Rabies Vaccine Reaction, Dogs
Natural Remedies

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects in Dogs

| Modified on Nov 16, 2022
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Bob R. (Pensacola, Fl) on 12/13/2018

Our beautiful 5 month old Golden Retriever was a healthy pick of the liter and a very active puppy until the day she was given a 9 way shot and rabies shot that the vet told us was necessary if we needed her to be fixed later. The first day of the shot she was lethargic and could not use her front leg where the shot was administered (shoulder). Our puppy is 7 months old now and her condition has worsened and moved to the back hips. She has trouble sitting and getting up, has a hunched back and is in pain. (No other dog in the liter has any problems as we are in contact with the other six owners). We took her to the same vet today and they said it was the worse case of hip displacia they have seen for such a young dog. They denied that it could be the shots, but there is no doubt in our minds it was caused in part at least by the 10 "poisons" that were given all at the same time. We are considering putting her down as we do not want to see her in any more pain. 2 months ago she was beautiful, intelligent and very active but since that day of shots her hips are now twisted and her back is hunched. It breaks our hearts. Not sure what to do but pray.

Avoiding Vaccines
Posted by Janet (In) on 11/15/2018

He most likely has some heavy metals and a virus. The rabies shot replicates the symptoms.
I would give him a tiny pinch of cilantro, 2x a week to gently remove the metals. A smidge of non gmo lecithin. That will help his liver.
An antiviral remedy we gave our dogs was l lysine. Open a capsule of 500mg and give 1/4 of the powder in a ball of liver sausage. 4x a day, for 3 days

Avoiding Vaccines
Posted by Farrah P. (Maryland) on 11/12/2018

Hi, I recently 11-11-18 got my 6 year old yorkie male his rabies shot. she told me that he may feel sleepy. so we left got into the car . He did go to slepp for a little. then fine. the next day I come home he was asking afraid to come down the steps. then he was shaking little. so I gave him some food and he drank water. we went out side he pee that was it. He was looking at me as if he was in pain or not feeling good. idk what else to do please help! I rub him he act like he was still sore from the shot. idk if he sad about something he look like he wanted to cry idk what to do.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Mary Lou (Las Vegas, Navada) on 05/19/2018

Yes I took my 2 year old chiwawa to get her rabies shot and she's limping on one of her legs

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Stellabru2 (New York, Ny) on 04/16/2018

Lump by Injection Site

I'm reporting that my 4 pound, 5 month old female yorkie who was in perfect health received her rabies vaccine & now has a dime sized lump by injection site. It's been 2 weeks, just noticed it calling vet tomorrow. The male has no lump but has been much more aggressive since receiving the shot. They received aluminum free, I asked for this based on other recommendations but unsure how to handle this now.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 03/26/2018

Hey Meg,

You might consider finding a holistic vet for the vaccine damage - that would be my first choice. Barring that, Google 'homeopathic remedy vaccine reaction' or similar searches and see what you can find. Most common homeopathic remedies are Silicea and Thuja - and I would not hesitate to dose either at this stage. I would also dose activated charcoal and milk thistle, along with acidophillus and other probiotics to establish good gut health. Please report back!

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Mima (Arizona) on 03/25/2018

i just rescued a dog from the pound, and of course they had to jack her full of vaccines.she was a two out of five on the health scale since she had just had puppies, was skinny and someone had shaved her down in the middle of winter, probably because she had mite infestation. Approximately two weeks after her shots, she came down with a bad case of kennel cough. Guess what one of the shots was? Bordatella. Over the past 30 years I have had four dogs and four cats, none of which were ever vaccinated nor were they ever sick. Animal vaccines are stupid and useless. BTW- I didn't vaccinate my own child after she got sick after six week “well baby” shots in 1994 and I never missed a day of work to stay home with a sick baby. She Never had an ear infection or needed antibiotics for anything,

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Meg (Maryland) on 03/24/2018

We took our 10yr old Poodle/Beagle mix in for required rabies shots 2/22/18. He was perfectly happy and healthy. About 2wks after shot his bark became raspy sounding, but we thought it was from him barking outside with his brothers playing. Then 3/20 evening lost control of his back legs and his appetite not normal; had to feed scrambled eggs. He also wasn't drinking as much. By 3/21 morning no appetite, not able to stand even with help eyes glassy.

When we took him to vet they first said he appeared to be trying to be passing. His eyes were not glassy now, but he was limp like a rag doll. They initially ran bloodwork for heartworm, lymes, kidney function...all fine. They did the pinch tests on him because they said well he may have a brain injury(my son has one, so I know a lot about them already) he passed all the pinch tests and didn't have any falls or injuries to cause a brain injury anyway. When I mentioned the rabies vaccination and that I felt this was related; all I got was no his reaction would have happened immediately. So, $550 at that vets and off to vetER for weekend for continued IV, steroid and antibiotics in case it is some kind of tick bourne disease. They did do chest xray lungs are clear. His heart was a little enlarged but he had a murmur.

I know in my own heart it is the rabies vaccination that was given to him on the 22 of Feb that caused this with him. He may not have been a case of immediate reaction, but they can't explain what is going on and I know how he was and is acting. I see it in his sweet little eyes too...he is a fighter...but how do I counteract what was done a month ago when I can't get anyone to listen? Never again will I give any of my babies shots.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/27/2018

Hey Sparky3377,

You might consider a holistic vet that can repair vaccine damage - try finding one here: https://www.ahvma.org/find-a-holistic-veterinarian/

From the interwebs: "Many people automatically give the remedy Thuja after a vaccination, but it's not the only remedy indicated for vaccine reactions. Silica is also a very important remedy in this regard. However, it's important to remember that treating a reaction to vaccines is no different from treating anything else with homeopathy – the best remedy to give is the one that matches the symptom picture the dog is displaying.... That said, the vaccine reactions that dogs commonly experience often indicate Thuja or Silica. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Generals, convulsions, vaccination after: Silica, Thuja
  • Mentals, anxiety, vaccination after: Thuja
  • Eye, inflammation, vaccination after: Thuja
  • Stomach, nausea, vaccination after: Silica
  • Rectum, diarrhea, vaccination after: Silica, Thuja
  • Respiration, asthmatic, vaccination after: Thuja
  • Cough, vaccination after: Thuja
  • Extremities, paralysis, lower limbs, vaccination after: Thuja
  • Extremities, swelling general, upper limbs, vaccination after: Silica, Sulphur, Thuja (in dogs, this generally corresponds to a lump at the injection site)
  • Skin, eczema, vaccination after: Mezereum (thick, hard scabs), Sulphur (red, itchy eruptions)

When treating reactions to a rabies vaccine, Belladonna and Lyssin (also known as Hydrophobinum) should be considered. Belladonna can be indicated if the dog suddenly develops a high fever, especially if he/she has glassy eyes with dilated pupils. This is also a remedy to consider if the dog develops aggressive or compulsive behaviour (e.g. turning in circles repeatedly), or seizure activity.

Lyssin (also known as Hydrophobinum) is the first remedy to think of if the dog develops a fear of water (which can manifest as refusing to drink) or is agitated by the sound of running water."

Source: http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/homeopathic-treatment-vaccine-reactions/

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Sparky3377 (Middlebranch, Ohio) on 02/22/2018

3 year old shih tzu, went from my absolute baby (I could barely sit down before she was on my lap or shoulder) always excited, happy, snuggly dog to a shaky, cautious, scared, sleepy, unhappy dog that acts like she doesn't know anyone 3 days after a rabies shot. If she gets a treat, she snaps it out of your hands, she has slowed her eating of her food. I'm so worried that this is how she is going to stay, I can't find any info about it wearing off. I don't want to get any more shots for her. This has terrified me. My other shih tzu is fine, it was just another day to him.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Stacee (Ca) on 12/09/2017

My 5 month old Bernese Mountain Dog puppy received her first rabies, 1 year, vaccination yesterday and now this morning she is vomiting and refusing food, lethargic and whining :( I am so worried about her. I left a message at our vets office but they are closed until Tuesday. Today is Saturday Manuracturer Pfizer Serial (lot) number S406518

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Monica (Ca) on 10/18/2017

It's so sad, I keep reading more and more stories about these stupid vaccines hurting our dog babies. Of course these vets are going to keep saying what protects them, rather than our pets, who they are supposed to be protecting. I have had my dog started limping two weeks ago, but the shots were about 6 months ago, when he was neutered...so, it may seem like a far jump for me to say so, but I am very consistant with our walking routines, his foods, and our environment has been the same all 6 years since I found him....so the rabies vaccine will be due again in about 4 months and I am looking for any other options or any type of remedies we, as pet lovers can do that may help to alleviate the poisons/vaccines they force us to pump into their poor selves:( I don't trust any "Professional" (dr.'s) opinions since they have a vested interest in not admitting to the obvious(according to the endless stories of other dog owners in this thread).
Any advice is much appreciated.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Vicki (Wa) on 09/12/2017

Ok, last Thursday we had our 1 1/2 year old female Blue Heeler spayed and after the spay, the vet gave her the 3 year Rabies Vaccine and 3 year DAPv Nobivac. I had originally said several times beforehand that I wanted to do the titers, but they said she needed these vaccinations and then do titers next time. I also stated that wouldn't it be alot for her system with already having being spayed to have these vaccinations on top of it all the same day. They said they have done it many times with no issues. 2 days after the spay and vaccinations, she started acting very tired, continual temp around 103.3-103.9, not lethargic, but quite weak. She could barely finish going #2, as it was too tiring. She does have a good appetite, but doesn't want to drink water. I've had her back to the vet yesterday, they looked her over and they took blood. Should get results today. I'm kicking myself for letting them give her the shots. Probably could of avoided all of this and to know that I did it to her when she was perfectly fine. Other people need to read up on titer tests, as many don't know about them and the fact that they can kill an older dog by over vaccinating. It's true. I have read people say that the titers are expensive....but, they are not. The vet is over charging them. I only pay around $60 if that for a titer on rabies.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Vicki (Wa) on 09/12/2017

Ok, last Thursday we had our 1 1/2 year old female Blue Heeler spayed and after the spay, the vet gave her the 3 year Rabies Vaccine and 3 year DAPv Nobivac. I had originally said several times beforehand that I wanted to do the titers, but they said she needed these vaccinations and then do titers next time. I also stated that wouldn't it be allot for her system with already having being spayed to have these vaccinations on top of it all the same day. They said they have done it many times with no issues. 2 days after the spay and vaccinations, she started acting very tired, continual temp around 103.3-103.9, not lethargic, but quite weak. She could barely finish going #2, as it was too tiring. She does have a good appetite, but doesn't want to drink water. I've had her back to the vet yesterday, they looked her over and they took blood. Should get results today. I'm kicking myself for letting them give her the shots. Probably could of avoided all of this and to know that I did it to her when she was perfectly fine. Other people need to read up on titer tests, as many don't know about them and the fact that they can kill an older dog by over vaccinating. It's true. I have read people say that the titers are expensive....but, they are not. The vet is over charging them. I only pay around $60 if that for a titer on rabies.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Rachel (Wa) on 08/13/2017

i wish there was a cure or a vet that didnt say I was lying. Sadly none of those exist. My dog has been vommiting since the rabies shot by zoetis back in feb. on 13th 2017 he got sick. He now still vomits 4 times a day so don't waste your time going to the vet.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Suseeq (Sydney, Australia) on 07/21/2017

Before going for any vaccinations please put the animal on vit c one week before; helps to cope with side effects, I don't vaccinate after 2.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Mary (Melrose Park Il) on 07/19/2017

I had my 2 13 year old maltese vaccinated for rabies by our county yesterday. One dog seems to be fine and the other was limping yesterday so I soaked his leg in warm epsom salt water. He didn't eat anything yesterday or today and has been sleeping both days. He developed diarrhea today. I gave him some peptobismol which usually makes him feel better but it didn't. I gave him a half pill of Imodium just a few minutes ago. Now he has vomited. I am pissed beyond words. I looked up reactions to this damn shot and now am so worried, so tomorrow we make a trip to the vet. I pray that he will be fine until then. They were vaccinated with the 3 year one. That's it for shots for them I say. In May my vet prescribed ear drops for an ear infection each one had. Both went deaf, the sick one now has partial hearing and the other has none. After I noticed I read the paper inside the prescription and low Andy behold, it stated at it may cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. Are you kidding me

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Heather (Plymouth, Ma) on 07/07/2017

Hi, My lab Belle had her first 3 year rabies vaccine on the past Sunday. She was fine up until Wednesday she my daughter noticed she was limping on her left leg. (The vaccine was given on the right side). I called the vet and took her in today, Friday. They said it could be a torn CCL. But she didn't injure herself, when she got up from lying down she was limping. I didn't bring this up with the vet because I just thought of this. We have an appointment with a different vet on Monday for a second opinion. I will bring this thought up with him. Any thoughts are appreciated!

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Dog Momma (Cleveland, Oh) on 06/15/2017

My 4 year old mini-goldendoodle had a rabies booster (defensor 3) yesterday afternoon. That evening, he didn't seem himself, but we thought he should be a bit off after getting injections. Our neighbor children stopped by to sell car wash tickets. When they rang the door bell, Bauer did not go to the door (he has never not gone to the door before). When he saw who it was, he acted afraid and refused to greet them. We again blew it off. This morning we were getting ready for work when we told him that he need to go pee before we left. I opened the back door to let him out and he again acted very afraid. He went to our couch and sat looking terrified. When I went to the couch, I sat down about an arm length away, but he didn't come to me. After a few minutes, I feared I would be late for work, so I reached out to him and he moved as far back as he could, showed me his teeth with a low growl and attempted to bite me. I quickly moved away and said nothing to him. Shortly after, my husband came into the room and I told him what happened. He repeated the same behavior. This is very unusual as our dog has never in 4 years ever tried to harm us or bite us. He even allowed the vet to scrape tarter off his teeth while calmly sitting on the table the day before. I decided to stay home and called our vet. The response I got was that she had never heard of behavior problems from rabies vaccines and it was likely related to pain. I assured her that I know he is not in pain, we have been through a broken leg, a torn MCL and bleeding gastritis, in addition to previous vaccines. This is not how my dog behaves in pain. He easily jumps on and off the furniture, is eating and drinking. He is not in severe pain to warrant aggression. A bit later, our housekeeper arrived. He greated her happily, laid on his back for belly rubs and seemed normal. About 20 min later, he looked out the front window, saw her car, started barking and ran to the garage door to meet her...but she was already in the living room standing behind her. He seemed so confused. So I called a larger vet center. The vet there told me that he must be in pain and mad at me for taking him to the vet! I felt so defeated. No one would listen to my concerns. I finally called a holistic veterinarian and have an appointment this afternoon to be evaluated and treated. I am highly concerned that behavioral issues after a vaccination is being ignored by medical professionals that I trust my baby to.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Jerris Vaslev (Oregon) on 05/24/2017

Unless your vet is very different than most, your little 5 lb poodle is getting the same dose of the rabies vaccine as a Great Dane. No wonder small dogs tend to have more adverse reactions! Consider finding a holistic vet as you may get an exemption from further rabies shots.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Ritarae Elsberry (South Jordan Utah) on 05/23/2017

My white 5lb Poodle lost quarter-sized piece of hair on her back weeks after a rabies shot. After the booster shot 3 years later she lost a larger patch of hair from her backbone down to the belly mid-line. The white hair does not grow back. We had a plug of tissue sent to a lab for immune disorder and it came back negative. The second patch of hair loss is large and some hair that has grown beck along the edges is dark yellow. She wears a little shirt to cover her damaged coat but is she suffering. Dogs do not show pain. She acts fit and happy. We feed her Blue Buffalo small dog kibble. Her weight is perfect.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Theresa (Tustin, California) on 05/22/2017

On Saturday May 13,2017 my six year old yorkie was given her shots, including rabies and has been sick now for a whole week. shortly after bringing her home form the Vet in Lake Forest California she just didn't seem to be feeling well, then the next day the diarrhea started and we can't get rid of it. The vet doesn't seem to be too interested in helping us. I will never get any vaccinations for my dog again.


Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Jana (California) on 05/14/2017

My 5 pound dog lost hair all over her body the day after her rabies vaccine. She also developed black spots all over. She doesn't seem in pain. I am taking her to vet and I am really worried. It could be autoimmune reaction to the vaccine. I tried to report the reaction but USDA site doesn't work. The vaccine manufacturer is Merial.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Breezy (Beach Nd) on 04/25/2017

February of 2016 my 10 year old English Setter, Doti, had symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as swelling starting in her jowls going to head, neck and ears. This was proceeded by severe vomiting and diarrhea, and not eating or drinking which resulted in dehydration. I asked my vet if the rabies vaccination which she had gotten 7 days earlier was the cause and she said no, it had been too long since vaccination. Doti ended up in the vet hospital for two days where they gave her innerveineous liquids and prednisone and she came out of it ok. However she has had some weakness in her hindquarters since, which I thought was due to her age. This year, April 2017 she had the booster to the Rabies vaccination (I had let the time lapse so she was given a "one year" shot in 2016)Sure enough 6 days later she started swelling in her jowls and it moved to her head. I called my vet and said she had the same symptoms she had suffered the year before and it was the same amount of time after her rabies shot. I asked if it could be the rabies shot, she said, no it has been too long since the vaccination. The vet told me to give her Benadryl and if she got worse to bring her in. Doti did get swelling in her head and later her ears and a little in the skin of her throat and neck, but with the Benadryl she did improve. That was Thursday, by Sat. she started vomiting and having diarrhea. Along with other symptoms such as lethargy, fever, eyes starring, aloofness (not wanting to come in house even at night which is very unusual) some confusion. However she did continue to drink this time and did not get dehydrated. By Monday she was eating a small amount and acting more like herself. She did start to swell a little in her lips, but I gave her more Benadryl and it has gone down. Today (Tues.) she is doing much better, much more perkier, seems more herself and is eating and keeping it down. In researching reactions to rabies vaccination I learned reactions can appear weeks or months after the vaccination and the symptoms she had are very typical. I feel my vet should have known this or at least researched to find more information on the reactions to Rabies vaccination. I just hope she does not have reoccurrence of symptoms or chronic problems from it. She has had severe arthritis since she was 5 and I see that is one of the chronic symptoms of vaccine reactions. She also had a cough when she was 2-4 which suddenly cleared up so might have been due to the vaccinations. I wish a vet would have told me of the possible reactions to the vaccine. I may have recognized them and stopped vaccinating her. I will be reporting this to my vet in Beach so she recognizes the symptoms and does not revaccinate again. I feel we were lucky (or blessed) that Doti did not develop more serious symptoms after the second vaccination.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/04/2017

Hey Tammy,

You might consider homeopathic remedies Thuja and also Silcea - google up on dosing, you should have no problem finding info about these two remedies. Also consider activated charcoal or bentonite clay - a tsp added to the food am and pm to help pull out toxins. Did he get neutered? One other thought is that during anesthesia all muscles are totally relaxed and can result in the animal waking up with all their bones out of adjustment/vertebra subluxation. You might consider a doggy chiro and should also seek out a holistic vet for vaccine repair.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Tammy (Princeton, Wv) on 01/03/2017

I desperately need some immediate help and advice.

Our little 3 year dog received his rabies shot last Wednesday and almost immediately started drooling. (he only got the shot because they required it to neuter him) He wasn't his same self for days and by Saturday was struggling to go up the stairs. By Sunday morning his back legs were paralyzed. We rushed him to the animal hospital and they keep saying he must have injured a disk, however he hasn't been active since receiving the shot (along with the distemper vaccine).He is alive and on pain meds, steroids, and muscle relaxers but I am not seeing improvement.

What can I do??

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 11/18/2016

Hey Connie,

You might see if the homeopathic remedies Thuja and Silicea will help your pet. These remedies have been helpful in negating side effects from vaccines.