Oil Pulling Side Effects

Oil Pulling
Posted by Ar (Houston, Tx) on 07/19/2011



I started oil pulling with sesame oil about a week ago for red/receding gums. The OP has made a huge difference in the health of my gums and I actually saw some gum recession fill in. However, all my molars have fillings (not mercury), and I had a root canal in my upper left molar that was not crowned.

I have noticed that the molars have become yellowish with some dark spots appear through them - as if the enamel is wearing off? On the root canal tooth, the surface is rough and it has white spots showing through.

Has anyone experienced this? Based on this, I have stopped pulling but would like to find a way to continue b/c of the benefits to my gums.


Oil Pulling
Posted by Maria (Yonkers, New York) on 01/25/2011


I did pull olive olive oil for a month and now I can sleep well, my nasal passage are clean and no need to wake up at midnight because I can't breath. Is gone. Wait 2 weeks to start again.

Now I tried First day Surprise!! Blood is coming out from the back of my throat and feeling sore and swollen throat . Stopped and wait 1 week. Again, blood but more, sore feeling. Have a appointment to see the Doctor tomorrow, hope is not cancer. Will post again after the doctor.