We had heard that giving a mare acv (1-2 cups in feed daily) a month before she foals, helps with the stretching. Can anyone verify this?
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Hey! My mom actually stumbled upon this site when looking up ACV for my younger sisters stomach ache- and she printed it out for me because I am always keeping my eyes open for horse remedies. I was wondering what are the serving sizes/ proportions to feed when ixing it with water? Are there different rations for different treatments (ie; more ACV for flies, but less for coat heath...)?' Also, will it help a colicking horse and/or help prevent a horse from colicking? Thank you so much! I am very interested to see if my horse likes it!
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I have 5 horses, one i have had over 29 years, one i just purchased from a rescue, she was so bad i just knew she would die before i could get her home. i have had her for over 4 months now and she is doing much better. Because of her condition and not being properly taken care of she has arthritis very bad. I give her a supplement but seems to not be working. I take acv myself and it is wonderful. i have read in your colum how it has helped horses. My question is how much acv do i use. Thank you Kelly
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I feed my 2 horses ACV every day. It really helps with the flies. It changes the flavor of their skin, and the flies don't like it. It also helps in eliminating stones in the stomach, reduces inflamation, and promotes general health. there are other benefits, but I don't have the documentation in front of me. Oh, and my horses love it. I started out with 1/4 cup per day, and now are giving them 3/4 cup each per day.
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i have never used acv on my horses always used citronella, black tea and normal vinegar but after reading the comments i will be trying acv thank you.
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7/20/2007: ej from MIDDLEBORO, MA -- Comment for EJ for her horse problem with the ACV natural fly spray... EJ the problem is not the ACV it is the Skin So Soft. I can't use it on myself either it cause's my skin to burn. This formula has been around for years and the SSS was used because of the B vitimins in it are a deterant to the bugs, along with the nice smell and some people like the oil to add some sheen. I think it just makes the dirt stick worse. I like it all natural so I use the ACV about 16oz to a gallon of water, Neem Oil or Powder (which ever you can find it is a natural bug repelant) and Citrus Oil 1oz to this gallon mixture. I put it in one of those bug sprayers and have used it on my rescue horses for years. Now I am not going to say it works perfect here in FL (there is not cure) I have tried all kinds of sprays from the most toxic that made me sick to this natural formula and it equals them so for me natural is best.
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HI, I used the _____s brand ACV in my fly spray that caused the welts and peeling. I have bottles of this for myself at work and home and haven't had an issue. I actually tasted some from the bottle I used on him and it seemed fine. Not sure why this happened.
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I mix ACV with Avon Skin So Soft, Citronella and water to make a fly spray for my horses and mini donkeys. Have also tried it on my dogs and it smells great.
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I recently tried a fly spray recipe of AVC, Skin-so-soft and water on my horse. I had high hopes since I'm trying to rid my life and his of toxins. The day after I used this recipe I found the skin around his sheath peeling and welts elsewhere. Not sure if it was the AVC or SSS, I gave him 1/4 cup of ACV in his grain dish with a bit of grain. The next day he had a big piece of dry skin hanging from his lip, so ACV is the problem for him. I was surprised since he's never been particularly sensitive to anything. No more ACV for him.
EC: We are very surprised to hear this. Perhaps it was the brand of ACV you used?
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I was absolutely amazed with the results after I started using ACV, pine sol and water as a spray on my horse,I also sprayed it in her stable and the flies are gone, You will still see a few but not near as many as there was,I mixed equal portions of ACV,skin so soft and water and rubbed on her face careful not to get it in her eyes,she tolerated it ok not as good as she normally is,but would you like the smell,the next day you can't hardly smell it at all.Her coat is so shinny and soft .I think I have discovered something,No more expensive fly spray.
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I have a horse that has foundered. I was wondering if I sprayed acv on her hooves if that would help her heal and take the heat out? Please help!
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I started using Apple Cider Vinegar on my QH barrel mare when she started bleeding after ever run. One of my trainers said they used it on race horses that would bleed on the track. My mare bled trough everything; XBL Powder, Lasix, and Kentucky Red. I started giving her 3oz in her feed a day...she hasn't bled since! I also started giving all my other horses 1oz in there feed a day after I seen the results with her!
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I came to this forum to find a remedy for ticks on my horse. My horse is in a wooded pasture and ticks are a real problem. I give him 1/4 cup in the evening feed and now if I forget, he will get very grumpy. He actually looks for the acv. The flies and ticks are not as bad as they were. I buy acv by the gallon just for him. I will progress as it gets very hot here in the summer.
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hi I've been using acv mixed with cold strong black tea for a couple of years now on my mare as fly spray ,it works a treat no flies round my pony everyone on my yard is always asking to use it its so cheap and cherfull to make and has no chemicals in its brill xx.
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I first started feeding my horses organic acv last summer. I have already started them on it for this summer. Not only does it repel flies it worked wonders on my older horse's arthritis. Make sure it's the organic acv.