(Middleton, Wi)
Bananas, Peanut Butter
Coconut Oil
(Washington, Dc)
Digestive Enzymes
Eggs + Butter
Which is eating dinner with 8+ eggs scrambed eggs with 2 tablespoons of butter.
All hormones derives from cholesterol and eggs and butter are foods with that have a huge amount of cholesterol, which will turn into muscles. There is no other way for me...
The only issue for me is appetite... I need to do a huge effort to be able to eat that...
GERD and Gaining Weight
L-Arginine, L-Lysine
(Westwood, Nj)
Am I suppos to take one pill of each every day? In case that I have some heath problems with stomach and that is the reason why I have problem to gain a weight, could this products make my sick or not feel well or worsten my disease? I am not sure if I am sick or what is the reason why I have problem with gaining a weight, just want to make sure this products are safe. I am not planning to exercise, will I gain just fat? :( like big belly and but? :) or should I gain "smoothly" on whole body parts little bit. Thx
(Los Angeles, California)
Use like 4x times a week, for a couple of weeks. It will help to gain weight with muscle not fat. In reality you don't eat much, just keep your regular food, and try to exercice. take those supplement before go to bed. Those supplements, will produce a human grown hormone. Don't use too much. and should be fine.
(Adelaide, Australia)
(Edmonton, Alberta)
(Los Angeles, Usa)
A study on HGH release using Lysine and Arginine was conducted in 1981 by Italian researcher A. Isidori, M. D., and his associates at the University of Rome. It was found in the study was carried out in 15 male volunteers to evaluate qualitatively the secretion of growth factors following stimulation by oral amino acids. The results showed that oral administration of a combination of two amino acids (1200 mg l-lysine plus 1200 mg l-arginine) provoked a release of pituitary somatotrophin and insulin. This phenomenon was reproducible and the growth hormone secreted in response to this stimulation had biological activity (as demonstrated by radio recepter assay and somatomedin induction). The effect appeared to be specific to the combination of the two amino acids; neither of the amino acids demonstrated appreciable stimulating activity when administered alone, even at the same doses.
You can use it for 2 to 3 weeks, 1200mg of lysine and arginine. Don't take for over a month. Wait for few months, then start over for a couple weeks. While you are taking, do exercise, like lifting weight. You will se more muscle with no fat. Try to cut out sugar and fat.
Dr. Alex said 4 times per week.... :)
Lift Weights and Eat High Calorie Foods
(Wroclaw, Dolnoslaskie, Poland)
Eating more won't help because the cause of underweight will be always there. We can hear idiotic remarks to "eat more" everywhere, but let's keep some standards on this high quality site. I never gained weight on diets and gym except once when I took creatine, but it was temporary, also only muscles and not fat which underweight people need too.
(North Carolina)
No, she has a point. she's not being insensitive. I have always been underweight, my entire life. until one day last year, I just started forcing myself to eat breakfast first thing in the morning. cereal or oatmeal. do not skip it. then I drank I mass gainer protein shake, probably 360 cals but I didnt use the huge scoop, just a few spoonfuls in soymilk. I would just stock my house and force myself to eat at least 3 meals a day. and have a bunch of snacks around. I gained around 20 lbs. ive gotten out of that routine since then, I got sick and lost a lot of it. so now I'm determined to do pretty much what she said cus I know it works and I though nothing ever would. also if you smoke, quit. that helps a lot.
Lift Weights and Eat High Calorie Foods
protein powder
Raw, rolled oats
Natural Peanut Butter
Olive Oil
Optional: Banana(100 calories) or any type of fruit desired. Some people also put in a little honey for added taste. The chocolate/vanilla whey protein powder is the most important ingredient because it adds all the flavor. Good luck drinking it without it.
You can decide how much of what to put in your shakes accordingly. There's people that make these shakes 1200 calories and drink several a day. It's quite simple...if you eat more calories than your maintenance calorie intake for the day, you'll gain weight. To find how many calories you SHOULD be getting a day to gain weight multiply your bodyweight by 25. For example: a 200 pound man should shoot for 5000 calories a day. You should try to gain 1-2 pounds a week by weighing yourself once a week as soon as you wake up(naked and after you go to the bathroom). If you're not gaining weight, up your calories by 500 each day.
Do a Google search for what a bodybuilders eats to find how what you should be eating.
(Dubai, Uae)
Hi I liked your post for gaining weight through a proper nutritional intake but it would be great if u would prefer specifically the amount of ingredients to be used while making the shake cuz I really need to put up some weight!!!
Oats, Bananas, Almond Powder, Boiled Egg
i hope this works, these are the things i hate to eat the most but yea they help u gain weight. i hope it works. also a little Remmy Martin and pepper in soft boiled egg increases appetite like crazy, dint work on me but did on my uncle though, so try it. the diet mentioned above does not taste like a treat let me warn you. but works like a charm neverthless. oh don't 4get to have ur regular meals along with this. Best of Luck!