Nigella Sativa
Health Benefits

Black Seed Oil Benefits: Unlock Natural Health Wonders

| Modified on Nov 13, 2024
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Side Effects
Posted by susan (asheville, nc) on 02/12/2024

I took a black seed oil capsule today for the first time - for general health and to ward off a possible oncoming cold. I'm experiencing some nausea. Has anyone experienced this? (I also opened a capsule and spread on my foot on areas that has a fungus and some eczema)

Bad Knees
Posted by Rebecca (GA) on 10/29/2023

david, I used to take BSO and I would take it when I woke up in the mornings. I first learned of it by watching you tube reviews on it .. I started out 1/2 tsp for several days to make sure my body was ok with it then I went to 1 full tsp and used that daily ... others may use more or less, thus the increasing slowly routine for me ... also I didnt use it for asthma, but my knees ... it was incredible as well as other things too ... actually I do believe to some degree that it may be a 'cure all' and it does have the reputation that it cures everything but death! So I hope you have great results too and can then continue to spread the word to others.

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Tina (Arizona) on 09/07/2023

I didn't care for the taste either so I bought capsules with the liquid (BSO) in them. So much better. I also bought the liquid to use topically. Got them both from Amazon.

Posted by David (usa) on 07/16/2023

Lisa, Thanks for your info on black seed oil and asthma. This is wonderful! How much did you take per time: 1/2 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon,? Did you take it 2 times per day? On an empty stomach? Thanks for helping others.


Black Seed Oil Contraindications
Posted by JJ (AZ) on 07/11/2023

I read that BSO has tons of great benefits... but cumin seeds are high in histamine... yes? Still... BSO is touted to be great for allergies... which is it?

I think I may be very histamine intolerant... going to try Lugols iodine and some other things to combat it... but would like to add BSO to the mix...

Black Seed Oil Contraindications
Posted by Jim Janda (AZ) on 07/11/2023

They both can thin the blood, but personally, I would not worry too much, unless you are taking large doses of either... or taking aspirin too.

IMO. Lumbrokinase may be a much better bet... 30X stronger and much less bleeding risk. (Not medical advice)

Posted by Lisa (Netherlands ) on 10/07/2022

Just made an account especially for this. Blackseed oil works for asthma. I can breathe again and I had severe asthma. Somedays I could not even walk up the stairs. When I did I had to lay down and rest. It was that bad. You could hear me breathe. I started using blackseed oil because I read online someone healed their asthma with it. So I tried, because I was desperate, because I had to use a lot of steroids/inhalers. After a few days I noticed a difference. I could breathe deeper, and breathing/inhaling wasn't that hard anymore. I use it with Curcumma/blackpepper capsules.

Just try don't give up. Astma can heal.

Black Seed Oil Contraindications
Posted by JJ (Tucson AZ) on 08/14/2022

Hi, is it OK to take 1/2 to 1 tsp black seed oil daily while taking Nattokinase, 100mg 2X/day? I am treating post thrombotic syndrome and possible PAD. Thx!!

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 01/19/2022


Yes, Blackseed Oil has many different names all around the world.

It works no matter where you live.

Good wishes


Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Beverly (Texas) on 01/19/2022

I am cImage result for black cumin seed oil vs black seed oilonfused by your response..Is black cumin seed oil and black seed oil the same?

Black seed oil, also known as black cumin, comes from the Nigella sativa (N. sativa) L. (Ranunculaceae) plant and has been used in plant medicine for thousands of years. The oil is made by extracting it from the seeds of the plant.

HSV 1 and HPV
Posted by George (Lusaka) on 12/27/2020

Would like to check how the tests went.

Black Seed Oil Side Effects
Posted by Mazu (London) on 05/01/2018

Please take less or stop taking. It is heating up your body therefore creating infections. This is not a sign of detoxification.

HSV 1 and HPV
Posted by Darius (Nairobi) on 05/01/2018

Did they clear?

Black Seed Oil Side Effects
Posted by Teena (Melbourne Australia) on 04/30/2018 233 posts

Yes, the skin is an avenue for excretion of toxins when the liver is overloaded, so these very likely are from detox, although you didn't mention what type of infection. Increase your water intake, at least 2 litres a day, add some liver herbs like milk thistle, dandelion, reduce your bso dosage for a few days, maybe half. For topical application of rash, pimples etc I have success with bentonite clay. With a recent ridiculous swelling of thumb (after gardening) and throbbing I had no success for 9 days, it wasn't bad initially and I thought it would go away, until I soaked it in a cup of water with a spoon each of Epsom salts, see salt, borax and baking soda. For about 6 hours. Next morning swelling and pain had gone down considerably. You may like to try that for your fingers. Don't worry if you don't have the borax salts, the point is to make a mineral rich bath. Oh I had not tried the clay on pimples at this time, if I had need for this again I would add clay.

Best to you

Black Seed Oil Side Effects
Posted by Ecfan99 (Everywhere, Usa) on 04/27/2018

I am wondering if detoxing can bring infection to the surface of the skin. I started taking Black Seed Oil liquid about a month ago. Since then, I have had no less than 5 infections on different body parts. I have not dealt with infections much before this.

-Two weeks ago I discovered a very large boil/cyst/pimple on my elbow, very tender to touch.

-One day later I woke up to an infection on side of breast. Went to doctor and was put on antibiotics with probiotic.

-Now I have developed mild infected cuticles on three separate fingers.

Is there a chance this is infection leaving my body via the skin, because of the BSO detox?

HSV 1 and HPV
Posted by Hameed (Hyderabad ) on 04/25/2018

Waiting for your response

HSV 1 and HPV
Posted by Kesavan (Kuala Lumpur ) on 01/07/2018

Hi friend, now you hpv negative? I can use black seed oil for hpv? pls reply

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Marie F. (Indiana) on 11/25/2017

Does your Black Seed Oil smell like turpentine? Does it taste really bad? I take it then chase it with a smoothie but I cannot get the taste out of my mouth all day.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Caroline (Kenya) on 10/27/2017

I am a natural remedy enthusiast, and I have loved my journey with the blessed black seed oil. I started using it for my acne and realised it advances my health all round!

Aches and Pains
Posted by Mc (Ny) on 08/26/2017

I looked as well and did not see it. Perhaps you can provide a link. TYIA


We had it listed in the index under Nigella sativa which is why people couldn't find it.. fixed now, thank you!

HSV 1 and HPV
Posted by Sasha (Nashville Tn) on 07/24/2017

Howd your blood test go?

Weight Loss
Posted by David (Connecticut) on 05/05/2017

I started using Black cumin seeds to loose weight, I followed what I was told on Youtube.

Soak 2 table spoons of (BLC) in a full coffee cup of spring or distilled water for at least an hour then boil the seeds for 5 min turn off heat let it sit on the burner foe 2 min strain the seeds I use a paper towel because when I get the seeds off the paper towel I use it to wipe my face down. (it has cleared my excema up up in 2 weeks behind my ear. Use a table spoon of raw honey and a table spoon of lemon(optional) then drink 1/2 hr before breakfast. Also repeat at night 2-3 hrs after eating for (weight loss do not have any carbs at night)

1 week and my Skin Tags were gone and I had a couple if big ones. You can also buy Black Cumin oil and rub that on but I have not tried that. Also there are many other things Black Cumin can cure much info this web site about it and Youtube w/Earthclinic on Youtube Thank YOU.

Increases Glutathione
Posted by Tom (Usa) on 02/24/2017

The one herb that increases Glutathione the most in the blood is called Black Seed /oil. It is also called Kalonji in Indian (INDIA) grocery stores. Make sure you get a genuine product as adulteration is a big problem in developing countries.

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Rhussain (Leyton) on 11/22/2016

I don't know where you live, I bought black seed oil in Stratford, East London (old shopping centre) there is a health shop opposite footlocker. For chest problems try fennel seeds in boiling kettle water in a cup. Brew this for about ten minutes and drink the yellow colour liquid.

General Feedback
Posted by Kathy Plummer (Iowa) on 10/27/2016

I found that I got used to the taste fairly quickly but I follow up right away with a spoonful of raw organic honey. The two just seem to go together now and I look forward to it in the morning before I leave for work.

Black Seed Oil Side Effects
Posted by Ashley (London) on 06/28/2016

I have used they supply a decent oil and delivery worldwide you can also find it on ebay or amazon too.

HSV 1 and HPV
Posted by Miaj (Usa) on 04/23/2016

Hi Rock from Singapore. Any updates please?

Black Seed Oil Side Effects
Posted by Val (Florida ) on 03/01/2016 1 posts

Jenn, Could you provide the link or at least the brand name of the oil you purchase from Israel on Ebay or at least the brand name of the oil ? Thank you

Hair Loss
Posted by Kody (Seattle, Wa) on 12/16/2015

I have just been reading an awful lot about black seed oil (Nigella Sativa) for hair loss. I have not tried it yet, but plan to and highly suggest anyone suffering from this affliction to read up on this, there's tons of info available about it!

Black Seed Oil Side Effects
Posted by Jenn (Cobbora, Australia) on 02/25/2015

Yes, because it cleanses everywhere first off and you will probably find that you no longer have it by the time this goes to print...I take 1 teaspoon each evening before tea and find that it is best taken with grapefruit juice..The tartness of the juice seems to compliment the taste of the oil...unless you are an absolute diehard I wouldn't take it on it's own...yeerk .!

I buy my black seed oil from Israel through ebay...last bottle cost around $22 incl postage to Australia.

It is reasonably priced and cold pressed as well. Jenn x

General Feedback
Posted by Myway (Wilmington, De) on 01/30/2015

Hi Trish, I take Amazing Herbs black seed oil as well 1 tsp, 2X a day. It does tastes mildly like turpentine....When I took it initially, all the mucous in my sinus' and lungs came out over the period of 3 days. It has reduced my asthma symptoms greatly. Wonderful immune booster overall! Let me know how you feel with it!

General Feedback
Posted by Trish (Pa., US) on 01/29/2015

I just ordered the Amazing Herbs brand of the Black Cumin Seed Oil and it seems to smell and taste slightly like turpentine. I can't tell yet (only took 1 teaspoon of it 2 times so far) if it is making any difference in my overall health. I'm trying it for immune boosting and just to feel better overall. I am always achy and tired. Any one else that tried this product think that it tastes this way?

Black Seed Oil Side Effects
Posted by Bama (Usa) on 01/26/2015

I just started taking Black Seed Oil, starting at 1/4 tsp in the evening. After the 2nd dose, I had diarrhea. Very pale stool, different odor. Due to the oil? Will this improve? Thanks.

HSV 1 and HPV
Posted by Amrita (India) on 07/24/2014

Hello Rock from Singapore,

I think by now you would have definitely done your test. So your test result was negative or not?

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Ash (London) on 05/23/2014

Hi, the source (country) of the blacks seeds is very important as this is affected by climates, soil, fertiliser. Additionally the method of pressing is important.

The Nigella sativa plant is native to the Middle East and undoubtedly the climate there produces the best quality seed. Any flowering crop grown where fluctuations in temperature occur over a 24 hour period will lock in high concentrations of sugars, protein and oils. The method of extraction should be pure cold pressed (avoid any oils which do not state this explicitly).

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 04/29/2014

Thank you, Bill. I have purchased a few products recently that I later found out were the wrong ones, so I'm glad this was OK. We are so thankful to you, Ted and the others who share your knowledge so freely to help us.

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/29/2014

Hi Rsw... The Black Cumin Seed product in the link looks like the correct black seed oil. Unfortunately, Black Cumin Seed label seems to be synonymous with Black Seed and both can be used in the Middle East to describe Black Seed oil. They also mention, in their product description, that the black cumin seed oil is derived from the Nigella sativa plant and is 100% pure -- this is what you want. They also make it from Egyptian black seed which is the best source by far.

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 04/29/2014

Hi Bill,

I wondered if you know if this is the correct Black Seed Oil, because it says it is the latin name you mention but also says black cumin seed. Thank you.

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/28/2014

Hi Albert...I bought my organic Black Seed Oil from See this link.

There is also a group of Indian shops off United Nations Avenue. Turn from Roxas Blvd and head down UN Avenue until you see the Unilever building on your left before the overpass, then turn off right into a small forecourt area to park. There are several Indian delis, grocery shops and Indian pharmacies there. In India, black seed oil is commonly used for cooking, so you might also be able to buy black seed oil there.

Be careful you do not buy black cumin seed oil or black caraway seed oil -- these are not made black seed. Black seed is also known by its latin plant name of Nigella sativa.

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Albert (Manila) on 04/28/2014

Hi Bill of San Fernando Philippine, can you email me where you buy your Black seed oil, because I'm trying to search for it, and it seem that some Company are identifying Black cumin oil is the same as Black seed oil.

Aches and Pains
Posted by Thatgirltrill (Pennsylvania) on 07/30/2013

Is there no entry for Black Seed Oil? I've been using it for 6-8 weeks and have noticed great improvements in aches and pains (specifically a hip pain that often kept me awake at night, and it no longer does).

And it's really an all around great tonic, but I don't see it under "Cures. " Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place? Black Seed Oil is Cumin Seed.

EC: Yes, we have a page for it in our Herbs section!

General Feedback
Posted by Waygirl (Mobetter, California) on 05/01/2013

Mohammed said something like, "cures everything but death."

General Feedback
Posted by Margaret (Coomera, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia) on 04/29/2013

I'm wondering if anyone has come across Black Seed or Nigella Sativa? It was mentioned in a post I read in 'cancer cures' I think. I have ordered some oil and capsules (I'm in Australia) and will let you know how I go with it. Regards, Marg

HSV 1 and HPV
Posted by Natural (Chicago, Il) on 04/17/2013

Hey Rock from Singapore, Have you gone for blood testing again? Do you have any updates? Has the Black Seed powder worked for you? Thanks.

HSV 1 and HPV
Posted by Rock (Sg, Singapore) on 04/02/2013

I have herpes HSV 1 and the HPV virus in my body. Been taking the Black seed in powder form for about three weeks. Will go for a blood test around 10 April 2013 to see if the viruses are dead. I consume the black seed with honey to combat the taste and make it easier to swallow.

Three weeks ago, warts were detected on my urinary tract. Went for freezing treatment and to my surprise, each treatment effectively cleared the warts in just one treatment. The second treatment cleared warts which were deeper in my tract. Doctor told me I probably needed at least 8 to 10 treatments to clear all warts but we cleared it in just two weeks. I don't know if that's normal or if it's actually the black seeds which helped.

Next week or 10 April 2013 I will go for another blood test to see if the Herpes HSV 1 and HPV viruses are still in my body. Due to a week immune system I think I will need three months instead of one. But I will just try and see if the viruses are dead. Check back on 10 April. I'll update here.

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Shane (Pine Lodge, Victoria) on 03/22/2013

Thank you Bill so much!! Your quick reply and help to locate the correct oil is really appreciated. I wonder Bill why anyone would be using any other products on here as the list is endless to the cures of this Oil, amazing stuff, will let you know how it works for me. Shane

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/21/2013

Hi Shane... I bought my Organic Black Seed oil from

I originally bought the oil because it is a very useful anti-fungal -- it kills candida -- and so I wanted to try it. Black Seed oil also contains omega 3 and omega 6 oils in a similar ratio to flaxseed oil -- but this oil also contains significant amounts of amino acids and vitamins that all tend to act synergistically for the benefit of the body.

I usually take a tablespoon of this oil before meals once or twice a day. The oil has many beneficial properties and when I started using it, my vision seemed to improve -- my eyes don't get tired so quickly from reading now. This oil also seems to have the ability to cure allergies and is therefore highly beneficial to the immune system and the intestines in this respect.

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Shane (Pine Lodge, Victoria) on 03/21/2013

Hi Bill, could you please help me. l have Asthma and would like to try Black seed oil, yet l can not find where to buy this online, after days of research l have nothing but black cumin seed oil and others, which you have mentioned are not the same as the real Black Seed Oil.

Could you help me or anyone else whom has purchased the real product online that could direct me to there website (if Earth Clinic would allow please) l hope l can get a reply urgently. Thankyou ALL so much for all you input on this wonderful website. My email is pinelodge_beef (at) bigpond (dot) com.

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Enxy (Khi, Pak) on 01/06/2013

Hi there, has any one tried black seed for herpes?? I'm going to start on it from tomorrow and post my progress here... From what I've researched, it does cure it!! Very hopeful!!

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Lauren (Queens, Ny) on 04/23/2012

Hey Bill...... Thanks for that valuable info. I wasn't even thinking along those lines. Thanks again. God Bless

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippine) on 04/22/2012

Hi Lauren... Black seed oil has been used for centuries in Muslim healing. It has a remarkable battery of medicinal uses.

But don't confuse Black Cumin Seed oil with Black Seed oil. There are products made in India that are purported to be made from nigella sativa -- but black cumin seed is not nigella sativa. So beware.

Autoimmune Diseases
Posted by Lauren (Queens, NY) on 04/19/2012

Hi Bill/Lisa/anyone... Has anyone heard of Black seed oil and if so is it safe to use for people with autoimmune illness etc. Thank you guys. Awaiting an early response.