Comfrey: The Comforting Herb

Deep Wounds, Tennis Elbow
Posted by Joy G. (VIC Australia ) on 02/04/2021

Editor's Choice Many years ago, I think it was around 1972 my husband tried to break up our two dogs that had a disagreement and he accidently got bitten on the wrist ---the local DR stitched his wrist and after it healed he was in a lot of pain when he moved his hand ---the Dr wanted to operate on it because he thought he may have stitched the tendon ---I asked him to get a second opinion from my Dr [who was a surgeon] he told him what had happened was that crystals had formed and if it was re opened more crystals would again form. I had just done a herbal medicine course --for the home as I did not want to treat people and I asked him if he would try something out of my witches books [ as he called all my alternate medicine books ] and he said yes so I got some comfrey capsules [ which were available then] and some vitamin E capsules dosage was one in the morning and one at night --- after about 4-5 weeks it had completely healed up and no more pain.

Unfortunately, not long after you could no longer buy the Comfrey capsules.

I also used them for Tennis Elbow, which was also successful.


Nephritis, Kidney Disease
Posted by Jacqui (Scottsville, Kentucky) on 06/24/2009

I was facinated with Brian of Australia Comfrey remedy for his kidney troubles.

I am a New Zealander living in Kentucky a child my Mum(part Maori) always added a few leaves of Comfrey into the cabbage etc,she also told me when I had babies to add a leaf or two into my babies vegetables,and I always did that.

Over my life I have ALWAYS grown Comfrey in my garden,it makes a wonderful tea for the garden plants,and my Mum would use it in her compost. The common name for Comfrey is Knitbone..because it knits together,it is an ancient herb.Unfortunately withing the last 20years some silly persons have over indulged (OMG they must have drunk buckets of Comfrey tea) consequently comfrey has been labelled now. I believe EVERYTHING in moderation.. I have heard of someone dyeing from drinking too much water..if you understand what I mean.

Since living in Kentucky a long way from my Homeland, I have been able to buy a Comfrey plant,and my Comfrey is my treasure, I make a tea from her..I can gargle with the tea..I can add honey and a little ginger powder if I had a cold or flu..comfrey is great for the lungs..bladder etc.

Comfrey leaf if crushed (roll the rolling pin over to crush stalk) and put on a cut with gauze,and wrapped in plastic wrap,within 24hours cut will be sealed, do the same thing for bruising,grazing etc.. back in New Zealand many of the horse trainers use Comfrey for their horses legs when hurt.. Comfrey can also be dried out in the sun and kept air tight to use throughout the Winter..hope you are all healed now Brian.

Regards Jacqui

Bed Sores
Posted by Radiance (WA) on 04/22/2022

Please, please, for your safety and your readers, remove the comfrey tea! Comfrey, when taken internally damages the liver! It is only to be used topically. I have studied herbs and particularly Comfrey for over 55 years. I make my own comfrey salve every year from my home grown Comfrey plants. Last year, my Comfrey salve completely healed my stage 1 bedsore in one week! Please advise your readers --- don't take Comfrey internally. Do your own research also and let me know what you find out about taking it internally. I do love your website.
Thank You, Thank You, Radiance Swan

Comfrey Root Extract
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 06/14/2021

Dear Hisjewel,

I am so happy to hear you are already finding the comfrey root oil to be helpful! Using it frequently through the day is ideal.

When I was using comfrey root salve for a recovering joint I tried to use it every two hours. But when I was using it on my hip when it was bothering me, I really only got around to it a couple of times a day. Both were helpful.

I checked my favorite herb book, Practical Herbalism, by Philip Fritchie. Regarding topical use of comfrey, he says to use it "as often as needed." I think the point is, you really won't over do by using it very often.

If you were using a poultice, you would have basically continuous application. So, to maximize the benefit, I would be inclined to apply the oil as soon as it seems to have absorbed, even every hour or two during the day.

One reason that herbs sometimes don't seem to "work" is that in many cases they need to be used more frequently than over the counter medications. (Not always, but sometimes.)

Using herbs can be as much art as science.

I will share an herb story from today with you; it is definitely not a scientific story! :)

I had taken my children to a nearby swimming hole this afternoon and we got a flat tire on the way home. We pulled the car safely to the side of the road. My teens set to work on getting the flat tire off. I started to walk up the hill to try and get a cell signal to text my husband in case it turned out that we didn't have what all we needed to change the tire.

I texted him and he was on his way home and would stop by soon. I headed back to the car and my kids. I had noticed some jewelweed along the roadside. (I don't normally pick herbs from the roadside, but this is definitely a road less traveled - in all the time we were stopped on the side of the road only one vehicle passed by.) I collected a bunch of jewelweed. My husband arrived and he and the kids got the spare on. We headed home to make dinner and process my unexpected jewelweed treasure.

I chopped up the jewelweed and put the chopped stalks and leaves (no flowers yet, or I would have put them in as well) in the blender with water to cover and blended it it until just blended. I put all of that in a crock pot on "High" with the lid off. After several hours the water had reduced. I strained the liquid through a coffee filter into a jar. The "jewelweed tea" (never to be taken internally) I poured into ice cube trays. I will keep the ice cubes in a plastic bag in the freezer. It is a great poison ivy remedy. Just rub the poison ivy with the ice cube, very often through the day.

Hisjewel, please keep us posted on the progress you have with your hand!


~Mama to Many~

Wonders of Comfrey
Posted by Georgina (Tolmie, Victoria, Australia) on 04/23/2013

Having grown and used Comfrey for the past forty years, and amazed at not only it's useage as a medicinal herb, but as a great food for animals, I would have thought it deserved a place as one of THE great herbs available to mankind.

When every wild thing (Deer, Kangaroos, wombats etc. ,) come for miles around to raid your garden, and the only thing they want to eat is your Comfrey, you can bet their natural instincts know a thing or two!!

Comfrey and Calendula Oil
Posted by Mama to Many (TN ) on 06/03/2022

Dear Tanja,

It's almost certainly the leaf. It's rare to find the root. Even if it were the root, or a combination, it would still work well for your purpose. You just don't want to use the root internally.
I'm currently using a salve a friend made with root and leaf.

~Mama to Many~

Broken Bones
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 10/05/2021

Yes Mama to Many,

Both comfrey extracts were root. I used Herb Pharm dried root extract and Dr. Christopher's original formula root extract.

Much Appreciation,


Comfrey Side Effects
Posted by Calvin (Alberta) on 03/09/2022

It has been banned here in Canada making me want to get it as our Government Ban anything that is good for you and would cut into Big Pharma poisoning us all.

Ankle Sprains
Posted by JoCarol (Idaho) on 03/21/2020

I'm sorry I did not see your post. We just put about a cup in a large kettle and make a tea and he soaked his foot in it. And would do that throughout the day with the same tea just rewarmed it up each time.

Comfrey Smoothie for Women
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 11/20/2017

Dear Mary in Arcadia,

Back when we were conversing about how much dried comfrey leaf equals a leaf, I cut a leaf and hung it up in my kitchen. It long since dried and today I finally crushed it up and measured how much dried leaf it made (without the stem.)

The leaf in the picture, (with a regular sized domino to compare) dried and crushed made just over a teaspoon of dried comfrey leaf. If I had powdered it, it would have been less than a teaspoon.

~Mama to Many~

Broken Bones
Posted by Julie (Melbourne, Australia) on 09/21/2014

Update: My friend with the broken collar bone was healed in three weeks. He applied the cream, made from the plant root, three times a day.

After two weeks he told me that there were six breaks in the bone. The thought came to me that he may be a sugar consumer so I suggested he avoid sugar and soft drinks (soda). These acids cause leaching of calcium (alkaline) out of the bones as the body frantically tries to neutralize the increased acidity in the blood. The added loss of calcium from the bones, slows down the healing process. In addition, this causes them to be weak and prone to breaking or fracturing in the first place.

Broken Bones
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/27/2017

Dear Rita

It would definitely be worth a try! I use comfrey all the time and absolutely love it.

You can guarantee a stronger ointment if you make it yourself. If you are interested in making it, I will share a recipe.

Bone broth would be a good addition to the diet to promote bone and joint healing as well.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/07/2017

Dear Mary,

I usually use a large comfrey leaf in my smoothie (the size of a large hand.) If it were dried it would perhaps make a tablespoon of dried comfrey leaf. (I will try and actually dry a leaf and let you know how much it is for sure.)

It may be better to start with a teaspoon and work up from that, though, to make sure it suits you.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) on 09/06/2009

Comfrey for Prolapse... Comfrey is supposed to be phenomenal stuff. Google "comfrey uses". Some people say not to ingest it, only to apply it topically; but at least one site says that fear is from poor laboratory studies, and that it's safe to ingest. It is said to work by speeding the healing process dramatically.

Broken Bones
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 10/04/2021

Dear Hisjewel,

Thank you for your thorough and helpful update! I will have to look into silica for my own hair!

I have used fresh comfrey in smoothies and even sauteed and made and used comfrey salve. But not the comfrey tincture. I need to make some! Would you happen to know if your comfrey extract was from comfrey leaf or root?


~Mama to Many~

Sprains, Bruises, Tooth Infection
Posted by Patricia (Roseburg, Oregon Usa) on 04/12/2011

We have lots of comfrey growing and use it for a number of things.

We make poultices for sprains and bruises by putting the roots and leaves in the blender with a bit of water. We don't cook it. Then we drink the leftover liquid. Can add juice or honey, etc. , to make it taste better. We don't worry about toxicity. My daughter got a bad sprained ankle 3 days before a hike. We made the poultices twice, she drank some of the stuff. Ankle was fine for the hike.

Another daughter cured an abscessed tooth by drinking the blended comfrey roots and leaves for a few days. But be careful about planting it in an area that will be tilled. It only takes a tiny piece of root to make a new plant, and is hard to get rid of in the garden. Plant it in an out-of-the-way place where it can take over.

Digestive Issues
Posted by Zella Sauer (Terre Haute, Indiana) on 09/17/2008

Hello, First let me say I love this site!

I plan to try many many things here.

I came here because of a gallbladder attack. I was sooo sick with this last attack, and I am not working and have no medical insurance. So I started out with AVC in apple juice and wow !! I felt much better (((but a very wonderful side effect occurred, which I wasn't expecting.... I have been holding water a lot lately in my ankles, and I have been drinking lots of water to help rid my body and eating very little to no salt, but still some puffiness.... I have been using ACV for 3 days now and my ankles and lower legs are TINY again !!! I can't believe it !!!) I have since then been reading all the wonderful things ACV does so I am a believer and will be taking it from now on.))) I did start out drinking the regular kind from the store in apple juice, but I have bought the organic ACV now...

My second subject is LETTUCE. I wanted faster relief on my gallbladder and eating a chunk of lettuce makes your stomach and gas build up from all of this ease down quite fast ...and it works! THANKS

My third subject is comfrey.... comfrey has many many used more than just bones.... I have it growing in my yard, and ((of course I haven;t been using it for about 1 month)) but that was me being dumb))) anyway I have a whole read out on comfrey and all of it's cures... but it may be too long for here. One thing it is for is the digestive system in your body. I usually cut me about 8 to 10 leafs each morning and bring them to a simmer and eat them. They are delicious and taste like rough spinach. My mom drinks comfrey tea. It is supposed to heal any upsets in your digestive track from your stomach right on down to your bowls, and ground comfry root is powerful stuff. Here is a small readout on just a few of it's healing powers......

((Tea of the leaves or decoction of the root was traditionally used for arthritis, respiratory problems, persistent coughs, pleurisy, bronchitis, bronchial pneumonia, lung disease with dry cough, lung congestion, quinsy, whooping cough, consumption, metritis, periostitis, gastrointestinal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, internal hemorrhage (lungs, bowel, stomach), bleeding piles, bloody urine, bladder infections, prostate infections, cystitis, leukorrhea, excessive menstrual flow, scrofula, anemia, wasting disease, DIGESTIVE & STOMACH PROBLEMS, spitting blood, colds, nasal congestion, diarrhea, and dysentary.))

I know a lady of 98 still going strong, a dear friend of my mom's, gave a plant to my mom and she in turn gave me some starts from it years ago, to help us with stomach problems and I did use it for 3 months once ... and was wonderfully healthy and no digestive problems at all... then I moved and my landlord would not allow me to pull it up. So it took me years to find it again and only this year, I have plenty... so along with my AVC, lettuce and comfrey I plan to get healthy and well.... ohh and I am just starting to use organic coconut oil on my skin ... will let everyone know .... :)

Thanks again !!!

Posted by Brian (Wendouree/Ballarat, Victoria/Australia) on 08/27/2008

When 7 years old, I nearly died of nephritis [ kidney disease ]. At 39 year old, the pain in that area made me almost weep and it needed to be stopped. I felt something inside said to fast, take only lemon juice and eat "raw" comfrey - I did this from 4.00 pm friday until lunch time sunday and I have never had a pain there since and I am now 68years old. "I thank God for Comfrey" - since then I have spoke to people who have also been set free of disease in the kidneys through comfrey and its healing "alantoin". I only ate about 7 hand sized leaves over 3 days.

Bed Sores
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 04/23/2022

Radiance (WA), I broadly concur regarding your comments concerning Comfrey!

It always worried me to read that people were advocating taking Comfrey internally, as I had often read that it had the POTENTIAL to possibly damage the liver. As my dearly beloved Aunt would say, "You Have Been Warned!! ".

It's not difficult to do the research on this one but I can see why people get confused! Both my (library) books on Herbs, Spices and Folk Remedies that date from a few decades ago(! ) see no problem with making a tea out of the leaves.

HOWEVER, Asa Hershoff N.D.and Andrea Rotelli N.D. in their more recent publication, "Herbal Remedies"(Avery: 2001), caution that prolonged use is contraindicated. They would also prefer that only the leaf of the American Comfrey variety be used rather than the roots and even suggest not utilizing external ointments for longer than one month. There are other cautions they mention - one really ought to do one's OWN research before diving into the deep end on this one!

Apparently, in most commercially produced preparations, the suspected, implicated alkaloids have been carefully removed but who knows?

I use Comfrey leaves in my compost heap, as, along with seaweed, it is supposed to be a beneficial activator for the workings of the compost heap and, as you folks already know: "The Answer lies in the Soil". I harvest the leaves before I cut the flowers off and this also serves to help stop it spreading, which it would otherwise have a strong tendency to do.

Cheers from Down Under

Comfrey Root Extract
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 06/15/2021

Oh wow, what an interesting happening! You have answered all my questions, it's good to know that I can use comfrey oil often throughout the day. You have also introduced me to something new, jewelweed. It makes me want to get to know plants, I also wonder if the Lord was telling you I called. Thank you for being there for us.


Ankle Sprains
Posted by Marchalle (Amsterdam) on 04/22/2019

Hi JoCarol, Thank you for your post. Can you please give more details. Was this remedy applied topically or taken as a tonic? I'm guessing a tonic, but can you please specify if internal tonic, how much was drunk and how often (1 cup every hour for example)? Thank you.

Broken Bones
Posted by Julie (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/26/2014

Five months ago a friend was repairing his 2-ton trailer when the jockey wheel broke and the draw bar landed on his foot. After two trips to the hospital it was confirmed that he had indeed broken it. They placed his foot in a "boot" and told him to come back in a week as it was too swollen to place in a cast.

He called my husband and I and I told him about comfrey ointment. He was pretty stressed out and desperate as he and his wife had just sold their property and were packing up to leave in a few weeks. He decided to give it a try. He applied the cream three times a day for a week.

When he returned to the hospital he told the doctor he was healed. Of course she didn't believe him until she pressed, twisted and pushed on his foot without him uttering a sound.

She had another look at the x-ray and it definitely showed the broken bone.

Just over a week ago, a young friend had a fall off his motor bike and broke his collar bone. Of course I had to mentioned about the comfrey ointment and relayed the above testimony.

He was pretty excited and the next day, his fiance bought a jar from the chemist and he started to apply it to the area. I saw him two days ago and he said he was able to sleep and could move his arm up, down and around, without pain, whereas before the ends of the bones were touching and causing him great discomfort. He is yet to have his doctor's appointment, but judging by the progress so far, he won't be taking six weeks to heal.

Comfrey Side Effects
Posted by Courtney (Granite Bay, Ca) on 01/23/2014

After reading many posts here about the benefits of comfrey, I bought a comfrey salve that received good reviews online. I just got the package in the mail and when reading the application instructions, I saw that it also said "may cause illness or death". (What the...! ?! ?! ) I'd planned to rub it into my hip bones before bed to help me sleep through the night without the ache waking me up, but now I'm afraid to use the stuff. Anyone? Thanks.

Comfrey Side Effects
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 01/29/2016

Dear Marla,

Sorry to take a while to respond - I lost track of this post.

The herbalists I mention are all reputed authors; they don't actually have practices, that I know of, anyway, and none of them live in TN.

If you are needing an herbalist for a women's health issue, you might look into The Farm Midwifery Center. My understanding is that they take a natural approach to health. If they are too far away from you, perhaps they would be able to recommend someone closer.

~Mama to Many~

Comfrey Side Effects
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/03/2016


I just realized that while you are making your salve, you can also make a tincture with the same herbs. I just started a batch of this tincture tonight. All you would have to do is get some Vodka, 50 proof preferred. In a jar I put the same dried comfrey, calendula (flowers), plantain leaf, and burdock root. I cover it all with vodka. Just like the oil, I let it sit 2 weeks (or up to 6 weeks. You can also do the 3 day crock pot method. I have had two jars going in a crock pot at once, with a cloth between the jars so they don't hit one another and break.) Then I strain it through a clean t-shirt or coffee filter. (Coffee filter won't work for the oil.)

Then you have the herbs in a tincture. I don't use this internally. I get a small spray bottle and you have a spray! Sometimes it is more convenient to use the spray. I will use the spray on weepy rashes and weepy poison ivy as the alcohol helps to dry it out. This is more convenient at times. Sometimes having a salve on the area might be messy. My teen boys prefer the spray. It may briefly sting broken skin, so I would use caution using it on a child.

Anyway, as long as you are making a salve, you might want to add one more ingredient to your list (vodka) and make a tincture, too!
Some will use rubbing alcohol instead of vodka. I prefer vodka as it is food grade.


~Mama to Many~

Posted by Mary (Arcadia, Ca) on 10/08/2017

Dear Mama to Many;

Thank you so much for your reply I already started taking 1 1/2 tsp with my smoothie. I will add a little more later to see how I do. Thank you so much.

Many blessings,


Poison Oak
Posted by Louis jordan (North Carolina) on 09/25/2022

Comfrey stops the itching after an hour. Just mush up the leaves with water. Apply to itchy area and keep it wet. It worked for me with full blown poison oak with blisters, even after it spread to between my fingers. Btw: I wonder if the whole flare up is a detox cycle cleansing out other toxins that were already there.

Comfrey Root Extract
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 06/14/2021

Mama to Many,

When you have a little time, can you share how you might use Comfrey root Extract and how often during the day? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

I ordered some comfrey oil to help my sprained hand heal. While I was waiting for my order to arrive, I used the egg white and salt method mentioned on EC as much as I could guess. I stirred about ¼ teaspoon of salt in the egg whites from two eggs. One egg white would have been enough. I wetted my hand with the mixture several times for two days. I just let it dry. I did not cover it. I had no more swelling after two days. I thank God for EC.

After the swelling left, I began to focus on curing the sprain and the pain. I began rubbing on MSM cream and things. I started exercising my wrist. I also bought a hand wrap.

As I mentioned I have now received my comfrey extract but do not know if I am using it properly. I have been rubbing the comfrey oil on a few drops at a time in the areas of the pain a few times a day. I started using the comfrey yesterday and already I have much less pain.


Comfrey Toxicity
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/10/2024 505 posts

"Alternative" or "old fashioned" medicine has been a target since healers have received appreciation from the people. At the advent of king and class, the "doctor" title - like the politician title - became sociopolitically viable and a way for the "lowly" to climb the otherwise unavailable sociopolitical ladder which turned medicine into a sociopolitical ambition that has nothing to do with healing. "Doctors" are revered which is attractive to those who seek to BE revered but is of no interest to those who just seek to heal.

"Doctors" and politicians are peas in a pod. And, now, "alternative medicine" is well along the way to creating its own social hierarchy via dueling social media "influencers". Real information is getting harder and harder to find as it gets buried deeper and deeper.

Currently, the darker hearts of the ambitious are openly showing themselves and karma is raining down pretty heavily but, the same is also happening to the just-plain-mean who relish the discomfort of their enemies, shouting "Hit them again! Hit them again! ".

And now there are three topics of conversation to avoid. Politics, religion and medicine.

I don't even want to be a "medicine woman" anymore. I'm just going to be a minister of comfort - both physical and spiritual.

Receding Gums
Posted by Johnr (La Mesa) on 10/14/2015

For those with receeding gums, you might look into toothpastes that include Comfrey powder. Full disclosure, I have not used comfrey for this purpose. The substance "allantoin" found in comfrey is known to promote cell proliferation and help heal wounds. I've read that comfrey is recommended for external use only (although I drink comfrey leaf tea now and then and have had no problems). Earthclinic's section on comfrey is well worth reading. Comfrey is a wonderful healing herb with many uses ... perhaps gum healing is one of them.

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 11/04/2014

Comfrey is also called SYMPHITUM. Available as dried herb in health stores or online herbal companies.

This herb is so outstanding in its healing actions, that government interference has labelled it dangerous, side effects, liver etc. People have taken it daily and given it to horses and dogs without ever a complaint. This herb is a gift.

Namaste, Om

Broken Bones
Posted by Faeqa ( Amman, Jordan) on 09/27/2017 66 posts

Hi Rita, the best thing that I ever tried for broken bone is taking internally Mummia, mumia, or mūmiyā (in old Arabic books, where I read about it).

May be it is the synonym of Asphaltum, (Shilajit in an Indian Sanskrit)

Comfrey Side Effects
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/03/2016

Dear Marla,

I have always used comfrey leaf for salve making, though I do use comfrey root some times for relieving pain of sprains etc.

I do use Burdock root though. So roots can be used to make a salve. I find that using powder to make the salve makes it very hard to strain. Die-hard herbalists tend to prefer powdering the herbs before making a tincture or salve out of them, but I have nearly always just used cut dried herbs and have always been happy with the results.

~Mama to Many~

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Pamela (Toronto) on 01/21/2014

Hello there, I bought Comfrey many times from this online store: They have it cut and sifted and into powder form. Best regards, Pamela

Posted by Anita (Theodore, Al, Usa) on 11/04/2011

I am SOLD ON Comfrey!

Called the "Miracle Herb", it is a miracle in so many ways!

Someone on this site mentioned Comfrey for the healing of boils caused by staph.

I LOVE it! I even grow it in my garden, now. You can make a poultice of it for broken bones, sprains, tennis elbow, gout, and usually one treatment will amaze you!

I plan to make a paste of it and baking soda to place on my red areas on my scalp for Folucitis (caused by staph _ MRSA found via a nasal culture. ) If I can locate it, I may try the tinture.

You can also buy Comfrey in dried leaves, roots, and some places sell the tinture.

Because comfrey contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) which are toxic to the liver, I feel it has received a bad rap.

Andrew Hughes, researched Comfrey for over 30 years, and was around 90 or 94 when he wrote the book "Comfrey, the Miracle Herb". He said his entire family had consumed lots of Comfrey on a daily basis for that many years, receiving only benefits.

Comfrey is very nutritious and you can make green energy drinks from it, using other greens and juice, like pineapple. A friend of mine likes celery in hers.

You should consult your health care provider, if you have any liver problems.

I personally have had Hepatitis C, and use Comfrey without fear.

Soil Conditioner
Posted by Tinam (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 04/12/2011

Comfrey is great for churning soil. If you have useless soil, plant some comfrey and you'll have good soil in no time. It is very hard to get rid of once you decide to plant other crops as even the smallest piece of root left in the ground will propogate, however, it is probably a great companion plant regardless, and you can use the leaves and root to make a good insecticide by steeping in a bucket of water for a week and then spraying on plants. Add garlic to the steeping solution as well.

Bed Sores
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/08/2024 505 posts

I guess apples and cherries will be next. After all, if you extract and concentrate the cyanide in them and other produce, then inject that concentrated extract into rats at rates that would require a rat to eat 10 truckloads of apples or cherries, guess what's going to happen.

If comfrey was dangerous, man would have died out millennia ago, when the hunters and gatherers parted ways.

Comfrey Side Effects
Posted by Carol (WA) on 09/04/2019

For anyone with concerns about Comfrey - this explains the original results of testing of Comfrey.

Broken Bones
Posted by Mary (Arcadia, Ca) on 09/27/2017

Dear Mama to Many,

Would love your recipe for your comfrey gel.

Thank you very much,

Blessings, Mary

Broken Bones
Posted by Mary (Arcadia, Ca) on 09/29/2017

Mama to Many;

Thank you so much for your recipe. I truly appreciate it.

Blessings always,

Mary Martinez

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