I am 65 have been using cannabis in different forms since I was 15. Don't take my word for truth just google Raphael Mechoulam THC he is from Hebrew university and researched cannabinoids for over 40 years. Cannabinoids are the greatest Anti-inflammatory natural substanse known to man. He says 'there is hardly a biological system in which one or the other derivative of cannabis does not participate'. Youtube has all lectures of Dr.MECHOULAM.
General Feedback
Thanks so much for the input, everyone. A new remedies page has been created and all posts in this thread moved to the new page.
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I will add another YEA! To the vote for a cannabis page. And thanks for a terrific site.
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Does anyone have any feedback on hemp hearts/seeds? I would be interested in hearing about anyone's use of those. Thank you.
Hemp Oil
I came across this site as a result of reading the FaceBook page of a well respected doctor. Thought you might be interested. The capsules looked good, although I don't know about the absorption rate. Seemed to be high quality. I have no financial or any other interest in this company. http://elixinolcbd.com
Hello there have you heard of the above cure all please see attached video files
I am replying to the cannabis thread. Your readers may want to look at GreenPassion.org as it has thousands of studies of medical cannabis cures.
General Feedback
I don't know where everyone who commented here really got their information. But this is what I have learned about cannabis. Refer to this link
The part of the plant that gets smoked is NOT curative. It is the oil that is extracted out of the bloom part at the top that is what is actually very, very healing and big pharma wants it clouded over, just like all of the other natural cures that come from the earth.
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Lyn, I never said it cured me or any of my ailments! It helps with the side effects! Also part of what I smoke is the "the bloom part" that you speak of. Sometimes it is so sticky because of the heailing oil that you speak of! So you may want to study more than just one you tube video before you start criticizing others! Another thing you may want to know is the oil in the blooms comes form the roots, stalk, stems, and leaves, inwhich residue of the oil still remains!
General Feedback
I am seeing a lot of debate about the uses of cannabis and the proper parts of the plant to use.... I have lived in Nor Cal for 8 years and I have done extensive independent research... The best I can tell, all parts of the plant in all of the plants many varieties and forms have value... Different parts and compounds of the plant are valuable for different ailments... and the best, most heathy way of consuming it as a preventative or a cure is by juicing the leaves of juvanile plants or CBD heavy strains made into a glycerine based tincture.
Dr. William Courtney recently cured a baby sent home to die with a massive brain tumor. CURED. You can see the full story by looking him up on YouTube or Google.
General Feedback
Please talk more about the health benefits of Cannabis. I know some use it for recreation but this is a health form. For God's sake. Let's learn more. Too many of you are for what the government always complains about. I want to get better - how about you?
Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
I am interested in your take on "Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome"... it this a real "thing"? Or is it from long term use (I have smoked very low dose almost nightly for around 15 years)... that may have affected the thyroid function...
My enjoyment from use changed fairly suddenly around a year ago... no longer slept well, and my stomach/guts developed issues... I had been under a LOT of stress for the last two years before things changed...
Blood work all normal, except for slightly elevated hematocrit and very low Free testosterone. I quit for 7 months, felt a bit better but not completely... smoked a little the last 10 days and felt pretty rotten...
Is this the bitter end of my cannabis use?? I had hoped the long break would re-set things...
Any feedback would be appreciated and I will not consider any of it as "medical advice"... Thanks!!