1 User Review
Well, its that time of year again. Everything is growing, including the poison ivy. My 11 year old has it pretty badly. Yesterday his face was quite swollen. Time to continue the tweaking of my poison ivy protocol.
I made a strong plantain/comfrey tea and keep it in the fridge. He uses a cotton ball to apply the tea to his face when it is uncomfortable. I had him wash his face with fels naptha soap. I put dmso on his face and then a plantain/comfrey salve. I had him take a baking soda bath and drink a comfrey smoothie. He thinks the bath helped the most. I think the DMSO helped the most. He said that the DMSO burned (I used 70%) which is why I applied the salve afterwards. I am also giving him bromelain and turmeric capsules to help reduce inflammation.
Today the poison ivy is drying out some and looks less red. I am hopeful that he is on the mend. He has some in the corners of his mouth, making eating uncomfortable. I made him a comfrey Pina Colada which he could drink through the straw. He wasn't thrilled about the comfrey but his little brothers (and I) think it tastes delicious.
I made a large batch in my blender -
- 5 or so comfrey leaves
- 2 small cans pineapple with juice
- 1 can coconut milk
- 2 frozen bananas
~Mama to Many~