Using the dry cornstarch on the mat and a comb with rotating teeth (which can be found at some pet stores, but also at wig shops), works wonderfully. Thanks so much for the post!
Fantastic - just got the huge not out of beautiful cats fur, thank you so much.
Dog's Shedding Comb
Just decided to look on the internet to see if others had the matted cat hair problem. I got a surprise finding this site. My cat is 19 and I don't think she is grooming herself anymore. Never had this problem before. I desperately used my dogs de shedding comb which has a blade in and have now got about 80 per cent of matts out. No baldy patches either. She does not seem to mind and I think she realises I am trying to help. I will try the olive oil on the remainder to make a comparison. Will let you all know the result.
Olive Oil
I first tried coconut oil- just a small amount applied to the base of the mats, along the skin. The next day it had loosened up & I was able to get one mat out with slightly less effort than before. Yesterday I applied a larger amount of olive oil, with an ear syringe to the base of several large mats. 2 big mats were on the floor this morning & later I watched while Grif ( 21 years old) reached around & pulled off a third. Amazed, this worked so well! ( I probably used a Tbsp of oo for 3 mats.)
Olive Oil
After many purchases of brushes, combs and grooming products causing my cats more stress while trying to get stubborn matts out of their fur ( 4 Norwegian Forest cats ) I finally tried olive oil. It was nothing short of a miracle. One of my girls had a massive tat on her chest and once I had worked the olive oil into it then combed her I was amazed at how easily it slid out along with a load of loose hair. I don't know why this method isn't widely mentioned ( except it doesn't sell products perhaps ) although you have to be careful and not use any other oil. A big thank you for the advice .😺
(Spruce Pine, Nc)
(Mpls., Mn)
Olive Oil
Matted Fur: I used olive oil. I put my hand in a ziploc bag and poured some oil into my palm and just rubbed it on my cats back. Then I used a furminator brush/comb and they came right out! Magic!
Olive Oil
After reading about putting olive oil on cat's matted hair, I was willing to give it a try. I really wanted to avoid any grooming salons if I could help it. I've tried combing the matted knots out, but I just couldn't they were too tight. This was my last shot before I was forced to take her to the groomer. I applied olive oil on a few spots. My cat was wondering what the heck I was doing. She'd rather be brushed than me putting a substance on her..It wasn't easy. I tried for 3 days, reapplying little by little. Well today, I could see they were kind of hanging there. Still attached tho. I thought.. this olive oil trick didn't work! I took out her comb and Wala! The mats came out super easy! I was so happy and I know my cat was too. I showed my daughter what came off and she was surprised. She was very sceptical. So, give it a try, even if it takes a few days. You will be amazed!
Olive Oil
Have an old long haired cat that stays outdoors. On a good day I can pet him on the head and back. His fur started matting badly, thick huge patches around his hips and lately on his butt. Had to do something! To catch him I used a 4'X4' and around 6'high dog kennel that I had converted into a cat condo with several levels made of shelves. Sits under a 3 sided shelter. I started feeding my cats in front and inside the kennel.
Days later manage to close the door on him. He went ballistic once he realized he couldn't get out. Sprayed some feline pheromone on a rag and put inside with him and let him cool down for about 30 min. Figured I could just cut the matted fur off and let him go again.
That was simpler said than done! Hardly any cooperation from the cat. Needless to say he really started getting frustrated as time went on. I didn't make much progress.
I searched the internet for a way to maybe tranquilize him in a safe way or take him to the vet.
Ran across this site and gave it a try:
To this cat it seems a 3 second rule applies. That's about all the time he gave me to get close to his rear end.
I took a eye drop bottle (Visine, artificial tears). Popped the top off, rinsed it and dried the inside with Q-tips. With small funnel filled it up with olive oil. Armed with cat treat kept cat busy enough to squirt oil around patches so oil runs between fur patch and skin. I did not put any oil on top of patches instead just dowsed it on heavy to let run between patch and skin.
That was the day before yesterday.
Yesterday a lot of the patches had loosened up a lot. Trimmed the edges that poked out as much as he let me. Put more oil on it.
The cat wasn't greasy other than the rear end. Had oil on the selves. No litter stuck on him anywhere.
Today patches where literally dangling. After a couple of visits in the kennel for a snip here and there it's all off!!!!! I can tell he's happier. I watched him groom himself again for the first time (yeah, now he move, bend and reach! )
This method worked for me in less than 48 hrs.
(Hartwell, Ga)
In reference to my post less than 1 hour ago:
Litter didn't stick to oil; I only use coarse non-clumping unscented clay litter.
Planning on keeping cat (named Fluffy, ... not so fluffy at this time, but happier) in the kennel so I can brush him, spoil him, pet him so when I let him out it will be on a good note.
Also give him fish oil (poke with thumtag and squeeze it out of capsule) for his sore skin. Gave it to dog every before that hat inflammed skin from rash and it worked wonders after about a week or so. Not every cat is fond of fish oil and licks is readily of the plate like Fluffy does. I use a medicine container with a dropper that had antibiotics in it from the vet (cleaned out of course) and give it to my cats into their cheeks.
Don't forget to give him minerals, just like on the farm, for him to lick, I say give it to the dogs too, and us people could use minerals as well, but the doctors never mention them, like they forgot or something. Farmers keep their animals pretty healthy by just leaving out the block to lick. And lastly, Linus Pauling said, "all chronic illnesses can be traced back to mineral deficiency"! Do a search and see for yourself!
Olive Oil
I've been using olive oil on my feral cat who just recently started getting mats. He loves the taste of it and a lot less stressful than if he had to be shaved. A large chunk of matted fur came off so it does actually work. Before you use baby oil on your animals, do a shot of it yourself first!!
Olive Oil
Several people have posted that they used oil on their cat's matted hair. I have tried it before and never had any luck, but my cat must have gotten into some sap or something very sticky, so I tried it again. She was so matted up. I didn't even know where to begin. Out of desperation, I got out the bottle of olive oil and really soaked some of the big matts. I really felt sorry for her because there were so many. I want to tell you, that it really does work. I think that I may not have soaked the matts enough on my past attempts. Also, it didn't take just one time. I could see after a couple of days that they were definitely coming lose so I reapplied again and sure enough, they came loose enough that I could cut them off. She still has more but I am working on them a few at a time. So, if you have tried it before and it didn't work, just keep oiling until you see them coming loose. It might take a few days before you notice it.
Olive Oil
We tried olive oil on our cat and it worked great!!! The vet recommended a $200 lion cut to remove his mats because they were so severe. Also, they wanted to sedate him. He is an older cat and i was afraid of that so out of desperation I went to the internet to find a solution. This site came to the rescue. The oil worked great but I tried to watch him and keep him from licking and ingesting much of it. Also, you have to be patient and work it into the mats every now and then and very lightly and gently brush him with a brush with rubber nibs on the bristles. After about 5 days a miracle happened. No more mats!!! He does have some bald spots but better that than the mats. God bless everyone who suggested the oil remedies. You all saved our cat and saved us a $200 traumatic shaving experience for our cat!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! P.S. bathe your cat a.s.a.p. Peggy
Olive Oil
I used olive oil for the first time on my 16 year old blind (and long haired) cat. I put it on three mats last night and this morning, found two on the floor! And the other one is well on it's way to coming off. I am SOLD. This not only works, but works fast. I am talking, hard to get matts too. Amazing. I am so happy. I have spent years! Getting mats out of my older cat's fur. Thank you!!!!
Olive Oil
I used the olive oil, and within a day, those mats are gone. But so is his fur, in those spots. In other words, I have a, partially, bald cat. Is this supposed to happen? I have to treat his whole body as he is a Maine Coon with mats all over him. No amount of brushing has helped keep them away either.
One thing is, I changed his litter back to natural and got rid of clay, which cats will eat off their paws. This concerned me for two reasons. Blue Grand has a bowel situation if his food is wrong or I am using the wrong litter. I discovered cats do not like perfumey smells or if they don't like their litter, they won't groom themselves. I believe that was the problem.
Anyway, I am concerned we are going to have an all bald cat. Any ideas? I have to do some more treatment today.
(Hope Bc, Canada)
Olive Oil
Our cat had a lump of matted fur and we tried olive oil. We gentley rubbed it into the clump of hair and within a couple of days it was gone. Yea for olive oil.
Olive Oil
My cat is 18 years old and developed matting all over her back. Booked her in a grooming parlour but she was so stressed out just trying to put her in the kitty box. In desperation I bought some virgin olive oil on monday and covered one of the matts and tuesday morning it was on the floor. Repeated the same night with another matt, I was a bit bothered about her licking it but thought surely it can't do her any harm. By Friday she was matt free. She's never been happier and so am I
(Quincy, Ma)
After reading your email, I tried the olive oil on my 16 year old cat this morning. In all honesty, I didn't expect it to work.... I got home for work and I couldnt believe it, the matting was gone!!! Thank you all for sharing:)
(Someplacesomewhere, Usa)
(Preston, Lancashire)
(Preston, Lancashire)
(Windsor, Va.)
(Hamilton, Ontario)
(Denver, CO)
I used canola oil and it seems to work well. I put a liberal amount on my cat and worked it in. Made fur very oily but most clumps are working out nicely. Maggie (my 18 year old long hair) is grooming it out and as she is grooming the clumps come out. It is also much easier to comb her, and I'm betting it will help with my wife's alergies.
(Thousand Oaks, Ca)
18 year Maine Coon. Thick mats all over his body. Used olive oil because it is worked!!! Just have to be a little patient. While I was applying the olive oil he purred....
Don't use Canola Oil. It is man made and not good to ingest.
Thank you!
(New Zealand)
(New Zealand)
Vegetable Shortening
My German Shepherd got tree sap on his back. After reading that tree sap is also known as "pine tar," I tried the Crisco shortening that you recommended for getting out tar. I used about 1 tsp and rubbed it into his fur with my fingers, then wiped it with a paper towel and followed with a pre-moistened towelette to remove excess. (I didn't want to give him a full bath b/c the sap was only a small amount, and he HATES to be bathed!) It worked pretty well to get rid of the sap; the fur is still a bit rougher than the surrounding fur, but no longer sticky. I'm guessing it will be back to normal after his next bath. He did try to eat the shortening, but most of it was already removed by the paper towel and towelette.
(Kittery, Me)
I have to say, it is working!! I started off with olive oil on my very matted Maine Coon cat and that seemed to loosen them up but they weren't really falling off. So about 4 days later I purchased baby oil, and it's working!!! My old man is soooo matted.. He is 16 years old and it has gotten worse since his companion cat died 5 years ago. Every time I check the ones between his legs are hanging more and coming along... But for us is it's not a 24 hour thing, I think it will be another week of reapplying before they come off completely, but he is super happy. I'm not trying to brush him as he hates it!! I use a baby medicine dropper syringe to apply and I have put blankets on my couches to soak up any oil so that I don't ruin my couches. I think the prob is I'm doing it just a little at a time and not just drenching him bc I don't want my furniture ruined.
(Conway, Ark Usa)
(Peterborough, Cambs)
I have a half chinchilla/half burmilla 2 year old cat. He has severe mats and I have been so upset about them. I know he is upset as well. I was scared of taking him to the vets to get him shaved, I am so happy I found this site, I am going to try the baby oil on him, I will do one area at a time. Fingers crossed I hope this works for him. I will let you know what happens. His fur is like a huge matted lump all down his back and differents areas.