Comfrey: The Comforting Herb

Ankle Sprains
Posted by JoCarol (Idaho) on 03/21/2020

I'm sorry I did not see your post. We just put about a cup in a large kettle and make a tea and he soaked his foot in it. And would do that throughout the day with the same tea just rewarmed it up each time.

Ankle Sprains
Posted by JoCarol (United States) on 04/10/2019

Editor's Choice I had an individual sprain his ankle really bad, it had a huge knot on the side of the ankle and was swelled up the side of the leg. I sent him home with some dried comfrey and told him to make a large kettle of comfrey tea and add some apple cider vinegar. By the end of the evening the swelling was almost all gone. And the next day the swelling was all gone and he could walk on it with no pain, as if nothing had happened.