Home Remedies for Anal Gland Problems in Dogs: Tips and Tricks

Epsom Salt, Silicia
Posted by Diane (Pennsylvania, Usa) on 04/07/2018 3 posts

My dog recently had an anal gland issue, constant licking, swollen gland. It was the weekend and I was at a loss for what to do. A groomer said since the gland was swollen I should take her to a vet, and since it was the weekend, that meant emergency vet with an astronomical vet bill, as well as hours of travel.

I finally found a YouTube video by Deca Khalsa, entitled "Anal Sac Problems and Anal Gland Infections". She said to that there is a 99.9% chance that her suggestions would clear, detoxify and heal the anal glands, so what did I have to lose?

For those who don't have a fast internet connection, her instructions were this:

One tablespoon epsom salts in a half cup or one cup of warm water. Soak cotton balls or cloth in the solution and apply to dog's anal area and glands, for about 10 minutes if possible. This pulls toxins out of the anal glands while healing the tissues. Do this three times a day for a few days up to a week.

Also, give the dog silicia 6x three times a day for one week, then twice a day for for the second week. Insert the silicia in the dog's cheek pouch on the lower lip and let it melt, away from food. This will help the anal sac to empty and heal.

Much easier and so much cleaner, if you know what I mean, than many of the other suggestions I found, and the results were amazing.