Milk Thistle Health Benefits: Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory

Digestive Issues
Posted by Kathie (Chicago, Il, Usa) on 09/15/2009

I've had digestive problems for at least a couple of years now, abdominal bloating and gas with diarrhea and constipation. I've been taking a popular on-line fiber supplement for almost a year and that has helped the constipation problem tremendously, but my system was still having difficulty with rumbling/gas/pain with diarrhea at least every other day if not daily. About three weeks ago I began taking a milk thistle supplement simply because I suspected my liver could use the support (no liver specific ailments going on, but family history and age, etc.). Lo and behold, within two days of beginning it, my entire GI tract calmed down beautifully - I am truly amazed. I would say it's 95% or more back to normal, with one or two well-formed bowel movements daily with no straining (that's incredible in itself) *without* taking the fiber supplement, and no gas/pain/diarrhea. The milk thistle supplement contains dandelion root, milk thistle seed, burdock, artichoke, kelp, and peppermint, with a "homeopathically prepared mineral formula designed to work with the herbs" made of potassium chloride 3x and sodium sulphate 3x (I'm including everything because I'm not sure if it's the milk thistle alone that's helping, another ingredient in the mix, or the entire mix combined). This has been a wonderful surprise for me - how great to have a GI tract functioning like it's supposed to! I really hope this helps someone else out there!!

Liver Conditions
Posted by Leonhard (Columbus, GA) on 06/24/2009

I have been DXed w/ Hepatitis C. I have failed two treatment's. Milk Thistle is being touted as a supplement to use. Do you know any thing about Milk Thistle...? Are there many form's/dosage of the Milk Thistle...? How do I know which dosage is for my particular case. Thanking you in advance, I am.

Posted by CARA (PHARR, TEXAS, USA) on 04/09/2009


Posted by Elena (Stamford, Ct) on 02/13/2009

im taking a whole body cleanse that has Milk Thistle, and I'm just finishing my first week with it. so far im very happy I have lots of energy, and I haven't been breaking out. my face is starting to clearing up... I'm taking this cleanse to test to see if i would clear my acne, because when I went to Italy for 5 weeks my acne cleared up once I got back to CT I started to breake out all over again, and I eat pretty much everything organic, I even use organic toothhpaste, organic deodorant, and organic hair and face products. I started getting acne when I was about 13 or 14 I stop taking medication when I was 20 now im 23 and still have 3rd grade acne. I have gone to many dermatologists, and have gone on accutane. I became an esthetician and I took basic herbal studies to fine a cure. once I started to change my diet it has helped but it wasn't enough im still researching but im also finding out Brewer's yeast (available at GNC) helps cure acne I haven't tryed it yet but im planing on it after my cleanse which you can get also at GNC but the web sit for it is I recommend looking online for one that cost less. all I can say is research and fine what works for you because everyone is diffrent ex. my older brother took some mediction, and once he got off the medication he was clear and never broke out again, and he has no acne scarring you can't even till he suffered from acne. my older sister started breaking out when she was 15, and now she is 27 and still on medication, and she tried getting off, because its costing alot but she breaks out. don't give up and don't pick I've been really good about not picking and I dont have acne scarring thank god!

Posted by Erica R (Miami, Florida) on 09/25/2008

Milk Thistle cured my acne! I'm now 21 and have had acne for a few years. After many trips to the dermatologist, I was prescribed Accutane which gave me acne-free skin for about a year. I then did acid peels which only made my skin worse. I was also put on birth control - that didn't help either. After lots of research, I finally decided it was time to attack the CAUSE of acne, and not the actual problem. For those of you who don't know it, acne is the cause of a poor functioning liver. If the liver is not functioning properly, acne forms (these are the toxins trying to get out of your body). Therefore, MILK THISTLE is a great natural herb that promotes healthy liver function by getting rid of the damaged liver cells, and creating new, healthy ones. I have not had a pimple since I started taking it, but be patient, it could take up to two weeks for you to see great results! Also, I take the liquid herbal extract - about 30 drops in a glass of water, twice a day.

Liver Conditions
Posted by Davey D (Victoria, BC Canada) on 07/30/2008

Hi Ted! I noticed that while reading one of your posts that you did not have an opinion about Milk Thistle because you did not have much info about it. I just wanted to inform you that this product taken twice a day at 4,750mlg has made me feel a whole lot better. Yes I have the dreaded h-c [hepatitis c] and don't like to mention it because people will avoid you. Before going on Milk Thistle after doing a 42 week pegatron therapy I was felling fluish all the time. Since I have been on the Milk Thistle the fluish feeling has all but gone and I feel much more normal.Two thumbs up for Milk Thistle. You will see it recommended on the hep c website. Thank you.
Davey D.

Posted by Sandy (Bethesda, Maryland) on 01/07/2008

Milk Thistle has SIGNIFICANTLY improved my acne and hopefully cured it. I have not had any breakouts since I started taking the supplement to cleanse my liver. It has been about three weeks and my face is completely clear minus a few scars that I am still trying to fade. YOU WILL SEE HUGE RESULTS IN YOUR FIRST WEEK. This product has worked wonders for me. I have tried many so-called cures (prescription drugs and over-the-counter) but none has given me the results that I have seen thus far. PLEASE TRY IT. I take two capsules daily which are 175mg each. It is very inexpensive and I am confident you will be very pleased with the outcome.

Posted by Jay (Toronto, Ont, Canada) on 08/23/2011

Francisca, I haven't seen any feedback on using milk thistle seed oil internally but it does seem to have some effectiveness in cosmetics and skin creams.

Here is a link to a manufacturer's website information page with an interesting write up on its manufacture as well as its chemical structure. There are also references to how they perceive it can be used -- both topically and internally.

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 08/23/2011

I bought Milk Thistle Oil a while ago and forgot all about it because I read so many bad things about all vegetable oils except Olive Oil. As Milk Thistle is good for the liver what about the oil? Should I use it or not? And is it a oil one can cook with or only for salads?

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