Horse Health Conditions: Natural Cures

Copper for Thrush in Hooves
Posted by Jane (Alexandria, La) on 04/15/2015

Hi Suseeq,

Yes thrush is another condition that is resultant of a copper deficiency. I have 15 y.o. lesson pony I have had for 10 years, that had chronic thrush- no matter what I did, nothing worked, I could somewhat manage it with coppertox or bleach water but just couldn't seem to get rid of it. That's when I discovered the book Natural Horse Care, after I got them all on the mineral mix, it cleared right up. people need to stop trying to cure problems by treating the symptoms- it's all about addressing the root cause, which, in most cases reverts back to proper nutrition with the correct vitamin/mineral balance. It all starts in the pasture. As Ms Coleby says, the problems we have today were virtually unheard of 30-40 years ago because the soil wasn't depleted of nutrients as it is now. With all the big agra farming going on, the soil is depleted of vital minerals. You need to have your pasture soil analyzed and then you can fertilize with the correct mix. Once this is done you will see dramatic improvement in your stock and you won't have near the trouble with weed control.