Holistic Vet
Hello All.. I just had to write after seeing the posts related to pets and vaccinations. I have a Maltese dog, she's going to be 7 in 2 months. In March of 07 she got incredibly sick and I took her to the animal hospital. They determined she had pancreatitis but also was losing protein in her urine. They did further tests and determined she had lyme disease and later determined it was lyme nephritis.
The type that affects their kidneys. They told me she had 6 months to a year to live.
I must mention my cousins dog had just died of this like 3 months prior. But, I had been studying the law of attraction and the power of your mind. So I made a decision then I would not listen. She continued to get better with each checkup but the western medicine doctor at the hospital kept saying, well, we see this. They were just so negative and didn't believe I could pull her out of this. Good thing for my own interest in natural medicine, organic food, etc.
From the minute she got diagnosed, she was on organic chicken and rice that I cooked for her. No canned processed food for her.
I understood the kidneys are the body's center for toxin removal, remove toxins and the kidneys will be less taxed.
So like I said the doctor wasn't listening to me. I was determined to find someone who would listen and believed in what I believed. That's how I found Dr. Martin Goldstein's practice. He was actually on Oprah one day that I happen to catch. I went out 2 weeks later and bought his book. It described a story about a dog who had the same thing and lived. I knew I had found my answer. I was basically willing to fly across the country to have my dog seen by this man. Long story short, he ended up having his practice in NY, 45 min north of where I live. I immediately made an appointment and have been seeing a doctor in his clinic ever since.
Princess has not only lived for almost 2 years... but, her kidneys have recovered and is now going to live a full complete life. I'm incredibly grateful for this practice, I did research during this and I believe that when I vaccinated my dog for Lyme, that once she got it, the disease mutated itself into the terminal version.
They also do not vaccinate at this practice unless necessary. They to tests every year to see if they still have antibodies..
I HIGHLY recoomend them. With my mind and their treatment, my baby is saved. www.smithridge.com
Dr. Martin Goldstein has a book out too. I know people drive hours to have this practice see their animals.. They are amazing..
**sorry for being so long, but I had to tell my story. And recommend these amazing people***