Chronic Renal Failure
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Managing Chronic Renal Failure in Pets

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Coconut Oil
Posted by Beth (Brighton, Mi, Usa) on 04/29/2012

My dear old feline friend will be 17 on Mother's Day, and also is in CRF, has hyperthyroid, and acts like a crochety old lady. She's about 10 pounds and it's hard to keep weight on her. She also had fresh blood spots in her stool, perhaps hemerroids or irritated bowel. The vet gave me lactolase, and although it didn't get worse, it didn't improve much either.

I've started a regimen of a bit of coconut oil - about 1/8 teaspoon, along with 1/8 teaspoon slippery elm bark - both in her wet food, morning and night. I melt the coconut oil in her dish in the microwave for 11-12 seconds, mix with the slippery elm bark, then mix in with her wet food.

She's also on methimazole for the thyroid condition (ointment form applied to the inner ear flaps). Since I started the coconut oil, the blood in her stool has greatly diminished-almost gone! It's also helped her put on a little weight.

The slippery elm for her CRF has diminished the lip-smacking sounds of chronic dehydration (though she drinks a lot of water), also diminished is her desire to sit on her haunches (like a meat-loaf); now she'll lay on either side, sometimes even stretch out-it's wonderful!

The quality of the cold-pressed virgin coconut oil made a difference. It was pricey-but a 16 oz jar will last me at least 6 months, more than I could say for any chemical vet medication-meant to only treat the symptoms-just like human meds in the United States. Keeping us sick keeps us as a patient who will always be a return customer-our economy sadly thrives on this.

Regardless, my old friend is now a thriving geriatric feline-thanks to Earth Clinic and those of you who took the time to post!