Liver Disease Remedies

Posted by Kelly (Nashville, TN) on 01/18/2009

I have a Jack Russell Terrier that was diagnosed with elevated liver enyzmes about 5 years ago. We go to a holistic vet who prescribed SamE for her. She has been on SamE daily (200mg) for years and her liver enzymes are now normal.

Posted by Judy (Clearwater, FL) on 06/26/2009

My 8-yr old female Shih Tzu also was diagnosed with high liver count - over 1,000! My vet put her on SAMe (1/2 pill 2xday), her liver count went up after one month on the SAMe. Now, I'm looking for a natural cure.

Posted by Sarah (La,ca) on 05/16/2013

How much does your dog weigh? Am trying to figure out dosage for a 5 lb. Dog, thnx

Chlorophyll, Milk Thistle
Posted by Melisa (Jacksonville , FL) on 12/11/2008

Our little Molly, a four pound, 11 month Maltese, Yorkie (Morkie) is allergic to ants. We found out after she had a severe allergic reaction and we almost lost her at 6 months. The vets said her liver panels were extremely elevated and that she would have to stay on medicine for the rest of her life, I refused to accept that and began putting Chlorophyll (liquid) in her water, and giving her liquid Milk Thistle. Two months later her panels were all normal! No more meds!!! Chlorophyll is a natural blood purifier and can be given for life, there really is no "dosage" just add it to your pets water, it will make it green and give it a minty flavor. Milk Thistle in the liquid the "dosage" is for a 150 pound person, just adjust accordingly.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Los Angeles, Ca) on 05/16/2013

What do you mean by "good or fresh earth"? Is this a brand or do you mean get some dirt from outside? Also- anyone had bad reaction in their pet to clay? I tried it in myself once and got so ill for 24 hours have been afraid to use on myself or my dog.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deirdre (Newport, RI) on 12/05/2008

i have a four month old bernese mountain dog that won't eat a thing! we've even tried getting him to drink Ensure shakes, just to get some nourishment into him. the vet thinks it may be his liver; either and infection, malformation, shunt, etc. we just got him 2 weeks ago, and we've already spent twice what we paid for him in medical bills. My boyfriend and I are emotionally and financially exhausted, and desperate for help. Please, anyone... what do we do?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deirdre (Newport, RI) on 12/08/2008

Jean from Cerritos - thank you so much for your prompt response, but i'm not sure i'm following you. did your dog have strep throat, or strep stomach? the vets think our pup may have a liver shunt. would apple cider vinegar help, and why? how much should i give him? we've been giving him antibiotics, supplements and appetite stimulants to no avail. he starts to take an interest in food; he comes, smells it, licks and then backs off, as if he's afraid of the food. i recently gotten him to eat baby food rice cereal. we're just worried because the next step is to see a specialist. they will perform another ultrasound and biopsy to hopefully determine once and for all what is wrong with him. if it does turn out to be a shunt, he's expected to be put on a special diet and medication. i'm interested in the ACV and any other homeopathic remedies that may help. thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by June (Wichita, KS) on 12/09/2008

to Deirdre: what brand of food are you feeding your dog? It might be one of the ingredients in the food that's turning him off. I would try either switching to another high grade food brand or giving him human food like boiled chicken and rice for a few days. If he eats the human food, then very possible it's something in the kibble that he doesn't like.

I had a dog who hardly ever ate as well... a malamute. I had to coax him every meal. He was a really finicky eater - the worst ever! I ended up doing Pat McKay's diet (reigning cats and dogs book). He wouldn't eat the raw stuff, but if I cooked it slightly he would eat it. I spent years working on this issue and my friends would laugh at me when they saw me putting food on a spoon to feed him. The thing is that he wouldn't eat and then he would throw up stomach acid all over the carpet. He lived to be 14 by the way.

Hopefully it's not a liver issue but a food one. Let us know how it goes.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jean (Cerritos, CA) on 12/09/2008

Jean again. I'm sorry I didn't make myself very clear. Our Yorkie had surgery and afterwards wouldn't eat and the Vet would not let me bring her home until she ate. Our Chiropractor told me that sometimes that condition is due to streph throat. He said you never hear people having streph condition in their stomach as the stomach acid takes care of that.

He had me take equal amounts of AVC and water, give it to her from a syringe and immediately she ate everything I had and wanted more food.

Your condition might be far more serious than ours.

Last week another health issue and a large vet bill. Drainage from an ear infection irritated her throat to the point where she scratched it almost raw. ACV took care of that. I hope you find a solution from your questions as you seemed to get good advice. Blessings, Jean

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 12/12/2008

An interesting post re MSM for dogs arrived today that might be helpful: MSMREADERFEEDBACK_19766

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (La, Ca) on 05/16/2013

Have you tried nutrical? You can get at Petco- out dog will lick this up even when ill- & it's high nutrient and high calorie. Have you treated for worms? Try diatomaceous earth- mixed in food or liquid if dog won't eat. Also have ur get checked for liver shunt.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Natalie (Ottawa ) on 06/21/2015

Hi I read what is happening with your baby. And I would like to suggest trying a Raw diet, they sell in patties already made. Do your research and I guarantee your baby will love it.. My dog had liver failure and I had to get rid of all the dry food. I switched to the Raw diet and become even more energized. I saw a huge difference and you will see as well. Good luck

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Christine (Winchester Ky 40391) on 07/03/2015

You all have all this stuff listed that I don't know which one to use I need help very badly with my chihihuaha she is 4 pound and five year old SHES on four MEDICATIONS TWICE A DAY I have spent so so much money I just can't keep this up please help me soon and tell me what to do to get rid of this VET BILL and my little dog better and back to having a life and thanks.

Milk Thistle
Posted by Kate (Jackson, Ohio) on 10/07/2008

I have a six pound Yorkie and when he gets the diarrhea I cook up plain spaghetti pasta, cool, and cut into bite size and feed him only that if it's really bad. If it's the first loose stool, I just add it to his diet. He really likes it, so that helps. He's 10 now and can still run faster than I can. This may not exactly help the liver, but it may soothe the digestive system in the meantime while the Milk Thistle cleanses the liver. Hoping your Yorkie feels better.

Milk Thistle
Posted by Kate (Jackson, Ohio) on 10/07/2008

I have a six pound Yorkie and when he gets the diarrhea I cook up plain spaghetti pasta, cool, and cut into bite size and feed him only that if it's really bad. If it's the first loose stool, I just add it to his diet. He really likes it, so that helps. He's 10 now and can still run faster than I can. This may not exactly help the liver, but it may soothe the digestive system in the meantime while the Milk Thistle cleanses the liver. Hoping your Yorkie feels better."

11/24/2011: Prishen from Durban, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa replies: "How much of milk thistle must we use? Please people; kindly be extremely specific in terms of dosages to help other desperate folks like me.

Regards, Prishen

Milk Thistle
Posted by Linda (Akron, Ohio) on 02/14/2015

Thank you so much for sharing your story about your little yorkie. I also have a little yorkie with a Liver problem. They always thought it's a Shut be couldn't find it. Find out my yorkie have a Liver problem when she was just a puppy She been on K/D DIET but don't like it and she won't eat L/D.Izzy my yorkie is 5 years she has a problem now she can't go potty and won't play . They can't seem to find the problem. I'm going to try the milk thistle. Thank you again!

Milk Thistle
Posted by Katey (Melbourne, Florida ) on 03/07/2015

Hi, was wondering how your yorkie did? And is doing? I have a 2 year old 3 lb male yorkie who is my life. We just found out he is having liver issues, How heartbreaking. They just prescribed him Denamarin. I cannot get him to take it. Not only that, I'm pretty scared too because I've seen people saying it's making their 40-90lb dogs sick. My baby is nothing compared to that! It's making me sick to my stomach. I'm not sure what to do but I'm willing to try anything. He's only 2 and I don't want to think of him passing on or being sick and miserable. It was relieving to see someone else with a small baby like me because sometimes I feel like the only one in the world with such a small baby!

Milk Thistle
Posted by Barbara (Camden, Ar) on 04/14/2015

I have a small black and white chihuahua that has an enlarged liver heart prostate. I took him to vet. and they told me he had a lot going, so I ask her I should give him milk thristle to try and help him so she gave me DENAMARIN that has the same thing in it so thought I would try it hoping it will help. I hope it helps. if anything you know please let me hear from someone.

Milk Thistle
Posted by Mandi (Los Angeles) on 07/26/2015

How much and how often did you give it... only twice a day?

Milk Thistle
Posted by Sanetta1 (Az) on 12/07/2015

My friend has a standard poodle that was diagnosed with failed liver. We'd like to give it a try to milk thistle tincture. What would be the right measurement for 50lbs dog? Kindly let me know.

Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E
Posted by Sarah (La, Ca) on 05/16/2013

I would LOVE to know how to find that pet communicator u used?!! I havd tried a few but looking for a really good one. Thnx!

SAMe and Milk Thistle
Posted by a2tzumom (Norman, OK) on 10/25/2007

Ailment:' This comment is in regard to canine LIVER Disease Remedy(s): Our vet put both shih tzu's on the herbal supplement, Denosyl, which is basically like the SamE that u can find online without a Rx. We researched on our own and found the SUPER MILK THISTLE. (those off the charts liver enzymes are now falling within the "normal" range.) We couldn't be more pleased!! We would DEF recommend trying this supplement! For our girls, it's been absolutely AMAZING!

SAMe and Milk Thistle
Posted by Deborah (Aurora, Il) on 07/29/2013

I have a kitty with liver disease what supplements should I give him?

SAMe and Milk Thistle
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 07/30/2013

Re kitty with liver disease. In the healthfood store there is Liver tonic with milk thistle and artichoke, flavoured, I think, with honey. Give every three to four hours and then space out. A baby teasp. Would be enough. Essiac tea is very beneficial also. All the best. Om

Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E
Posted by Cheryl (Greensburg, PA) on 02/19/2007

My 11 year old lab/springer mix was diagnosed with a failing liver and we were at the point where we might have to put her down. I was so upset and traditional medicines were not working. I then tried Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E. She is amazing. Even our Vet can not believe the difference in her. She went from unable to stand, severe confusion, not barking to happy, playful and barking at everything in sight. For us, this was truly a miracle. Her liver enzymes went from counts in the thousands back down to normal ranges.

Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E
Posted by Carla (Orange Park, Florida) on 03/27/2008

I would like to find out what dosage you give regarding the burdock root, milk thistle and vitamin e for liver disease. Our 6.5 lb yorkie "Oliver" possibly ate something toxic... Hydrangea or Sago Palm and is not doing well. His liver count is high and the vet has given him Denosyn but I'd be willing to try anything to help him. Could you please let me know if you think it would help and how much to give. Is it the same stuff humans take or is it special for animals? Thank you in advance for your response.

Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E
Posted by Jes (alloway, nj) on 09/16/2007

i have a question for CHERYL FROM GREENSBURG PA. i have a 10 year old boxer and his liver enzymes are way off the chart too and he also has some sort of tumor growth affecting the same area. i would like to start by helping his liver enzymes go back to normal range. other wise we are considering the same thing you would have had to do. HOW MUCH MILK THISTLE BURDOCK ROOT AND VITAMIN E DID YOU GIVE YOUR PET AND IN WHAT FORM? AND HAVE YOU RESEARCED ANY SIDE AFFECTS OF THESE "MEDICINES" ON DOGS? i really appreciate any response you can post as soon as possible. our dog is not doing so good.

Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E
Posted by Lonnie (Kitchener, Canada) on 03/06/2008

I would like to find out what dosage you give regarding the burdock root, milk thistle and vitamin e for liver disease. I have a Maltese that is suffering and I am desperate. HELP ME PLEASE!!! The letter you published does not give any specifics. Thank you,

Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E
Posted by Kathleen (Vancouver, WA) on 07/02/2008

I have just adopted a male Basenji (Peyton) almost 3 weeks ago and am having behavioral problems. He is the sweetest boy with me every now and then would lash out at other dogs for no apparent reason. The breeder and I decided to talk to a Pet Communicator that I was skeptical of. Before I even asked the Pet Communicator questions she informed me that Peyton's liver needed to be cleansed of anesthesia from his neutering 3 weeks ago. She explained that the inbalance in the liver was affecting his odd behavior and when the liver is cleansed I will notice a difference in his behavior. I won't go into more detail of the visit I had with the Pet Communicator accept to say she knew things there is NO WAY she could have known about him!! I am now convinced and no longer a skeptic of pet communicators! Too the point..what she suggested to help clean his liver is to use Vitamin C in powder form and to give Peyton who is about 25 lbs 50-100 MG a day. She also suggested Milk Thistle and Dandelion. She said they usually come in 500 MG capsuls and to give him only 1/4 of the 500 MG. I would assume to get it in powder form as well. She said she uses it on her dogs (whoe are bigger then Peyton) and she gives them the same amount she suggested to me. I havn't tried it yet since I only found out last night, but I am going to. Hope this helps!

Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E
Posted by Prishen (Durban, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa) on 11/24/2011


What is the mg of dosage? What form is the treatment ie. The Milk thistle, the burdock root & vitamin E - is it in a liquid form? How often do you give your pet this treatment, is is twice a day or how many hours apart do you give it his/her dosage?


Prishen Durban, South Africa

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Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E
Posted by Sarah (La, Ca) on 05/16/2013

Hi!!! So happy ur dog is better- it gives me hope for my little chi diagnosed w liver shunts. (Shout out to Greensburg, btw- I went to Hempfield!! ) What were the dosages you gave your dog? I do a lot of naturopathy w my dog, but she only weighs 5 lbs. So I get nervous. Thnx

Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E
Posted by Theresa (Pa ) on 10/11/2015

How much vitamin E are you giving? My dog is 13lbs and13 1/2 yrs old and has had this for over 2 yrs. Please advise via email. Thank you.

Milk Thistle, Burdock Root and Vitamin E
Posted by Sonya (Tupelo ms) on 03/24/2021

My Yorkie has an enlarged liver and a systemic infection. He is on antibiotics currently. This just happened today; the vet visit. I am extremely worried. I did get him to eat a little turkey baby food but no water tonight. How much each of those supplements did you give your dog?

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