The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mary (Los Angeles, Calfornia) on 09/19/2011 50 posts

Hello everyone. Since I was a little child I suffered from Tonsillitis and am now past my sixties. People have made fun of my breath and have said some really mean things like fart mouth and other kind phrases like that. I understand now that my breath has been like that because of the Tonsilloliths (white stones) No wonder my boyfriends didn't want to kiss me! ): I have been told by doctors that I cannot have a tonsillectomy because of my age and severe bleeding that could kill me.
Anyway, about 8 days ago I woke up in the morning with my tongue, the left side of my face and throat swollen. I could see the Tonsils inflamed and the pain was excruciating I've never had it that bad before. I quickly started on my remedies. Made a strong tea of garlic and honey. It helped some but I woke up about an hour later and in even more pain. My throat was so swollen I looked like a bullfrog only to match that swamp breath! How lovely!
Well I became desperate and took an empty 2 oz brown bottle that had a 3 inch dropper in it. I took that dropper and filled it with, 3% hydrogen peroxide and did not mix it with water even though my inner voice was warning me and shot it straight down my tonsil opening to finally heal myself! I figured it would clean it out and stop that pain. WRONG!!
I didn't feel any fizzing or anything so figured it hadn't helped me any. I woke up about an hour later and was in the worst pain of my life plus a headache and could not swallow very well and could not lay back because I felt as though I was choking. I figured I better go to the hospital and they made me wait even though I was dying!! They gave me an antibiotic and a shot to bring down the swelling. The nurse said, "you can't leave yet we have to make sure you'll be alright. I didn't mention a word to the doctor about what I had done. For fear that they would do worse than what I had done. I started to hyperventiliate because I was afraid that that shot would make things worse. They made me stay a little longer and then let me go.
I kept checking on my Tonsil and saw that there was no opening!! Oh no I thought I must have burned it out!!! After a few days I noticed I could not bend over or my tonsil would hurt so bad my head hurt and could not swallow or lay down I had to sleep sitting straight up. I kept putting ice packs on my throat and it helped a little. It felt as though my throat wanted to close up on me. Everyone in my family told me I was crazy for doing it.
Now 8 days later the Tonsil looks like a big exclamation mark (! ) I will see if it stays like that but I think it's gone.
What finally helped the pain to go away was 1 tsp ACV, 1 tsp honey and a little liquid cayenne (only 2 drops! ). I am praying that the one tonsil is gone but hoping I will be alright. I feel pretty good now but would I do it to the other one? HELL NO!!! By the way, the doctor said I needed a Tonsillectomy. If I had listened to him I'd be writing you from my grave! It's very good to be alive!!!
P.S. I will give you an update if anything good or bad happens because of it! REMEMBER SOMETIMES A LITTLE IS BETTER!!! Happiness and health to all.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Jj (San Clemente, Usa ) on 07/19/2012
I'm back to let you know my tonsilitis has not gone away so easily this time even though I have been taking coconut oil and doing this treatment. Today however, I decided to use old treatment what I thought was inferior but it worked well, gargel salt water it reduces swelling and pain. With the reduced swelling I coughed up a few vile things which is good! ^^ got all the nasty stuff out now I can start healing. But my point is coconut oil will heal and disinfect but salt water will reduce swelling and disinfect so use both!!! And also use listerien or a hydrogen peroxied and water mix to really kill germs back there ^^
Coconut Oil
Posted by Ramune (Peterborough, Cambs) on 01/22/2013
Just a quick one about Liugol Spray. It is still sold in Lithuania so we do have it here in Europe. If that helps it is called Liugolis. They even sell it on Amazon. Hope it helps. My friend just brought me a bottle of it as I have terrible throat pain.
Will also try coconut oil gargle.
Have been gargling with hydrogen peroxide and water all day yesterday. One side seemed to be clear of white coating after the night.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amanda (Texas) on 08/07/2016
My throat is so raw from doing this. It is way way worse than before. I had a slight sore throat. Now after gargling with ACV and water.... it feels just as bad as after I had my tonsils removed. Do not try this!!!!!!
Salt Gargle
Posted by DEXTER (RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA) on 12/18/2008
Lorraine's Tonsillitis Tea
Posted by Lorraine (Derby, Kansas) on 12/02/2008
I made a sort of "tea" with 2 tablespoons of honey, lemon juice from one wedge, pinch of salt, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, one minced garlic clove, a dash of cayenne pepper, and boiling water (to fill a mug) for tonsillitis. Works better than anything I have ever tried before.
Posted by Joyce (Joelton,, Tn) on 05/09/2008 490 posts
Response to Boriana from Beijing: Good old apple cider vinegar & local honey, mixed half & half - at 17 years old she should also be able to tolerate a little cayenne added in there (all three are known to have antibiotic effect & honey also has some ability to decrease allergies.
Vitamin C, Zinc, Fish Oil
Posted by Samuel (Sugar Land Tx) on 03/30/2017
A million thanks to earth clinic and the Op. I had a magnificent case of tonsillitis. Nothing was helping and coconut oil seemed to be making it worse. I tried vitamin c, zinc and fish oil just like the Op and in two days I got my voice back and I can swallow comfortably. Simply amazing!
Hydrogen Peroxide, Coconut Oil
Posted by Momsy (East Coast) on 08/30/2013
My daughter could not sleep due to swollen tonsils-I could barely see her uvula, and she said her throat felt like pins and needles. This remedy worked fast:
She gargled with 1/4 tsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide and 3/4 tsp. water for 2 minutes, then spit. After a few minutes her throat area started stinging badly-it was working! We let the H2O2 do its work for 5 minutes. She then gargled with 1 tsp. extra virgin coconut oil for a few seconds, then swallowed it. The oil seemed to coat and soothe her throat nicely.
She went back to bed and ten minutes later, was asleep! I checked her throat the next morning, tonsils were a bit smaller and not as red. As usual, Earth Clinic came through. Thank you!!
Coconut Oil
Posted by Jj (San Clemente, Ca US) on 07/12/2012
I have reoccurring tonsillitis. So I know a few ways to cure it and sometimes the cure you used last time or the one you have never used wont work... So you have to try diffrent things each time. Keep your immune system strong, vitamin c, second gargel salt water spit out salt water as much as you want listerine also helps. but coconut oil will help most of the time even if you just ingest it the tonsillitis will go away slowly however I have not tried this remedy and looking forward to see how well it works thank you and good luck other people with your pain.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Mercy (Owerri, Imo) on 04/21/2018
Please my child is just one year and nine months old, and she has re occurent tonsilittis, please how do I make her to gargle this coconut oil so that she can get relieved of the pain and discomfort of cartarrh and cough. Please can she just be drinking the coconut oil?
Coconut Oil
Posted by Brandon (Willis, Texas) on 11/20/2020
I know this is probably too late in conjunction to your ailment. Use turmeric and raw honey to coat and treat your throat the next time and you simply can't go wrong.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Golda (Bellport, Ny) on 01/23/2013
DONT WASTE YOUR TIME! It doesn't work and you'll end up with your throat burning.
Tonsil Stones
Posted by Jb (Dallas, Tx) on 03/26/2012
I'm 18 and get tonsil stones and yes they are such a nuscence and they taste horrible and the taste doesn't go away so I don't even bother with them, I just get rid of them. I take a wooden stick ( the small stick that people use for nail cuticles, the pointy end) and I actually go in the back of my tonsil and fish the stones out of my tonsil. When I first started doing that, I had to do it after everytime I ate because more stones would be back there but after a period of time, the stones would gradually come back less and less and that bad smell would disappear. Maybe if you start taking them out maybe they won't appear as much. It worked for me and I know people with tonsil stones want to get rid of them so really, ... You have nothing to lose. Just don't poke yourself too hard because it will hurt and make sure to have a good grip on the stick so you don't lose it in your throat. Good luck.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Irene (Northern Ireland) on 08/02/2019
I use a spray bottle with H202 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide on my tonsils and toothbrush and has worked perfectly for me. I no longer have really sore throats and my tonsils have shrunk.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Frank (Alaska) on 11/29/2019
It is me again. The above 3-4 week estimation was off. After 6 months I am still cleaning my tonsils in the above stated manner. I gave it some time off as it seemed to need some rest. My tonsils are now half the size. I still have a long way to go, but it is encouraging that it is doing something. The medical community only knows to take out the tonsil. I hope more people read this post before they take out a part of the body you can never get back. As a side note, I have noticed that I sing better! I am no singer but am surprised as the ease I am getting compared to before in singing. I don't know what it will be like if the tonsil really goes down to normal size, maybe I'll sing ever better. ?? Professional singers need to care for their tonsils. If they become hardened it will affect their tone. If the tonsils are taken out, scar tissues can form affect the tone. This has been a wonderful discovery, and I hope it helps more people.
Posted by Prakash (Sunnyvale, Ca) on 02/04/2023
We have tried couple of drops of Goldenseal tincture on Tonsils, but didn't have any effect. Taste was awful and it lasted for several hours, but there was no improvement in pain.
Swollen Tonsil Remedies
Posted by Brittany (Las Vegas, Nv) on 02/27/2013
Hello my name is Brittany and for the last 7 or 8 months, I have been experiencing very bad throat / tongue / tonsil swelling. I have gone to the ER and but haven't found a cause.... I though it was caused by my birth control so I removed it. I'm still geting the swellingness so ANYONE plz help.
Swollen Tonsil Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/28/2013 2042 posts
Brittany: Try some Zinc Lozenges, they will probably help. Please update any progress.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Patrick (Charlottesville, Virginia) on 01/10/2012
Maria - are you actually gargling in the back of your throat with the extra virgin coconut oil? I have huge tonsils and do not want to have surgery to take them out! Please let me know what I need to do.
Coconut Oil
Posted by N (London, Uk) on 07/06/2012
After reading this site spent I £15 on some extra virgin coconut oil as I have had sore throat/tonsilitus for over a month now and just can't get rid of it!! Didn't work, waste of money, thought it sounded too good to be true!!
Coconut Oil
Posted by Katherina (Venice, Italy) on 01/22/2015
I found Lugol in a Dutch online store UnlimitedHealth. If anyone is interested, they have a brand called Bob's Best.
i known that some people might be allergic to Iodine though, so it's better to test it on your skin before spraying it into your throat.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Shantay (Berkeley California ) on 12/17/2022 1 posts
How are you now? I have something going on with my right tonsil. I won't find anything until I go to the dentist because my doctor swears it's nothing wrong. But I know my own body. Did you ever resolve your issues naturally? Since this post is old, please let me know if anyone else has a suggestion.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shaylan (Wellington, Ohio) on 06/24/2011
Should the apple cider vinegar be swallowed or spit out?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suki (Edinburgh, Scotland) on 05/24/2012
Should be spat out because all the bacteria is in what you have just gaguled? -.-
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Star (Priest Lake, Idaho United States) on 02/23/2013
I only have white vinegar... will it still work??
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kiki (Redding) on 10/19/2015
Distilled white vinegar will not work the same as apple cider vinegar because it does not have the "mother" or probiotic properties. It IS food grade, but it's going to be much more effective for you to use white vinegar to clean the surfaces you touch in your home (spray bottle with equal parts vinegar and water) because it will naturally disinfect for you, but you shouldn't drink it as you would apple cider vinegar because on its own it is much more abrasive.
You should be able to find organic and unfiltered apple cider vinegar at any health or whole food store for a very reasonable price. I get mine for $3 and change at my whole foods store, and even if you're drinking it twice daily, it will last you for a month or so because you only take a tablespoon in a glass of water at a time.
Tonsil Stones
Posted by Damita (Hemingway, Sc Usa) on 12/15/2009
Sour taste in mouth, bad breath, tonsil stones
I need a cure for this sour taste in my mouth all the time. Even after I brush my teeth, tongue, the sour taste comes back. I have tonsil stones that come up sometimes, even though I've had my tonsils removed twice. Doctors don't have time to figure out what the problem is and I've had this problem since I was 9 years old. I'm 45 now.
Tonsil Stones
Posted by Mike (Amsterdam, Nh, The Netherlands) on 10/20/2012
I never had tonsil stones, but I did have for many years one (yes only one side) inflamed tonsil with white dots on it. It actually didn't really cause me any mayor trouble other then occasional strange feeling while swallowing and me being curious looking in the mirror seeing one huge tonsil and one small. (I think it started when I was 15 or so, as I had no pain I nevr got surgery, though I did think about it) One time when pushing from the neck outside while watching in the mirror I saw one of the spots erupt. I was intrigued. At the time I had a severe addiction to squeezing out pimpels (avg. 40 mins a day! ) as one niece I liked mentioned the blackheads on my nose, and it became a therapy of 'sqeezing out the bad in me' I would feel good when 'bad stuff' would gush out the pimpels, especially if it be solid stuff. (yes yuck, what an addiction to have.... Don't understand it myself how I got into that) anyway so added to my routine I also started to use cottonsticks (soaked in plain water to make them soft) to squeeze out the (smelly! ) white stuff. One day, after many month if not a year or so the holes became so big I could actually go in with the cotton stick and kind of clean it inside! The tonsil would have a lot of those 'holes'/crevices, now I read they are called 'tonsillar crypts'. (10-15 or so). After maybe 2-4 years (i really can't remember too clearly) one day the problem just disapeared, and I was kind of dissapointed not to have any nice white guey stuff to be able to get erupted from my tonsils... I still have bad breath and I swear it all started when one day, when I was maybe the last guy to never have kissed in my school, on a party with another school, an fairly ugly girl from the other school sat next to me and complained she never kissed before. When I said I didn't either she told me I wasn't that bad looking, as to not to offend her I told her likewise, bad move as now she proposed we try it out... And ever since that awful day she stuck her tongue deep into my throat (i guess she figured that's the way it is done) I have bad breath in the morning, and I never had it before, and I never got rid of it either. I'm contemplating sometimes doing a really long fast. But i'm sure it (the strain of bacteria feasting in there) will outlive me. Any tips are welcome! (for the bad breath, I am now almost 40) Oh, so for anyone reading this: I do not reccomend getting 'addicted' but in a way I think that cleaning out tonsils by excerting some force on it, so that pockets of puss/bad bacteria can come out could possibly help. I wonder now if it'd have been better to have diped the cottonsticks in salt water or vinegar. In any case except for the occasional feeling of having to throw up (only if you hit the soft tissue surounding the tonsils), touching the tonsils and poking them didn't hurt or otherwise got things worse. It kind of feels awkward, and if a cottonstick is dry it's absorb more bad pus/bacteria but also hurt more, and especially the first few times if you get into a 'crevice/crypt' if it's infected the skin lining inside will be very thin, and easily break and start bleeding (just like your gums if not brushed/flossed regularly). To me it just makes sense to try to push out the bad stuff, instead of flushing only the outside with some disinfectant as you'll never reach the inside that much, (unless its not that bad and not fully blocked).
So if your tonsil is hurting as it's almost exploding with bacteria: try at first to squeeze them using your fingers in your neck, or with a cottonstick push on it in several ways to see if the bacteria stuck inside can find a way out. It's gross, I know, but the tonsil does get a better chance of recovery I think. One time my wisdom teeth got pulled, and they fogot to give antiinfamatory gargle, only pain killer, and it got so much infected that I got a huge neck. The doktor back home (i was on holliday in cuba and used cheap dentist there, they were excellent in the surgery, just messed up with the aftercare) amde a small incision, and out came all the dark smelly stuff, and overnight all my problems, which gotten worse over the coarse of one week, were over instantly! I feel opening up, and letting out infectious matter of an infection is better then taking massive doses of antibiotics, although there are times antibiotics can work miracles, it doesn't make sense to me that if you know where the bacteria are, and have access to it, why not get them out?
Tonsil Stones
Posted by Lisa (Bowie, Maryland) on 04/17/2009
I've been reading about the cures for tonsilitis, but has anyone heard of tonsil stones and how to get rid of them. I get them regularly, and the dtr says just gargle with salt water, but they keep coming back. He says they are harmless. Does anyone have a remedy??
Tonsil Stones
Posted by Brass_Ga (Lithia Springs, Georgia) on 04/27/2009
check the section for bad breath. I do remember coming across it there good luck!
Tonsil Stones
Posted by Tonsil Flush (Denver, CO) on 07/29/2009
I use a machine that shoots water through my teeth on the lowest setting and place the tip near the opening on each tonsil or where I see the stones and flush them out with a short burst of water. This also helps take care of bad breathe. read the china study also cutting down on animal protein for bad breathe.
Lorraine's Tonsillitis Tea
Posted by Dan (New Britain, CT) on 03/28/2009
I have made a tea with a few pieces of chopped up ginger root.. 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinigear (ORAGNIC) (mother) and some honey.. seems to be working very well for me. Give it a shot.
Lorraine's Tonsillitis Tea
Posted by Suznne (Staines, England. ) on 06/29/2016
Please could you tell me if you drink this tea or gargle with it? My daughter can't take antibiotics.
Posted by Boriana (Beijing, China) on 05/09/2008
My daughter has a chronic tonsillitis since she was small now already 17 still the same and unluckily she found out to be allergic to garlic. is there any other remedy apart from the garlic?