Hyperhidrosis - Excessive Sweat Remedies

Posted by R (NY, NY) on 10/16/2008

Hello all, Excessive sweating is associated with magnesium deficiency. I used to sweat all the time (summer/ winter, hot/ cold) and went to all sorts of doctors to find out what's going on. Nothing helped. Then I started taking magnesium supplements once daily and it works miracles. Give it about 3-4 days to start working. Good luck!

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Jeanne (Atl, Georgia) on 06/10/2008

I had a large container of activated charcoal sitting in my cupboard the last 2 years that I rarely touch. I decided to give it a shot for body odor after reading about it on Earth Clinic. Yes, it works! You need to give it 2 days to get into your system before you notice the difference, then you need to maintain a dosage every day.

I do have a few side effects to note: Activated charcoal is best taken on an empty stomach, but I do not suggest taking it first thing in the morning. I drank my heaping tablespoon in 8 oz of water 2 days ago, then oil pulled. I ended up gagging up acid after 2 minutes of oil pulling. Yuck. This was interesting because I read that charcoal is actually a remedy for Acid Reflux! Well, then I changed to taking my charcoal in the middle of the day, before lunch. That seems to work. However, it does give me a slight stomach ache. You might also try taking it at night, several hours after dinner.

One benefit to the charcoal besides not having to use deodorant or baking soda (that irritates my skin, I must admit) is that I seem to sweat less when I have this in my system. It may be a remedy for excessive sweaters, I don't know... worth a shot. And it is a general detoxer, so that's a good thing in this hot and humid weather. Question for regular users of charcoal. Do you take it every day or is it something you need to stop every so often? Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ray (Springdale, UT) on 05/18/2007

Glad to have found our site. Grateful for all the tips and help with so many things. Came across the excessive sweating category which I've had for many years. Tried the ACV and Raw Honey for 2 weeks and unfortunately, it hasn't slowed or tapered at all. Is there any other advice you can give me. It would MUCH appreciated. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Blaise (Wilmington, DE) on 01/08/2008

I tried the apple cider vinegar to cure my eXXXcessive sweating. I've been doing it for a few weeks now and it hasn't changed my sweating one bit. I like taking the stuff though, and figure it's good for something.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rhythm (Indianapolis, IN) on 07/15/2006

After giving birth to my little girl 7 years ago, I developed a sweating disorder. I sweat constantly, even in the winter. I tried everything I even went to the dermatologist and got a prescription; but after discussing all of the possible side effects I preferred the sweat over possible kidney damage. I decided to try the creator's method and surf the net for natural remedies for excessive sweating. I found this wonderful site. ACV WORKS. I am more confident and happy that my land of lakes has finally dried up. Thank you earthclinic. I will keep this site as reference.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (NYC, NY)

I cannot even begin to tell you what a God-send the concoction of Apple Cider Vinegar and raw, organic honey have been!! I had a surgery called a sympathectomy which left me with debilitating compensatory sweating (a common side-effect from this operation). I started taking 2 teaspoons of the vinegar along with 2 teaspoons of the honey 3X a day on an empty stomach (about half an hour away from meals or at bedtime) and within about a week my profuse sweating went away. I have also noticed the added benefit of it speeding up my metabolism. I feel like a normal person again! This stuff is just miraculous!

Liquid Chlorophyll and Sage Fluid Extract
Posted by Enrique (Los Angeles, California) on 07/16/2007

I have excessive sweating, it randomly happened about a year ago on my under arms and hands. Doctor First prescribed drysol, smelled like alcohol and i would apply it over night and would wear gloves to sleep. That stopped working so I was given motion sickness patches which really dried out my mouth but worked really well except i had to change it out every3 days. I bought liquid chlorophyll and sage fluid extract. a spoon full of the chlorophyll and 1ML (eye dropper with measurement) into a glass of orange juice a day and my hands and under arms are dry. its summer so i do sweat, but my hands are dry and my underarms. I also drink a glass of apple cider vinegar a day for over all health, but this may also be helping.

Sage Tea
Posted by Diana (Chelsea, Ma) on 03/18/2008

I've been making tea of fresh sage and realy helps. Take few leaves of fresh sage (depends on size,3 biger leaves or 6 smaller leaves ) boil it for 10 min. in 1 and 1/2 cup of water, you should get cup of tea. Don't boil it on high temp. First thing in the morning drink it. Good luck!

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