Remedy Side Effects
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Iodine Side Effects

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Cecile (Cape Town, South Africa) on 11/24/2011

Firstly, my sincere thank you to all at EC for providing this great platform for discussion and advice.

I have started supplementing with Lugols iodine, the prescribed dose of 50mg or 8dr a day the prophylactic dosage for fibrocystic disease... Been doing this for 3 weeks... I have experienced normal detox reactions... BUT to my absolute horror, my weight is increasing at an alarming rate... 5kg in 3 weeks! WHA! Anybody else with this experience? Will the situation remedy itself with time? I urgently need advice...

Posted by Yasmin (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 09/22/2011

Hi, I have just made a big mistake. I have hyopthyroidism and melasma, and somehow got it into my head that I desperately needed iodine. So I went to the health food store and bought a bottle of iodine with dropper. Not sure what kind. It just says iodine on it. I started with one drop, then took more, up to eight drops, over the course of four days.

On the fifth day I woke up to an absolute nightmare on my face, that is continuing. I have pimples EVERYWHERE. I am terrified, disgusted, and afraid to be seen. I have been wiping my face with ACV, drinking it, drinking grapefruit seed extract, and slathered on Burt's Bees anti-blemish spot treatment but they just keep appearing. My face is now full of melasma and acne. It's a nightmare.

Can anyone please tell me what is going on with me? I had a full hormonal panel done and it's all normal. My liver seems to be normal. I wash my face twice a day. I try to use only organic/natural products. I am a vegetarian who eats pretty well most of the time. I exercise three times a week. I believe the iodine, which I stopped immediately, is causing this. But when will it end? And why on earth did it do this. Does anyone know?