Natural Remedies to Cure Ulcers in Dogs

| Modified on Jan 25, 2023
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Many dogs eventually suffer from gastric ulcers or peptic ulcers in the course of their lives. Skin ulcers and corneal ulcers also afflict dogs.

In dogs, gastrointestinal ulcers are not often the result of bacterial infection (as would often be the case among people). Instead, sensitivity to NSAIDs or steroids, other health traumas, kidney issues, liver toxicity, and gastritis are the more likely causes of stomach or intestinal ulcers in dogs. The first symptoms of which are likely to be continued vomiting (perhaps including blood) and weight loss.

Natural Pet Cures: A stomach ulcer requires a doctor's evaluation and probably treatment, due to the risks of a perforated ulcer. However, DGL or"Deglycyrrhizinated" Licorice Root Extract may effectively soothe the stomach and reduce damage.

Cat's Claw, Bilberry, Slippery Elm

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jayme (Vancouver, WA) on 09/11/2006

My toy poodle had an "infection of the stomach lining" when she was three. The symptoms were:
Vomiting (sometimes with little flecks of blood)

Now, she's ten and just had similar symptoms. Our vet didn't do much for her except tell me to "put her down." I didn't take their advice last time. This time, knowing what their "advice" would be, I decided to search what those symptoms would be called in a human. Peptic Ulcer was the result. For humans, the recommended dosage was 45 drops of each for the Cat's Claw extract and Bilberry extract as well as 2-3 Slippery Elm pills.

I did 1/3 of the dose for a human and it works like a charm. :) Advice I have for those of us who are pet guardians: Make a list of the symptoms, get an animal communicator ( was who I used) to talk to your animal, then search for a cure for humans rather than dogs.

Replied by Ingrid
(Geneva, Oh)

The vet thinks my dog may have an ulcer. She just finished up carafate. She was on that and Pepcid 1/2 tablet twice a day for 20 days. She did pretty well. But after about a day and a half off the carafate she's been gagging and burping, also threw up a bit of water or something. I've only been giving her boiled chicken and chicken/vegetable baby food. I'm starting her on the carafate again tonight. Are there any side effects to the cat's claw, bilberry or slippery elm? My dog is 14 years old and weighs about 11 pounds.Does it cure the problem or do you keep your pet on it indefinitely? Thanks for any help!

Replied by Crazydogjack
(New Castle, Pa, USA)

I used aloe vera juice to cure my acid reflux and ulcer issues successfully so when my dog was having acid reflux issues I did a little research and found out it was safe for animals and I've been giving him 1 oz. twice a day. He is doing great now. I read that it should be 1 oz. per 10 lbs. body weight in animals. Make sure to buy the juice and not the topical type. I always make sure it is organic too. Best of luck!

Replied by J
(Washington, D.c., District Of Columbia)

Is it okay to buy the aloe vera plant and give him the juice directly from the plant?

Replied by Julianne

About how long did it take before you saw some relief for your pet? I'm going to try the aloe for his ulcers.

Replied by Karen

No, try George's, you can get it at Vitamin shoppe. It is extremely pure and no preservatives!!

Replied by Noelle Hill
(Valley Center, Ca)

Can you put the juice on food to get him to take it?

Slippery Elm, Aloe, Licorice

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by M Haley (Jefferson) on 06/21/2017

My now 13 year old JackRat was showing signs of lethargy, blackening of the stomach skin, dull coat and weight loss. Her thyroid was basically non-functioning and her liver was on the blink. The Vet said she had a couple of things going on, the non-functioning thyroid which then created an imbalance in her system which then created the liver issue and somewhere along the lines she created a stomach ulcer which was bleeding. Did the usual round of antibiotics, liver support, got her on a thyroid supplement and something else. She recovered but then relasped. I started doing some research and about natural remedies and now a year later, Lucy is doing great. I make a paste out of Slippery Elm, Aloe Vera extract and licorice extract and administer this to her prior to her morning meal. She seldom has any stomach issues (gurgling sounds), has an amazing appetite, her coat is stunning and her belly skin is no longer dark. She acts several years younger. She will remain on the thyroid medication but for all outward indications, the ulcer is healed and everything seems to be functioning normally.

Replied by Judith S.
(Salem, Oregon)

I would love to try this for my poor 10 year old mix. He weighs about 60 lbs. Can I get the amounts you used for each ingredient and how much you used per 10 lbs for your dog. My poor baby has bad problems and the vets aren't helping much. I treat him like myself, if I can do without subscription medication and go with something natural that's what I do. I'll watch for your answer.

Thank you so very much;


Replied by Cecilia
(Hulbert, Oklahoma)

Do you have a recipe for this paste? My 8 year old Male dog seems to have the same symptoms. And I am finding very different portions of recommended dosages for these herbs on websites. It sounds like you have to be very careful not to overdose a dog with licorice? I would really appreciate your paste recipe, as I want to give him some relief as soon as possible. Thanks