Chronic Renal Failure
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Managing Chronic Renal Failure in Pets

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Digestive Enzymes, Easy to Digest Food
Posted by CSH (Studio City, California) on 03/30/2008

My cat kiki was a little on the chubby side. She was a stray so she is aggressive for food. I ALWAYS fed her MAX cat or Nutro from Petco. in 2006 she began throwing up- i thought Hairballs because Kiki usually doesn't have a problem eating anything. She loves to eat. She began throwing up more and more. I now realize it was the possibility of contaminated DRY food. Thats all she ate. by the beginning of 2007 Kiki lost alot of weight and i didn't know what to do. I took her to the vet and $500 later (their magic number), Nothing of renal disease. It was when kiki was surprised by a neighbors pit bull and was attacked - Broken ribs- and a few more things but she is OK, she is a LUCKY cat! The specialist hospital she was in showed me the Renal Disease low testings on that. She is very affectionate but since she was basically starving, from always throwing up, She would throw up and throw her body down to lay down lethargic and just looked depressed. She would have an upset stomach for 3-4 hours after eating she would lay alone her stomach would be swishing, she would lick her lips alot when she was going to throw up and then throw up volume. Digested food and water. Since renal disease is kidneys and they are for pulling the toxins out I was about giving her the RIGHT food. I finally found her combo a dry food called Nature's Recipe at petco and wet food from Trader Joes. I put peti greens, eggshell calcium, the Digestive Enzymes and a product called RENAL G.O. they have. I have been adding it to her food DAILY in her wet and dry food sprinkled on top. This has now been steady since Oct 2007. Pets Friends makes it and they have helped me have Kiki gain weight I also put 2 drops food grade hydrogen peroxide in her water bowl since 2/08. Her coast is awesome and she used to get little rashes and none since the diet changes and all this. Now I have my loving kitty back feeling full!

I now want to help her joint pain from her Pit Bull Attack. She was in it's mouth it shook her- and no internal bleeding one puncture wound that was only her skin layer and she was in shock when I got to her ( I was at work) but I think I will try a ACV bath with a Hydrogen peroxide rinse.

If anyone knows any more body pain I can help her with that would be great.

She is my best friend Hi have had her since i was 19 she is 13 now. She is a grey Korat.

Thanks Everyone who posts here I hope this helps.