the gluten is worked out of my system.

Celiac Disease
Posted by Eileen (Monroe, NY) on 11/16/2007

Aloe vera - been using for 3 weeks now to heal from celiac disease - helped soothe and along with diet I'm seeing improvement.

Digestive Ailments

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sunbeam (Atlantic City, New Jersey) on 05/18/2012



2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Cookie (Nashville, Tn) on 10/14/2011

I've been drinking Aloe Vera Juice for the last 2 months. 4oz in the morning and 4 oz at night, it has helped with my weight loss, heart burn, and energy. I recommend it to everyone and love the benefits of it!

Posted by Amber (Portland, Oregon) on 03/28/2009

Aloe Vera is an amazing energizer. It revitalizes the entire system. It is not a stimulant type of energy, you will just feel great, and begin to realize that your energy level just won't quit. Fresh aloe vera is best; if you live in a cold climate, house plants work well.

I take Aloe Vera often for it's overall health benefits, but especially if I am super tired or have had a very late night with perhaps a bit of drinking, and know that my energy is not going to get any better. It's a healthier feeling than just drinking a bunch of coffee, though I admit that on such a day I probably would add a bit of that too. I find that if I am super tired that drinking Green Tea, Apple Cider Vinegar, and/or taking Aloe Vera is best to do first, because these things help your body to truly be reenergized, while Coffee just pulls you up and wears your system out.

General Feedback

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Posted by Jo (Abq, Nm) on 04/11/2014

High in the mtns of NM, I can't grow Aloe outside, but keep great pots of it inside. Have to throw it on the compost, it multiplies so fast.

General Feedback
Posted by Wayout (Motown, Ca/ Usa) on 10/25/2012

Aloe vera is an incredible plant. It has not often been processed carefully enough to retain its full healing elements. It is now being discovered to have a critical role in the diet, a previously unrecognized "neccesary nutrient" status. As such, it is being branded a "Nutraceutical, " which could too easily become, food that needs a prescription.

Real aloe vera with the mannose molecules still intact, gathered and dried right, can then tell the body when to stop inflammation, and blocks or connects proteins to cells, thus modulating against auto-immune (self-fighting) conditions. And most conditions are being found to be such, as inflammation is the root of disease. This could literally prevent and heal many diseases, which is why it is becoming the "point man" for the battle to control the health of mankind. And unfortunately, I suspect there are some, who simply do not want to see everyone be well, but would rather make profits.

And a quote:

"Mannose molecules are components of the surface membranes of cells and are responsible for essential complex biochemical activities of cell life."


Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky)
2042 posts

Good news, one can grow many of the common medicinal herbs for personal use OR can order the herb in "raw" or "bulk" form as it is not a controlled substance. The diet herb Ephedra Senica got pulled from the market as an ingredient for energy and weight loss. Manufacturers cannot add this herb to products but it isn't a controlled substance (not illegal) so one can buy the raw herb. As a side note the herb Bitter Orange (isn't "banned") is very similar to Ephedra Senica as it contains the alkaloid Synephrine slightly less harmful than the Ephedrine in E.S. For those of you out there not getting the necessary boost from caffeine products, add a little Bitter Orange and you will feel the difference (and lose weight).

General Feedback
Posted by Aubergine (Washington, Dc) on 02/02/2012

Bad experience with aloe juice: After reading here about people's good experiences with Aloe, I figured I would try some. My grocery store sells the stalks, but I didn't want to bring one of those home - one of my kids would probably try to use it as a weapon, if my husband didn't put it in the trash first - so I looked at the aloe products on the shelf with the supplements. I was a bit confused by all the choices but I ended up getting a juice product that uses a formulation called "ActivAloe. " Without mentioning the actual brand name (which does have the word "aloe" in it), it comes in a 32-oz bottle and there are three flavors - the original "gold" as well as "cherry berry" and "orange papaya. " I chose the orange papaya. The label says it's 7% orange and papaya juices, and the rest is "whole leaf aloe vera juice concentrate. " I tried some that evening. The label said to take 2 Tablespoons (1 oz) so that's what I took. During the evening I was very gassy, but I have that problem when I eat certain sugars or processed foods so I figured it was something I had snacked on earlier. Later that night I felt like I was getting a cold. I took a little extra ACV plus some extra vitamin C, did a sinus rinse (which I routinely do anyway) and gargled with a hydrogen peroxide oral cleanser.

In the morning I felt a little worse with congestion in my sinuses and chest. I did my normal breakfast routine (a green superfoods bar plus ACV, lecithin, coconut oil, turmeric and oatmeal) plus a 1-oz dose of the aloe juice. I made sure to stick with alkaline foods throughout the day - this normally eliminates any cold symptoms for me within half a day - but I didn't feel better. Also I was still very gassy, which didn't make much sense since I was not eating any of the bad stuff that tends to give me gas. I continued for 2 more days with alkaline foods, ACV and my other regular supplements, plus 1 ounce of aloe juice twice a day, plus extra vitamin C and sinus rinses morning and evening, without any relief of the cold symptoms. (I also felt generally crummy, as with any cold. )

Then last night I noticed that an old case of thrush was back - but not just in the one little spot where I had it before. This time, seemingly overnight, the pockets between my cheeks and gums were inflamed on both sides of my mouth. I was also gassier than ever. By this time I had figured out that the gas was the worst shortly after I drank the aloe juice. I thought, "how can anything that makes me this gassy actually be healthy for me?" It suddenly dawned on me that maybe the aloe juice was actually making me sick. I poured the rest of the bottle down the drain.

Today I did an oil pull and I'm continuing the alkaline food routine with ACV and plenty of water to try to flush out whatever's bothering me. 24 hours after stopping the aloe (which I only took for 72 hours in the first place) I feel somewhat better, but I still have some of the congestion and the thrush. (The gas, thank goodness, is gone. ) Hopefully there will be more improvement tomorrow.

It occurred to me that the aloe might be bringing out some sort of toxin that was locked up in my cells somewhere, but that seems unlikely. I started taking ACV every day 5 months ago, and since then added sunflower lecithin (Ted's "pulling oil" remedy, 2 TBSP per day), coconut oil, turmeric, raw honey, and green superfood capsules to my daily diet. (I was already taking fish oil and vitamin E. ) At the same time I have greatly reduced or cut out many of the acid-forming foods I used to eat, and have added more vegetables and other whole, alkaline foods. (I have also done some oil pulling with EVCO but I have had trouble making it a routine. ) With these improvements I've lost weight effortlessly, I don't feel hungry, my skin looks great, the bumps on the backs of my arms disappeared, my chronic case of thrush went away, and the osteoarthritis in my hip no longer bothers me.

My point is that I would be surprised if the aloe juice suddenly brought out toxins that the other remedies hadn't touched. But I could be wrong! And I have used aloe vera gel on my skin in the past without any adverse reactions. Anyway, now I'm a little leary of trying other forms of aloe, but maybe after I get better I'll go ahead and buy a stalk of the real thing and carefully monitor the effects!

Replied by Charlotte
(Kenmore, Wa)

The dose makes the poison. You shouldn't exceed the recommended daily dose of aloe vera juice (about 1/4 cup) if you don't want to experience any side effects. When you drink it with caution, it can bring many health benefits, but if you stick to the recommended dose and still experience the side effects, probably it's better to stop taking it.

Replied by Nicola
(Walsall Uk)

It looks to me as the aloe you had was from the outer leaf which is a laxative for drinking and taking internally you should only be having the pure gel which is the pulp inside the leaf.

We have a product which is 96% pure aloe inner leaf. Anything over 18% can be known as gel anything content below this can only be retailed as a juice and there is a lot on the market that states aloe but has very little goodness in it.

Hope this helps

Kind regards,
Nicola Khadhraoui

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi EC, I didn't post my question on the right page. It was meant to go on the page 'Questions for Ted'. Could you please tell me how to do this? Thanks

EC: It has now been posted to the Latest Questions page. That was my oversight! Thanks for understanding, Liza

General Feedback
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 06/27/2011

Hello, In one of Ted's remedies is aloe vera oil and I have been looking for it but all I can find is a 30 ml (1 oz) bottle but it is sunflower oil with safflower oil and aloe vera gel. So it is mostly oil and both oils are not even cold pressed. If someone knows what the real aloe vera oil is and where I can get it could you reply please? Thanks.

Replied by Blkmanchcgo
(Chicago, Il)

To Maria,

If your looking for aloe vera gel or other quality oils and herbs you can check out I dont know if you can post websites here but....

General Feedback
Posted by Alfred (Rangsit, Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/04/2011

Alo Vera is an amazing plant.. It grows like a weed.. Easy to grow inside your home as well as outside..

I have it growing outside my home.. Every day cut off one the the arms.. Rub off spines on side.. Wash, cut up and mix it into what your eating.. Do not peel.. Its all good .. the skin and inside .. just eat, eat, and get healthier..


General Feedback
Posted by Nancy (Brighton, Mi) on 12/21/2010


Replied by Elizabeth
(Nashville, Tn)

You may need to check the preservatives and other chemicals that have been added to the gel. That can cause skin irritation.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

True. Many popular brands, big companies, etc put alcohol or other stabilizer in their aloe vera gels so they will be quick-drying. Beware of that on the ingredients label.

General Feedback
Posted by Fountainflower (Chicago, Il, 60302) on 03/26/2010


I studied holistic medicine and healing for many years. After a stint of ill health and poor diet, I developed two ulcers and then GERD and was told Aloe Vera was the best cure by other professionals in the alternative healing arts. I used it for almost a year. I ended up much sicker than I should have been, with a stomach valve that refuses to close properly, malnutrition, esophageal spasms that either felt like heart problems and caused me to call an ambulance or that triggered a near fatal PSVT as I have pre-existing heart disease already.

Here's the think about Aloe. I started seeing a Chinese doctor when my life was at stake and I was bedridden in agony. The aloe is a temporary cure that makes you feel better but is only recommended for a week or two at most. Aloe has a cooling effect on your digestion. It slows your digestion, even though it has laxative properties. It metabolically cools your digestive tract, and for someone like me, who was suffering from lack of digestive fire, and the inability to digest my food properly, this made my condition life-threatening, and then the food started backing up in my stomach, thus causing the stomach valve to not close properly, thus causing MORE esophageal spasms (GERD) that put my life at risk. After two years of agony, when I stopped the aloe, I started healing, recovering from pain and malnutrition, and started losing weight. I HIGHLY recommend NOT using Aloe as a remedy for more than a week or two, and instead, go see a holistic or Chinese doctor for your ailment, FIND THE ACTUAL CAUSE< change your diet, meditate, and get a cure that doesn't have the potential to kill you. And yes, I was staunch advocate of Aloe as a cure, I stood by it and even argued with the doctor that he was wrong for 6 months.

So please realize, I am very alternative and holistically minded, but Aloe is not something you should drink on a long-term basis without a doctor advising and monitoring your progress and digestion, because unless you have too much heat (in Chinese terms) in your bowels and adrenal organs, which is rarely the case with GERD and constipation, drinking Aloe will make you sicker over time. Please consider my words.

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Atlanta, Ga) on 02/10/2010

I have some juice recipes for anyone interested in taking aloe vera internally. I buy stalks of it at Publix for $1.99. Go to utube and watch them peel it, if you're not sure about that, you will need 1 tbls. of aloe juice or gel for each serving of juice you make. And you have to have a juicer, its well worth the money.

2 carrots
2 green apples
1 orange (peeled)

put thru juicer, then add 1 tablespoon aloe juice and drink immediatly.

1 cup pineapple (don't peel it)
1 carrot
1 green apple
put thru juicer, then add tablespoon aloe juice and drink immediatly

1 small piece of ginger
2 carrots
2 pears
1/2 small papaya
put thru juicer, then add 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice, drink immediately.

1/4 small beet
2 large carrots
1 stalk celery

put thru juicer, add 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice, drink immediatly.

General Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 09/19/2009 490 posts

Hello to all who want to grow their own aloe vera plants (cactus),

In my area, which is close to the Southern Ky. border, they will not survive the winter outside. My brother who lives within a mile of the northern Alabama border planted the ones I gave him outside, found they died back during the winter, and unfortunately, did not come back up in the spring. So unless you live further south than we do, bring them in before the first killing frost, if you want to keep them growing year round.

General Feedback
Posted by Dianne (Tampa, Fl) on 08/20/2009

I take the entire leaf and chop off a couple of inches beginning from the base and peel (discard the peel) and blend it, etc. I take the remaining Aloe leaf and just set it on the counter on some paper towels. Don't peel it or put any plastic wrap on the cut edge or anything. The Aloe will heal the cut on its own and the next time you need some more Aloe, just cut off that thin slice that looks yucky and then slice off another piece to consume. Since I generally take the Aloe everyday, it seldom tends to go bad. I did read that you could put it in the refrigerator, but make sure you wrap it in paper towels as the cold will create some condensation and that will make it go bad a lot quicker. As for the size of the Aloe I read in several places that the smaller leaves don't generally have all the beneficial componenets. It could also be that you have a different species of Aloe. The Aloe that is therapeautic is Aloe Barbadensis Miller. There are many different species of Aloe, but not all therapeautic. Check the internet for the other therapeautic ones.

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