I was looking for something to helkp cut back on fly attacks and ran across a page with information on acv. it was suppose to help with numerous things and i am sure it does. i wound up giving it to all three of our horses. after about two weeks i noticed that all three were losing weight. one more so than the others. how could i benefit from its good without it causing weight loss. i was feeding 1/4 cup 2x a day, they all seemed to love it and it really slowed the eating down. they really seemed to take their time eating instead of just gobbling it up. and their coats are beautiful. i can even see the dapples on my palomino this spring and my sorrels just shine. any advice would be great.
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About 12 weeks ago my horse stuck her leg through a fence and ended up with a nasty wound on her hock. The vet put staples in it and two weeks later when he took them out the wound started to open up again, athough i bathed it i couldnt seem to keep the infection at bay. I was advised by one of my friends to try bathing it on acv which i did. I would bath it daily and then put Manuka honey on afterwards. in two weeks the infection was gone completely and after for weeks there is now a very thin scar and all the hair has grown back, you would never know how bad the cut has been. I now feed it to all my horses and sprey in on their legs to help keep the flies at bay.
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I have a few miniature horses. In the spring when they started to shed, one of them had several areas on his skin that were itchy and and scaley. I took a pail and put Apple Cider Vinegar in it and sponged the areas that were effected. I'm not sure what he had but within a week it was cleared up. The day after doing this, the scaley area started to peel off and under it was clean healthy skin. Within a few days his hair started growing in and now you would never know he had a problem. Usually with horses, if they have an injury to the skin,if the hair grows back it is very noticable. Not in this case. He is beautiful. I use it now with all of them. Just a Tbsp in thier feed daily. It also helps to keep the flies away. I mix ACV,Listerine and water in a spray bottle and once sprayed on, the flies stay away. I love it and there are no bad side effects and it is better for the environment than most commercial fly sprays.
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I don't have a remedy, I am looking for one. I've heard that Apple Cider vinegar and some type of soap and water is used to kill ticks and flies on horses. Do you know of any such remedy?
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AVC for a colicking horse: My friend's horse was colicking so I had her give it some ACV but we didn't know how much to give. Later the vet agreed that ACV helps stimulate the digestion with it's enzymes and said that about 2 cups was the dosage. And that since ACV is natural and safe, you couldn't overdose on it.
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Just read your article on apple cider vinegar and horses. We have 5 standardbreds in training and I am so pleased to have found something natural to give them for all their little aches and pains and flies. Thank you so much.
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Apple Cider Vinegar with added garlic certainly helped my older horses coat and skin disorder (together with a little Yellow Sulphur) and also helped with joints. 'I have had a bottle of acv (with garlic added) in the tack room for a while but didn't think my horses needed it. I had an aged pony with a horrible skin problem and thought I would try it on her. Her skin was heaps better (and sooo shiny) after a few weeks. Just 30mls in her feed each evening was enough. I ran out a few weeks ago and forgot to get more each time I went to town. I rode her tonight and she was a bit funny in the joints and her skin didn't seem as shiny as it was. Now I know why, I haven't been feeding her the acv. Tomorrow I am going to find some. I believe it is great stuff. I will never run out again.
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I have been using ACV on JR this past year and have seen a big difference in using this product then any of those commercial fly sprays. I give him around 1/2 cup per day with 2.5 lbs of grain. I also mix in corn oil around 1/2 cup and this has kept his coat looking shinny and flies to a minimum. Great Stuff!
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I use 1/4 cup of acv in grain everyday. Was told by Pat Carter it would calm a nervous horse and it sure did. My horse loves acv and is so much calmer now, it's amazing.
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I tried the acv, flaxmeal, and at first corn oil, but found canola was better. The combo cured my horse from scratching himself until his skin was oozing and crusty. Then his hair would fall out in patches. I have been using the 1/4 acv twice a day, 1/2 cup flaxmeal twice a day and 1/4 canola oil twice a day for about 2 months. Buddy eats better, He not scratching at all and his hips seem to be doing much better. His scratching has been a problem for year, the last two owner gave up on trying to cure him because they tried everything, and he still scratched. Hot wire was the only thing that kept him safe. Now I can let him out and not worry about him. also his whole well being seems great.
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I have a 27 year old quarter horse that went through Marqui treatment for EPM last August. It was a slow hard recovery. About two months ago I noticed that his stools were very loose, but not watery. I was very concerned as horses have fragile digestive systems. I tried ACV 3 ounces everyday for about 1 week now. I noticed after about 3 days they had firmed up but were unusually dark. Today I went to clean his stall and I saw the first normal looking stool I've seen in a long time. He seems to be moving better and I'm not hearing his joints 'crack' as much. Good stuff!
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i brought my daughters welsh section a pony about 5 months ago and when she came she was really stiff in the hind,someone suggested that i use acv and the results are amazing,within just a week there was a big difference when she was walking and trotting around her field like a youngster.
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After Hurricane Katrina blew through here flies were every where. I tried the fly collars , fly spray and nothing seem to keep the abundance of flies away from my horses. I went on line when power was restored looking for a answer I came across this forum and I tried ACV and in a matter of two weeks I could see the difference . Flies were still in abundance but left the horses alone more and bothered us more. We were using off spray every night and my son suffers from eczema ( a skin rash disorder) the off irritated him until he started bleeding in areas. I said what the heck and I sprayed it on us.. okay it dried my skin out a little but over all it help us out as well. Thanks to this forum we are not bothered by pesky flies anymore.
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I have 2 Standardbred geldings and they have been getting 1/4 cup acv daily since I got them, which is 4 years. I combine it with 1 tbls garlic, 1 tbls dolomite, 1 tsp seaweed meal, 1 tsp yellow sulphur and 1/4 tsp copper sulphate, which by the way is what Pat Colby recommends. The combination keeps my boys healthy and I find that I don't need to worm them as often. They love the taste and lick their bowls clean every night. Their coats are shiny and they keep their weight on throughout the year. I have also found that if they get a scratch or nick it heals in no time flat and flies don't bother them as much as the other horses on the property. I recommend acv to everyone with horses!
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To save money what I do is take a 5 gallon bucket, empty one jar of unpasteurized ACV along with 2 large pasteurized ACV, then poor them into the 5 gallon bucket. Wait about 4 weeks (this is the time it takes for the culture to grow). What I do is create a cycle, so I never run out.