Feline Respiratory Disease
Natural Remedies

Feline Respiratory Disease Remedies

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Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gatitos And Kittens (Barcelona, Spain) on 11/03/2015

Hello everyone. As reported in my original post I treated the kittens who were sick with URI's or FVI with ACV. Sadly one of the kittens did die. In the end I tried steam with him and I even went to the pharmacy and begged them to sell me amoxicillin (of course they wouldnt sell it to me with out a prescription). The other kittens and cats did recover but this disease has killed many more of my kittens as of today. It seems that once the cat starts coughing everything I try is in vain. If they recover before they start to cough then they come out fine but once they cough its all down hill. At first I tried getting more aggressive with the ACV treatment but it seemed to affect the kittens negatively and they died much quicker then the kittens who stopped having the ACV once they started coughing. I would recommend that if you are dealing with this do not put all your trust into ACV. It does alleviate the symptoms for my cats but the kittens are to weak and need something to fight the virus off for them. To date I have lost 5 or 6 kittens to this. I do have a FB page dedicated to my cats and kittens which I use to try and find them homes so that they will not have to live feral lives. If you would like to see videos of the kittens coughing there are some posted there. Good luck to anyone out there trying to help animals!