Rabies Vaccine Side Effects in Dogs

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Lisa (Buffalo, New York) on 05/04/2009

I have a jack russell terrier (7 yrs old) 11 lbs. She received her rabies shot and they drew blood for heartworm on a Thursday, on Friday she was mopping and her back end was sore. Would not let me touch her, she even snapped at me. She started to vomit. She is not eating and has no energy. Would this be a side effect? What should I do?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by DD (Highland Park , NJ) on 04/22/2009

My puppy, an female pomeranian of 17 weeks just had her first rabies shot. Are now 2 days since and she seams more sleepy and second morning she also vomited. I would like to know how long time I might expect side effects from rabies shots.

Concerning distemper vaccinations, she had already her 3 puppy shots. The vet told me that I should return in 1 year for another distemper that has to be done yearly otherwise she might get distemper which is deadly. How much of this is true? Is her immunity good enough after her puppy shots to not require her entire life any more vaccinations or not. Previously I had another dog that lived to 14 years and she had just her puppy shots for her life.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Roxana (Braidwood, IL) on 04/09/2009

I have a poodle who is very healthy, will be 2 years old in July and he has developed a spot on his right front shoulder blade where the his hair is gone. Approx. size is 1-1/2 round. There is a slight feeling of warmth and at times it has a small section that is hard under the skin. A couple of weeks earlier he had a 3 year rabies shot, now 2 months later he has a hairless spot and I am worried, even though the vet does not seem to be as worried as I am.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Madeline (Milmay, NJ) on 03/30/2009

Hi, i am just wondering if anyone had a problem with dog leaking urine after a rabies shot? Never had the problem before , she is an old dog but it is funny she has the problem right after shot. Had a problem with her going both ways in the house and never did she do it all her life, i can't figure it out . I was wondering if it could of given her a bladder infection. would love any help i can get..

EC: Hi, Madeline: Cross-posting your feedback to: https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/incontinence.html

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Linda (Streator, Illinois) on 09/19/2009

I was also wondering about the incontinence after the rabbie shots. My 6 year old boxer recently had her 3 year rabies shot. She already was being treated for incontinence but after the rabie shot it became worse. The medicine didn't help. We have even increased it per the vets instructions. I was wondering what you found out. I just happened to read your post and I didn't really connect the problem with the shot till I read it. I would appreciate any information you have.


Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Sylvia (Spartanburg) on 03/16/2015

I know it has been years since this last post but wondering if anyone found an answer to the incontinence after rabies shot? My 1.5 yr old husky/shepard just had her yearly shots and has lost control of her bladder on 3 separate occasions while sleeping.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by R (Branson, MO) on 11/15/2022

I know this was years ago but my dog is leaking urine after her rabies shot. Did you find a cure?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Judy (Poyntelle, PA) on 03/29/2009

Yesterday, we took our 6 month old kitten to the vet for her Rabies shot. Today, she's lethargic and has no desire to play. Before the shot, she was very playful and energetic. I'm hoping that after some time, she'll be fine, but we're worried. We just adopted her from a shelter and she is just wonderful. Is there anything we should do? Or do we just wait?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Amy (San Francisco, CA, USA) on 03/26/2009

While I agree that we tend to over-vaccinate our dogs at the advice of our veterinarians, NOT getting a vaccination poses its own problems: I can't get my dog registered without proof of rabies shots given at the recommended schedule. How have others dealt with this issue?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Dana (Green Valley, Arizona) on 03/23/2009

When I had my cat Joey vaccinated for rabies... he could not walk and was in alot of pain... I called my Vet and he said wait 24 hrs and he would be fine... he was but I am afraid to have him vaccinated again... he is an indoor cat so I don't think I will.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Joni (McKinney, TX) on 03/20/2009

When my first mini doxie received his first rabies vaccination, he swelled up like he had tumors all over his body. Immediately, returned to vet and just in time as his airway was almost completely closed. Vet immediately administered multiple allergy meds. A medical letter was written to our local county that this dog was never to be vaccinated again. When he was two years of age, allergies (food and skin) came on strong. I then cooked his own meals for the rest of his life and was on a med to control the skin issues. He lived 14 years and died from diabetes. When he was 13, he did bite a friend. The vet did a titers test and sure enough that one vaccine he had as a baby was still in his system. I currently have two doxies now and I had to vaccinate them due to county and state laws. They were given allergy meds at the same time. They did fine and I hear that the laws are changing if doing a titers test. VERY IMPORTANT, if a pet needs to be vaccinated, get a morning appt and make sure your vet is available just in case there is a reaction. Never vaccinate on a Friday if vet office is closed on weekends. Using Revolution, also stopped my one doxie from vomiting and lowered his liver levels dramatically. I would still like to research a more holistic approach.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Erin (Omaha, Nebraska) on 03/01/2009

My cat Romeo got a three year Rabies shot about three weeks ago. He was okay at first, a little tired but still acting fine. Then two weeks later he began to be very lethargic, sleeps much more than usual, and seems weak. He rarely wants to play anymore. He barely eats or drinks anything and hasn't had a BM in over a week (He usually only goes once every 3 days because of his special food he's on). Also, when he sleeps he gets what looks like muscle spasms all over his whole body. I have called the vet and they insist it could not be from the vaccine. I am taking him to the vet again tomorrow. He still seems happy (i.e. purring and wanting to be held) but just isn't himself. Any advice??

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Trish (Austin, Texas) on 03/05/2009

I hope this bit of information helps and I'm sure if our Vet in Indianapolis, Indiana would have told my husband and me about http://www.catinfo.org website, we would still have our fifteen year old Izzy and been able to make our decisions based on invaluable information for cat lovers like us who want to be the best care givers possible.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Sherry (Longview, Washington) on 02/17/2009

Our Female scottie named Maggie got very ill after receiving her rabies shot. The vet wrote a note saying Maggie needs to be exempt from any future rabies shots. Maggie is now 7 and doing fine.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Dianna (Bailey, Virginia) on 02/11/2009

My cats received rabies vaccine several years ago. She had a severe reaction with swelling, hives, and not wanting to move. I had her to emergency three times to receive benedral, and steroids, to help her recover. I almost lost her. Since then I have been hesitant to get the vaccines. The last time she got it, they had to keep her overnight and give in very small doses along with several other medicines to try and help her not to have reactions to it. The vet's office said they have to do this with several of their pet patients, because of reactions. I've been hesitant to get my pets vaccinated. They are totally INDOOR cats but the vet's office insists that ITS THE LAW in VA. Apparently vets aren't allowed to treat pets for sickness, etc. unless they are up on their rabies shots in Virginia. I am highly concerned. Why should pets that are allergic be put through this trauma? (especially after reading it can cause complications after the shots years later). How can this law be changed?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Marybeth (Coopersburg, Pa) on 02/09/2009

My cat was vaccinated for Rabies a few days ago. He has been limping on his left front leg and lethargic ever since. He was a perfectly happy, healthy cat before his vaccine. There is no sign of a break, no swelling, and no fever. However, he is miserable.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Deniece (Middletown, NY) on 02/09/2009

my 10 year old female pomeranian had her rabies shot yesterday. Today she is lifeless and has just layed around with no energy. Her leg is extremely sore to the point she can not walk up or down the stairs. I am not used to seeing her like this. She jumps and spins in circles when I get home and today, she just layed there and looked up at me with very sad eyes. That is what made me start to do research on the vacine and I found this site. I hope she starts to feel better soon. Please keep me posted with any results you may find regarding this vaccine.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Boryana (Prague, Czech Republic) on 02/07/2009

Side effects of rabies vaccine: I have a six and a half month old female beagle who was vaccinated against rabies three weeks ago. Since then she has constant health issues. First, she lost appetite and developed kennel cough. The vet treated the kennel cough with a medicine called Metacam (used in Europe, the Czech Republic), which caused terrible diarrhea that goes on for more than two weeks now. On top of everything else, one day ago, my beagle could not hold her urine and had very frequent leaks, obviously not accidents because she was surprised herself. Basically, because of this vaccination I have turned my healthy cheerful dog into one very sick dog. And all this, because I wanted to travel with her.

The rabies vaccine she was given is Nobivac Rabies A034B01.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Alicia (Burley, Idaho) on 02/04/2009

We have a 4 1/2 year old miniature roughcoat chihuahua. We took her to the vet yesterday morning for her rabies shot. We picked her up from the vet last night. When we got her home, she wouldn't eat or drink. She seemed very tired, and although I was concerned at the time, I assumed she had been awake most the day at the vet and had eaten and drank plenty there. This morning when I got up to let her out, she wouldn't get up without help. She could hardly walk, she wouldn't eat, drink, go outside without help, she couldn't walk the steps and had to be picked up and carried down and then back up. After she pottied, she just sat down and wouldn't walk to come back into the house. I had to pick her up and carry her. I took her back into the vet insisting she had reacted to the shot, and he concurred with that. He gave her an anti serum, and is keeping her to observe her throughout the day. He will let us know at the end of the day if she is well enough to go home. I do not immunize my children and I have always been reluctant to immunize my dogs for the very same reasons...now my concerns have been confirmed! This is the last vaccination she will ever get, if she lives, as I am now researching pet shots as I should have researched BEFORE shots! I feel it's a no brainer that the shots can have the same effects on animals because they contain the same toxic ingredients!! K, now I have vented my personal feelings and opinion! I sure hope she survives this reaction!!