The Power of Medical Cannabis: Healing Properties and Benefits

Eating Disorder
Posted by Snicklefritz (Rome, New York) on 07/28/2011

I have found cannabis to help me put an end to my eating disorder. A few years ago I became somewhat obsessed with self-image and was comparing myself with photoshopped models. I developed an eating disorder, was militant about counting calories, I was anorexic for about a year and to be honest looked quite skeletal. I have my familly to thank for bringing me to the realization of the issue. But my personal self-will to eat thankfully began again by cannibis use. I also became more happy and confident in myself.

Therefore through my experiences I find cannabis to be a very helpful cure for eating disorders, minor to moderate insomnia episodes, minor to moderate depression episodes, and stress.

Posted by Crystal (London, On) on 07/21/2011

This is a website for the cure for cancer among other things. This gentlemen has been trying to get this information out, and has cured the cancer patience who came to see him. If you or someone you know has cancer or other issues such as head trauma, epilepsy, depression, heart conditions, high blood sugar or diabeties and many more, check out this link, . For those of you that believe the bad hype around canabis, please do some research yourself on the internet and ask yourself why we were created with Canabaniod receptors!

General Feedback
Posted by Camanokat (Camano Island, Wa) on 06/21/2011

I am replying to the cannabis thread. Your readers may want to look at as it has thousands of studies of medical cannabis cures.

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Posted by Crystal (Salyersville, Ky, Usa) on 06/21/2011

YEA!!!! I have an autoimmune disorder and fibromyalgia... And suffer from chronic fatigue. I would love to hear more on this subject because I have yet to find any medicine that has been effective for my conditions.

General Feedback
Posted by Georgie (Rapid City, Sd, Usa) on 06/21/2011

Does anyone have any feedback on hemp hearts/seeds? I would be interested in hearing about anyone's use of those. Thank you.

Posted by Andrew (Paisley, Renfrewshire) on 06/17/2011

Hello there have you heard of the above cure all please see attached video files

General Feedback
Posted by Spirit Bear (Minto, N.b Canada) on 04/30/2011


Before prohibition Cannabis was considered by MANY to be a Panacea (meaning Cure All)...

Cannabis has strong medicinal properties for a wide range of diseases, which is owed to it's THC content and Cannabinoids (various chemicals in the plant that have a healing value)

If you just google "cancer and cannabis" you will find NUMEROUS studies showing that cannibinoids AND thc are both effective and inhibiting Cancer growth.

Furthermore, there is a long list of diseases which Cannabis can cure or at least give relief from (whether smoked, vaporized, eaten, or made into healing oil for skin conditions etc)

Here's just a short list (all backed by research) :

Chronic Fatigue

The pharmaceutical companies probably find this both detrimental and promising (depending on the outlook). Eventhough they've begun to use chemicals from the cannabis plant in over the counter medications, it's detrimental to their business for us to have the knowledge that we can simply grow and utilize the plant ourselves without having to buy anything from them. Plus, in my view the whole plant should be utilized, not just certain selected phyto-chemicals. (the synergy is important)

At any rate, knowledge about the cureative properties of Cannabis (ganja, marijuana, etc) is growing amongst the general population. Already, many people utilize it for medicine where it's legal for medicinal use. So, I think it should definately have it's own remedy page. Why not? :-)

~ Spirit Bear

Side Effects From Medications
Posted by Rory (Plymouth, Devon, Uk) on 04/17/2011


Cannabis grows in the wild throughout Southern Africa and in the early days of the Dutch and later English Settlers it was a stick item in their home medicine chests. Very effective in normalising BP, it was and is an excellent remedy

for many other conditions. 'tis said that if smoked it even makes governments disappear (though not recommended where nice governments rule)And it is a declared and listed drug (As was China Tea when the British East India Company siezed the monopoly on it from China, exported it in great quantities from China, crammed processed opium smoking mixture into that country in order to cause population drug addiction in that country. Strange how countries can reverse their ideas on herbs and drugs when it comes to objectives.

The same English China tea trading (and over taxing) triggered the American War of Independence, Hippocratic Oath at work ?

Keep up the Good Work , Ted in Bangkok!

Side Effects From Medications
Posted by R. (Dallas, Texas, Usa) on 04/12/2011

Since I posted a Yea earlier, I feel I should tell of my experiences and how Cannabis has helped me with my issues. I have had Hiv/Aids for 21 years, and take toxic medications to keep me alive. But these drugs have horrible side effects, like nausea, and loss of appetite, to name a few.. These same drugs that keep me alive, have also caused Peripheral Neuropathy, in my feet and legs. So to combat these toxic side effects I take in the Cannabis, when the nausea or loss of appetite hit. It does help with the Neuropathy, in that it takes the mental edge off of the discomfort!

I do not like taking these toxic drugs, but hey they keep me alive. So I have been told to learn to live with the side effects... And the Cannabis is the best option I have discovered, and I have tried many remedies before the Cannabis....

I would love to read how this herb has helped others!

General Feedback
Posted by Zan (Trinidad, California) on 04/12/2011

I will add another YEA! To the vote for a cannabis page. And thanks for a terrific site.

General Feedback
Posted by Archimedes (San Diego, Ca) on 04/11/2011

Seriously? We are publishing one stinking big corporation funded study to judge the medicinal value of canabis? This whole site is for PEOPLE to help each other with remedies of all sorts that may no tbe available through modern medicine. I have a cousin who uses canabis FOR DEPRESSION. All her life she struggled form one med to another and then finally began using canabis. All I can say is she has lost 50 pounds, she glows with happiness and it is very clear that she has found the correct medicine for her condition. I saw the crazy side effects of antidepressants on several family members, not good, not good at all. For those of us who know that nobody is going to seriously study a plant that can be grown at home and gains them no profit. Wake up folks, listen to your peers not the elitists.

General Feedback
Posted by Earth Clinic (USA) on 04/09/2011

Thanks so much for the input, everyone. A new remedies page has been created and all posts in this thread moved to the new page.

General Feedback
Posted by Heather (Jerusalem, Israel) on 04/08/2011

To all those wanting research on Marijuana/Cannabis, please note the following post:

D'Souza DC, Pittman B, Perry E, Simen A. Preliminary evidence of cannabinoid effects on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in humans. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2008 September Epub ahead of print.
Schizophrenia Biological Research Center, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT, USA.

the scope of the above paper publised 3 years ago is that smoking pot depleted the BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) - it was a double blind study. A person who has lower levels of BDNF will have a predisposition to depression and other mental disorders.

and YES this should be known. I agree. Thanks for all the wonderful info!

General Feedback
Posted by Kay (In The Valley, Ca) on 04/08/2011

I give a resounding YEA. Even though I do not use marijuana and can't see myself ever using it, I feel the topic is an important one. I believe that we should put all the info. on the table and let people choose what is best for them. If, indeed, the danger of mental illness is raised by 40%, then the earth clinic family can warn us of the side effects they have encountered. At the same time, we will have the opportunity to hear the good results others have encountered. Let's not silence those who do not agree with our limited thinking. I truly believe this forum should be a safe place for people to share their experiences, yea or nay, for the good of all of us. Thanks, Kay

General Feedback
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 04/07/2011

After my last post on the subject - I realized I didn't actually post a vote."Yeah". I would like to see this as a topic. Interesting stuff -Thanks!

General Feedback
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa) on 04/07/2011

First of all, I am not a pot smoker (since my High School days anyway, wich were a long time ago).

I did a web search on the term you listed.

I see MANY websites with these results, but not a single documented case of RESEARCH that was done listed on any of them.

Please name the source of such wide claims?

Where were these "studies" that were done and when they were performed?

In my opinion, much more information would be needed to believe such claims. Heck, if one out of seven people I smoked pot with in HS became schitzophrenic... Well - I would know one hell of a lot of mentally ill people!!!!

PLEASE - Look at the web SOURCES you are quoting. If there are no bonafide hospitals or universities listed... Well.... that says a lot.

Just my OPINION.

General Feedback
Posted by Knute (Sacramento, Ca) on 04/07/2011


Why? Well, take a look at one of many, many reasons by doing a google search for 'Smoking just one cannabis joint raises danger of mental illness by 40%'

General Feedback
Posted by Donna (Drexel Hill, Pa) on 04/07/2011

Yea on the cannibus page. Lots of info out there supporting its healing properties.

General Feedback
Posted by Annie (San Bruno, California) on 04/07/2011


General Feedback
Posted by R. (Dallas, Texas, Usa) on 04/07/2011

Hell yeah! I guess that would be a YEA!

General Feedback
Posted by Holly (Portland, Or) on 04/05/2011


I'm VERY surprised that Cannabis is not listed here, depending on the state you live in, it can easily be a "home" remedy b/c you can often grow it yourself. My husband is a Doctor for Medical Marijuana, and is the son of a woman who's life has been distroyed by chronic back pain and pain killers... and the resulting depression/weight gain.

He has begun polling patients and found that 100% said their back surgery either worsened their condition or did nothing to ease the pain. Cannabis reduces inflammation and helps localize the pain so it doesn't radiate over the body and can be put into easy dose capsules. It also helps with mood issues that may have been caused by the condition.

It is all natural, and has no negative side effects. It's not a CURE for back pain... although is curative for some other problems.

EC: Dear EC-ers,

All in favor of a new remedies page on this topic, say YEA. Not in favor, say NAY.

Thank you!

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