Chronic Renal Failure
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Managing Chronic Renal Failure in Pets

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Raw Food Diet and Miscellaneous Supplements
Posted by Kriya (British Columbia) on 10/21/2016

We've had a success in bringing my little kitties kidney values back into normal range. His blood was tested on Aug 8/16 and his values were into Stage 3. (creatine 270) yet clinically the symptoms were just large pees and perhaps a little lethargic. Blood tested 3 month later...all values in normal range.

This is what we did: raw lamb (warms kidneys) and turkey. Mostly lamb 3/4, and boneless turkey 1/4. 1 1/2 or so tbsp of pumpkin daily.

RENAL ESSENTIALS 2x/day (wrapped in a little raw meat..eats like a candy). This product is by Vetriscience. Please try to buy directly through a vet.

Reversed osmosis water only. 3 soups a day of 1/4 cup water with 1 tsp Ziwi Peak (lamp) canned...add treats or raw to get excited.

TONS of massage, esp, in the kidney area...many times a day. (THE BOOK 4 paws and 5 directions is great to learn accupressure etc)

We did a few sessions of acupuncture and will continue. Watch the constipation carefully...if dry poos, add more soups and oil. (olive is ok sometimes, fish depending on the vitamin D situation).

Oh and lots yoga nidra sessions with kitty laying on top.

Raw Food Diet and Miscellaneous Supplements
Posted by Marguerite (Wrightwood, CA) on 05/30/2007

Hi Just some further thoughts about Cyberpunk's amazing recovery. I use organic chicken livers but have been unsuccessful getting organic chicken hearts so just buy the gizzard/ hearts package at the grocery store. Stater Bros. has whiting available (wild caught) in a package at a reasonable price, also frozen whole talapia. The Azodyl is expensive and I think the NSI's Friendly Fiber would do the same thing but I am unwilling to experiment with Punky's health at this point. If any of your readers need help with setting this diet up and live in the So Cal area, I would be willing to assist. I cured my 10 yr old Golden of a double rattlesnake bite, if you guys would be interested in that. Best Wishes,

Raw Food Diet and Miscellaneous Supplements
Posted by Marguerite (Wrightwood, CA) on 05/14/2007

Hi Just wanted to update the info I sent the other day re: Cyberpunk. He continues to do so well! His coat is beautiful. I think I miswrote what I put in his water. I use 2 water bowls, one with a drop of hydrogen peroxide and one with 1/2 tsp baking soda and 1 tsp ACV. He accepts both just fine. I want to gradually increase amounts. Best wishes

Raw Food Diet and Miscellaneous Supplements
Posted by Marguerite (Wrightwood, CA) on 05/12/2007

Hi Love this website! I just got back from the vet for a routine ck-up for my 18 yr old cat "Cyberpunk" with chronic renal failure and his creatnine and bun levels are now in the normal range! I am so happy. This is down from being very high 6 mos ago when he was near death. Here is the regimen i am following:

1. AM - Raw meats: chicken hearts (source of taurine) whiting and talapia (low mercury fish) chicken livers Supplements: Slippery Elm (1 gel-cap), 1/2 tsp.Epakitin, NSI's Friendly Fiber (1 gel-cap), Azodyl, Source Natural's Beta Glucan 100mg.

2. PM - Felidae Cat food mixed with cilantro (removes toxicity), sprouts, Udo's Cat essentials powder, lechithin granules Supplements: Azodyl. fish oil (1 gel-cap)

* Important* I add a few drops of apple cider vinegar and 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide to his water bowl.

This diet should help both cats and dogs with kidney problems due to age or tainted pet food.

I know some people disagree with the raw foods but think of what animals eat in the wild and how well they thrive. As is proven by the latest food recalls, most companies are only interested in their bottom line. Mother nature knows best! Hope this is useful. Best Regards, Marguerite