This is quite a long story, but since not much is published on the Cushing's link for Dogs, I wanted to add what happened to my Yorkie, Nikki. She is not cured and still has set backs, but initially she did a complete 360!! She was very sick and the "reg" vets wanted to put her on massive steroids, my groomer recomended a Holistic vet, on our first visit she informed me we could just about cure Nikki's Cushings with proper diet, supplements, etc. It was one of the most thorough examinations she ever had. She was also shocked at all the drugs my dog had been given throughout the first 5 years of her life. She had seen 7 specialists up to this point. Holistic vets are very expensive so maybe I can help by sharing our daily regimen and what the Dr. first did for her.
1) No more chemicals, ie: flea control products
2) No more grains or canned dog food, dogs are carnivores, period.
3) No more vaccinations, they are supposed to only be administered to healthy animals only
There is a lot more to tell you but got to take a break.Will be back to finish, will copy in my email and save so I can finish, but will go ahead and post this for now. I will be back with what she takes, what she eats and what has occurred over the last 2 years since all this. Godbless, Cinde