Natural Remedies

Vomiting Remedies for Pets

| Modified on Dec 26, 2018
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Feeding Before Bed
Posted by Angie (Chicago, Illinois) on 12/02/2014

Just posting this on here in case anyone else comes across this specific issue with their dog. We have a 6 month old puppy who had been vomiting up nothing but watery yellowish watery/bubbly stuff almost every single night for over a month. No other symptoms- perfectly healthy and eating/acting normal outside of this. It's been really frustrating as we just spent well over $1000 in vet bills curing her of diarrhea, only to find this vomiting start after we cured that. The vomiting was only happening overnight, and by morning she'd stepped all over it and the whole house stunk of this vomit.

I'm pregnant and super sensitive to smell right now, so was really at my wits end. Anyhow, my husband finally ran across something online that talked about some dogs vomiting up bile overnight due to being hungry . So the cure is simply to feed the dog a little bit right before you head to bed. We had been feeding her the recommended 3 cups of food per day for her weight, but just twice a day, 1& 1/2 cups in the morning and in the evening around 5-6pm. With this tip we have been topping her off an extra 1/2 cup (on top of the three cups) right before we head to bed and WOW, vomiting has completely stopped. So glad my husband ran into this advice and wanted to be sure to share out for others who might run into this issue!

Posted by Gerry (Missouri) on 08/12/2015

I have a kitten who has a very sensitive belly..Everything she eats she throws up. My daughter was eating yogurt one day and I told her to give the kitten a little bit of it and see if she likes it..She loved it and actually kept it down. We were shocked but yet happy. I know yogurt is good for humans so why not for a animal. We love our fur babies and want the best for them just as for our two legged kids. I am not a vet and nor a doctor but I would suggest to others that if your fur baby has a sensitive belly to just try a little yogurt and see what happens. Worked for us and hopefully it will work for you and yours. Good luck and love on your babies. Gerry

Posted by Sueellen (Dallas, Texas) on 05/17/2010

I have a miniature dachshund and I give him one teaspoon of powdered ginger (which I pick up at the grocery store) when he starts having bouts of vomiting. I get him to eat it by taking a piece of sandwich bread which I apply honey and then put the ginger on the honey. The honey helps the ginger stick to the bread. Then I fold the bread over itself (like a sandwich) and feed it to him. He loves it and it immediately calms down his stomach and eliminates the vomiting. I only have to give him one dose.

Posted by Carolyn (Tx) on 06/20/2017

Thank you for this tip! My 6 lb Yorkie was sick and had diarrhea and then vomited. I found your tip but realized that a slice of bread was too much for him, so I pinched off a piece of the bread with honey and ginger on it and had to force feed him. Then I did a second piece. Within 20 minutes he was at ease and slept all night long. The next day he was back to his feisty self.

Peppermint Tea
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 07/18/2014

Hello, Linda, please try chamomile tea. It is highly acclaimed in Europe and I even use it for tooth abcesses. It is calming and detoxing. Please give it warm over food or per syringe .

Wish your doggie well. Om

Posted by Sarah (Denver, Co) on 06/04/2010

My dog was vomiting large quantities, he is a large dog. He could not keep anything down, even water, and had diarrhea for 5 or 6 hours. I tried pumpkin and then greek yogart but it did not help since he could not keep it down. He was pacing and would not lay down. I tried the Honey, ginger, bread, but he would not eat it. So I put Honey on my fingers and coverred it with ginger and wiped it on his tongue. This was at 2:00 am. He laid down and went to sleep within 20 minutes and has been fine since then except for some gas (it is 3:30 pm the next day). Worked great, thanks!

Posted by Strangevista (Los Angeles) on 08/12/2016

Our cat's acupuncturist recommended Abali yogurt for upset stomach. It has 12 active cultures, all the cats love it and it is helping.

Posted by Fran (Massachusetts) on 12/20/2016


I was reading your article and wondered where you purchased that brand of yogurt? Will any yogurt work? What flavor??

Sorry for all the questions!! I want to try anything I can for my Lucie!! Thank you

Peppermint Tea
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney Australia) on 02/06/2014

Yesterday my little jack russel had some vomiting issues all day so, I decided to syringe 5mls of cool peppermint tea down his throat and he immediately stopped vomiting.

Peppermint Tea
Posted by Linda (Detroit, Mi) on 07/18/2014

Thanks, I'll try the peppermint tea. She hasn't gotten much better, but she hasn't gotten any worse. I hesitate to take her to the vet since all they do is rack up the bill and then end up killing her anyway. Besides she hates going anywhere, I think this is from being at the pound, who ever had her before was not real nice to her. As long as she's not in any pain I'd rather have her die at home.

Peppermint Tea
Posted by Linda (Taneytown, Md) on 06/27/2015

I want to thank everyone for their advice. My 11 year old Shetie has been so sick with diarhea and vomiting. (The pumpkin has stopped the diarrhea) and the honey and ginger has allowed her to keep water down now for over 6 hours (a new record) tonight I am going to try the chamomile tea as recommended and some cooked chicken. I have been trying to keep her hydrated and alive. If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.

Unknown Causes
Posted by Elizabeth (Tacoma, Wa, Us) on 10/23/2010

Why has my 11 yr old female cat very recently been throwing up white foam (which I think is bile) with blood in it - is it acid reflux? Please help. By the way, I have checked, and since nothing new has been brought into the house (she's an indoor cat), I don't think this is an accidental poisoning.

Posted by Cr08 (Wantagh, Ny) on 03/16/2015

My black lab/mix who is 85 lbs. was vomiting. I gave her a heavy tablespoon of pumpkin. You can get the pumpkin in the supermarket. The can has to read "100% pure pumpkin". She is now resting comfortably.

Unknown Causes
Posted by Missy (Ny) on 07/15/2011

First, yes I know, take her to vet. I would just appreciate other opinions and possible natural antidotes that someone might have to contribute.

Yesterday morning, I found that my dog had vomited during the night. While cleaning it up, I noticed flecks of blood within the puddle of slime (sorry). She wouldn't eat her breakfast, and didn't even want cheese her absolute favorite. Today, though she ate and is acting normal, she has vomited a couple more times with even more blood in it. I noticed the signs that had been posted on my neighbor's lawn (bordered on mine) that he had had his lawn sprayed the windy day before yesterday. My dog is a natural grass eater. Never had any problems with her eating her meals before. She is 10 yrs. old, mixed (Sheppard, rott, chow, etc). I feed her 1 cup of dry food with a can of smashed up mixed vegetables. The same diet that she has been eating for years. Haven't changed the brand. I have been adding a fish oil pill for her dry skin for many years, which has helped. For the last 2 months I have been adding 2 tbls. ACV to each of her 2 feedings per day to try to help with her itchy ears that the expensive prescription drugs only helped with until the dosage was done. I think that is helping some. Could it be the ACV that I am giving her? The neighbor's lawn care chemicals? Any other thoughts? Thank you.

Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Jo (Mentor, Ohio) on 11/21/2010

Hello... I just wanted to comment on giving a cat aloe vera juice to stop the symptom of vomiting. One of our cats was vomiting severely. We don't know if it was due to our having applied Frontline or due to a vet-diagnosed bladder inflection, or both. What I wanted your readers to know is this cat was vomiting up everything---food, water---nothing was staying down. We gave her one "capful" of aloe vera juice. The vomiting stopped immediately and has not returned. Since I didn't know if this was a reaction to the (vile! ) Frontline, I have put aloe vera juice in all my cats wet food everyday since. Thank you for sharing the advice about the aloe vera juice!

Unknown Causes
Posted by Anne (Tucson) on 12/26/2018

Use activated charcoal. Now.

Posted by Linda (Taneytown, Md) on 06/26/2015

Thanks for the Ginger and honey tip! I used the pumpkin and the diarrhea went away but I can't even get my dog to keep water down, I just tried honey and ginger, I sure hope it helps.