I adopted a 3 year old golden and he is very prone to hot spots only on his tail. He will chew it until it bleeds But He seems to do it if I work late or am away over night There are other family members in the home But I have switched food cut out all treats and for two months no hot spot, I went away last thursday overnight came home friday and there was a hot spot on the tail. Is this possible? is he afraid that I will leave him? all I know about him is he was dumped at a shelter .
EC: Kathy, our dog (a rescue as well) also has hot spot issues. We've noticed that they are nonexistent during the spring and summer months with typically dry, hot weather. When the weather gets cooler and starts to rain, the hot spots start appearing, one after the other. After years of going through the same cycle, we are beginning to suspect that it has to do with the weather.