My poodle is constantly getting hot spots from my other dog licking and giving him love bites!
I wash the hot spot with salt water, dry it with paper towel, clip all the hair around it and then use aloe leaf (I slice both sides off the leaf, just leaving a Little bit of aloe jelly on the leaf and rub that on him) he finds it very soothing.
The hot spots clear up around 3-5 days
But after reading the posts on Apple Cider Vinegar I'm going to try that also, he has a new one now.
Aloe Vera
I do the same for my German Shepherd's hot spots, Wonderful plant.
Aloe Vera
Hello. I have a akita-chow mix.She had horrible hot spots from fleas. We got fleas in control. Since I am a plant lover, I have lots of aloe vera, and I thought since that stuff is great for human skin,why not animals .So I tore off a leaf, cut it open with a knife, and rubbed the gel from the aloe on her hot spots. I did this every day. By the third day, I noticed she wasnt licking them any more and there was peach fuzz growing in where there wasnt any fur! I only needed to do it for a week. All gone!