Hi! I am searching for info about Diatomaceous earth, and find it difficult..
I read that it is very fine structured and should not be inhalated.. My question: is the Diatomaceous earth also clogging skin pores? I am asking because I am making my own deodorant, and want to use Diatomaceous earth, but not if it is clogging sweat glands like antiperspirant does.. sweating is healthy! The odor is the thing I want to get rid of!
Thank you so much, I hope you will find tie to answer this :) Amina
Apple Cider Vinegar
I've had hyperhydrosis since puberty and it has seriously impacted my life in a negative way. I have been willing to try anything to lessen the embarrassing, ever prevalent drops of sweat pouring out of my body. I tried ACV, just a couple teaspoons in warm water with honey, and just once. A chain of events began from there, starting with severe constipation for 6 days. I won't go in to how this eventually led to problems with my period, but the end result was that I stopped taking the pill as a precaution. Since about 3 months after I'd stopped taking birth control pills, I also stopped sweating excessively; It's been 7 months of normal, situational appropriate sweating only!!! Before this, there wasn't one single day of my adult life where I wasn't constantly wiping sweat from my face, even when sitting still. No more night sweats either! My body smells different, like when I was younger; I got my libido back; and I no longer have issues with vaginal dryness. All that and I get to avoid the unacceptably high increase in risk of stroke!
After begging multiple doctors for close to 20 years for some solution, they all acted like it was an obvious and logical result of hormone changes. Then why on earth did they never once bring up hormones, the pill, or any other useful info?
Warning to people with highly sensitive bodies; Apple Cider Vinegar taken only once in a small dose put me in a considerable amount of pain and discomfort. I'm not saying it will do that to you, just thought I should let people on this site know as it's pretty easy to start to hope ACV is gonna fix you based on what you read. Good luck to all!
After trying a few different things to no avail I tried taking supplements to decrease stress and that stopped the excessive sweating for me.
**I should note I only had "periods" on & off of heavy sweating (meaning it would happen for a few days to weeks and then get under control for a while before starting again). The random heavy sweating sometimes happened even when I was not doing anything to work up a sweat.
I've been reading the information on this page and I feel really excited and hopeful that I will overcome this desease that has been with me for all my life. I have hyperhidrosis in all over my body. I will try soon magnesium citrate and pray for this to work out. It would be good if people kept updating their situation here after trying magnesium or any other thing, since I noticed that it's been a while since someone posted here.
ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy
Greg: Browsing thru skin care products I found Argan Oil and Ceramides to be promising for topical application. You may want to check the skin care section at your local health food store for a lotion w/ many nutrients. Dietary consumption of omega 3 fatty acids like flax, krill, fish, and walnut oil will help.
Also, there may be in your area a naturopath or homeopath or chiropractor that may help.
ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy
Greg: As for the Ionic Trace Minerals whatever you find affordable. I use tablets orally and the liquid in a bath; but do also supplement the amino acid Taurine to further aid in bringing those minerals thru the cell walls.
To help prevent the damage and bleeding of the skin I would recommend a Carotinoid complex as well as full spectrum Vit-E.
Lecithin is bipolar (hydrolipic/hydrophilic) molecule which is ideal for delivering nutrients throughout the body achieved most notably thru Liposomal Encapsulation Technoloy (LET). This method will delver nutrition throughout the body directly to the cells independent of your severed nervous system.
I hope this info helps; do update so as to bring some validation. Stay positive and continue to find anything to alleviate the bad side effects and regain some semblance or normalcy.
ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy
Hi Tim,
Thanks so very much for the reply. I have tried MSM/DMSO and I was wondering about the Ionic Trace Mineral supplement you mentioned? Which one? And how would the lecithin help? Thank you again. I need all the help I can get!
ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy
Greg: Thanx for the "warning", maybe it will help anyone reading it. The medical problem is not just the isolated incident you posted, but a general "one size fits all" business model w/ plenty of political and financial backup. And if you're like me and have the wisdom to not submit to radical, irreversible treatments and procedures, and say "no", you get blacklisted and shunned by many in the med community for yrs or the remainder of your life.
I feel somewhat confident that you may find a good deal of relief from natural cures if you persist. CoQ10 & L-Carnitine will help w/ the heart. As for the dry parts that got slashed, does any kind of moisturizer lotion help? Let me pitch you a path to search. One method of providing oxygen to the cancer cells (because the aerobic metabolic pathway isn't able to deliver the O2) is supplementing MSM/DMSO as these natural compounds oxygenate at the cellular level. Well, same principle may work w/ hydration. A complete Ionic Trace Mineral supplement will prove beneficial for stimulating electrolyte production. Lecithin may also help as it is both a fat & water soluble nutrient; may work well w/ ionized water.
ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy
WARNING! Do NOT let yourself out of desperation be swayed by or charmed by psychopathic surgeons with no conscience who will mutilate your body for cash. These surgeons will tell you a small list of slight side effects, but will not mention to you the suicides that have occurred oncce popele realize that they can no longer wear shirts that aren't black to hide the sweat. Your heart rate will be low, in some cases too low to ever work out as you used to. Because you will no longer sweat from your head, your scalp will be dry, even bleed, and you will lose your hair. My hands are so dry in winter that they crack and bleed. I know people who are left with Horner's Syndrome, a disastrous case where one eye is semi shut. ETS Surgery/Sympathectomy will disfigure your body. It will leave you a handicapped victim. A cripple. I know, because I am one thanks to a psychopathic ETS surgeon. I would die for a little sweat on my hands and feet, or perspiration on my face. Look for natural cures - not surgery. Don't put the body God gave you in a psychopathic killer's hands. Yes, some of these surgeons have killed their patients - they died on the table. They just pay people and it all goes away. Take care of yourselves and od bless. I know this was a disturbing read.
http://www.truthaboutets.com/Pages/CS.html and etsandreversals.yuku.com.
Yes, I have heard of hyperhydrosis and there is a surgery recommended for it called ETS Surgery or a Sympathectomy that will completely destroy your body. You with wind up with a symptomology called Ccorposcindosis. You will never sweat - ever again - from your face, head, or neck, and you will sweat profusely on your stomach and back through your clothes, and your heart rate will lower, making it is struggle to do any physical activity at all.
Sweaty Feet
I've had sweaty feet and palms all my life and have been constantly fighting fungal foot infections. I just happened upon a remedy by accident and it's kept me dry for that last couple of weeks. Apply extra virgin organic coconut oil (I purchased from Costco) to your hands and feet, then put on cotton socks until you feel dry. It takes just a few minutes to go completely dry even if I am drenched when I apply the coconut oil. It really works -- I stopped for a few days, was sweating profusely and when I did it again today, was completely dry. And I even had boots on, which normally makes me sweat like mad (not enough ventilation). I even tried it on my armpits today and it worked there too. My palms did seem a little too dry sometimes (like I should put on some lotion). This is the only thing that has worked and it's so easy (no pills, drinks or soaking required). I have tried several other remedies that didn't work -- sage, apple cider vinegar, prescription antiperspirants. Hope it helps!!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Same for me. I also hoped the ACE would help me lose weight, but Its good for my acid problem
I also have body odor problems because I sweat too much.. I tried lime it really does the job but I can say that baking soda is really effective in removing odor... What I did is to apply lime juice 3 mins before shower and after shower I apply the baking soda and leave it for a couple of minutes and rinse... Guaranteed no smell even if you sweat a lot... Hope it helps you
Sage Tea
I've been dealing with excessive sweating all of my life and for once I have found something I can rely on. My sweating usually is triggered by social anxiety/stage fright and have been taking many supplements for it including magnesium, b vitamins, fish oil, coconut oil, acv, holy basil, ginger, 5 htp, multi vitamins, beta blockers, baking soda, borax for detox, and others I'm forgetting. I'm a work in progress but have finally found sage is affordable and has the drying capabilities I've been searching for. I boil one big pot if the dry herb and drink about 2 cups give or take a day. I shave my head so the sweat used to just roll off my head neck. I also started to spray witch hazel on my head which also keeps me dry. Between the two I think I am able to feel more comfortable in social settings. Good luck and keep trying new avenues.
Castor Oil
hi just found this site tonight and wow what an amazing array of remedies especially for skin for older women. Can anyone help me with a solution for excessive sweating of my hands and feet, I have tried every imaginable remedy sage tea, mint, vitamins of all shapes and sizes, gp visits alternative treatments nothing have ever worked ever. Its called hyperhidrosis and there is no known cure or in fact no explanation as to why this problem exists. Has anyone else had any relief from using castor oil packs or anyother remedy. Has anyone ever heard of this problem would be grateful as to hear from people using this site there seems to be a lot of knowledge. thank you tracy
Did you try applying it externally? I use mag oil as deodorant and I never have any wetness (not even damp, but I don't usually have an issue like yours) and never any odor--even when I don't wash or reapply the next morning (got stuck at a campsite w/ insufficient water for bathing).
I've been taking magnesium citrate, the fizzy power, for 3 weeks moving from a teaspoon to a tablespoon a day pretty quickly. It has not resolved the faucets under my arms. I notice improvement with sweating only when I'm not being social, nervous or excited. For example, I usually get to work with sweat already working a nice wet circle into my clothing. I can get to work dry now which is great, but unfortunately as soon as I begin any interaction with people on the phone or in the office, pit circles graduate. So it's a NAY for me... but could offer hope to others.
I have chorophyll tablets and organic sage, can I use those together to get the same effects?
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have an issue with hyperhidrosis under my armpits and at the soles of my feet. I tried using ACV for my pits and it worked for about a half hour. After that I went right back to sweating up a storm and with that eventually came the stink storm. I found that removing meat and diary from my diet has helped a lot, far more than the vinegar ever has.
Try ACV (apple cider vinegar) 2 tbs and 1/4 teas baking soda daily. Good Luck!
I have been taking 250mg Magnesium every day before breakfast, and also using about 12 sprays of magnesium oil at night on my legs. I still have the debilitating sweating I have had since puberty (30 years ago). For me it is always my face and neck that are depressingly wet all the time, chest sweats but not as severe. No B. O. or underarm issues thank god. Except I notice the last two weeks my shirt and pillowcases are soaked when I wake up. My face is covered in sweat even after a 30 minute nap, and it could be fine right before I take the nap. Now the fact that it is July heat here in Texas isn't helping, but my question is if I am already supplementing magnesium and not seeing any change, what can I do?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Well, back in ww2 time they could have more iodine etc. They didn't eat so much processed foods as today, something to take into consideration. Much common sense needed before taking someone's advice including doctors.
Sage Tea
Yes, Citygirl27, the sage from the spice section is fine for tea.
Sage Tea
Everywhere I have looked, in the spice sections, I have only found ground, powdered sage, both organic and conventional. Is this OK to use (put in hot water to make a tea) for HH or do I need the sage sprigs? I haven't seen sage teabags anywhere yet and wouldn't it be just ordinary sage put in mesh teabag packaging? Not sure, looking for info or experiences. Thx.
Multiple Remedies
Crystal stone Q - can you use the crystal stone on your neck and face? That is where I get my heavy sweating.
Apple Cider Vinegar
B from Lakeview, and others who just can't get around the taste - try adding a dash of cinnamon or stevia to your ACV. It will taste much more palatable then. I think it is yum.
Liquid Chlorophyll and Sage Fluid Extract
After coming on the site to find an herbal remedy for being so overly heated with excessive sweating, I opted to try the chlorophyll and sage and it works like a charm!!!! I was hesitant to believe it would work. I literally would take a shower put on all sorts of different types of deodorants and yet by the time I got to work I would be flooded with a puddle of sweat under my arms. Beyond embarassing. I was already putting chlorophyll into my water but I had fallen off. I went online and bought a 2 for 1 package of sage extract. What I do to help and will make this my routine here forward is in the morning I get a big glass of water, add 28 drops of the sage extract (as noted on the bottle) and then I add about an ounce of cholorophyll and drink it down (often with a squeeze of lemon juice in it as well). One other thing that seems to be helping as well is I put a small reserve amount of the water mixture and dip a napkin it and put the wet mixture under my arms like deodorant. I was not told to do it but thought I would try since sage apparently reduces sweating by 30-40 %. I have only been doing this for three days and IT WORKS!!!!!! I will assume I was deplete in certain nutrients/minerals. It honestly worked the same day I tried it but now after 3 days it continues to help! So give it a try and ASAP!
I have to say, I took the advice from one of the previous posts who said to use the magnesium citrate. I bought a magnesium powder that gets mixed with water. Truly, could not even believe the difference! First relief I've ever experienced. I only use it when it's warm. Couldn't do it all the time, as it does have a laxative effect, and it also does what the name says: it makes me calm - (in other words, ready for a nap! ) But this is the only thing that I can say has a definite effect. wouldn't be without it.
NAY - I tried magnesium and Apple Cider Vinegar for 2 weeks, and still sweat drips down. I get plenty of sunshine and I eat quite healthy, work out and am thin. I'm so sad it hasn't worked for me. Any advice is appreciated. I did notice I have the magnesium citrate, but not ionic. I will try that next when this bottle is empty and keep you posted.
Vitamin B Complex
Wow I'm so glad I'm not alone with this condition. So guys I just bought a fresh sage leaves, so should I eat it raw or make it as a tea? And how many leaves should I take daily?Does it really work, should I take it with something like ACV, etc? Help I'm just sick of sweating like hell, TY.
Sweaty Feet
My mom suffered from excessive hand sweating then and she told me it stopped when she used her urine in the morning and let it dry for some minutes at the palm of her hand. I am doing it too for two days now and I observed an amazing results.
Sage Tea
try to use your urine in the morning and let it dry ( hands, feet, underarms) for some minutes and rinse later. It will give amazing results on the sweaty areas. I am doing it with my hands and feet and I was amazed how it works. Try it.
I have an important question... I didn't understand the magnesium thing.. It's pills that you are taking every day? and someone can really tell me that its helped him after ETS surgery?
Vitamin B Complex
Magnesium works for others but not for ALL.. I've been taking magnesium for months but I only lose weight, I lose 10Lbs. Now I'm 100Lbs but still it's a bad news cause I still sweat every minute w/o any reason... For obese people out there, try magnesium.
Vitamin B Complex
What I mean is, I already tried everything except that surgery.. Guess body's broken too... Know what my sweat Glands would only close when I'm in deep sleep... "wish I will never wake up"
Vitamin B Complex
I have important question... I didn't understand the magnesium thing.. Its pills that you are taking every day? and someone can really tell me that its helped him after ETS surgery?
Sage Tea
Why cant you say the name of the tea? I'm not from usa.. Its Prohibited?
Vitamin B Complex
No man the surgery is very very bad treatment, my life is a mess, I'm not talking with my parents, I tried maybe 15 ways to change it but the body is "broken".
You have a lot of options before the surgery, check in the internet.
Vitamin B Complex
Lot of option? yeah right... Well, didn't do the surgery cause my family would say"no, No, NO"... grRrRr, why is there no cure for this?
Vitamin B Complex
I too am so glad to have found this site. This excessive sweating is so embarassing. I have to constantly wipe my forehead even as I walk through the grocery store. Everyone else is bundled up in ski jackets, and I wear a cotton blouse and a light sweatshirt!! My excessive sweating problem is from taking strong medication for pain. Will this ACV & honey solution work for me because my problem is from meds, not a natural or surgery related problem? I guess I can try and find out, right? I'll let you know!
Vitamin B Complex
You didn't do the surgery? If not don't do it... you have a lot of options before the surgery...
Vitamin B Complex
Same here, the thing is I can't afford that surgery.. And I think now I'm starting to get crazy, haha whata Life..
Vitamin B Complex
the question is why to stay here if you are not enjoying the ride... I can honesty say that for the last 3 years I'm waking up without thinking about nothing except the surgery.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I've been suffering from excessive sweating since I was a teen. I also have fought depression most of my life and have taken a number of different medications... maybe the meds have triggered this problem, I'm not sure.
Here's my question and I hope a Dr. sees this post to possibly help me understand.
I took an MAO Inhibitor for the treatment of depression called Parnate for approx. 4 years. After I started taking Parnate, my excessive sweating went completely away. Even spending two weeks in the warm humid tropics, absolutely no sweat. Ony time I broke a sweat was during aerobic exercise which I see as being "normal".
Does anyone understand or know why an MAOI would remove this problem from my life...?
Stopped taking it and I sweat all of the time so I will defininetly try the ACV with raw honey concoction.
Vitamin B Complex
Jamey, I know exactly how it feels like... This thing also leads me to depression, most of my time I would just sleep and wish not to wake up... I don't even talk to people because the more I talk the more I could feel other sweat glands open in my body. Although before they would say I'm so talkative, but now OMG "I HATE LIFE" but of course I can't just kill myself cause GOD FORBIDS...
Vitamin B Complex
I'm depressed... I'm after surgery and I'm sweating all over my body also I have heat wave all the time.. I will try the honey but probably if it won't work I'm going to end this shit.
Vitamin B Complex
Hi HH sufferers, I too know the humiliation of excessive sweating. For me it is my face, head, torso and when it's really humid, my arms and legs. Basically everything. This problem started when I was around 21 or 22. I am now 37 and after visiting several doctors, endless google searches and complaining, I have found this site. I am so thankful for the new possibilities that might help me but mostly for the company of others with the same issue. My friends, co-workers, strangers etc think I'm crazy or just went swimming when temps are humid or high. I am currently trying to find a new job and the sweating is an obstacle. Anyhow- I plan to try several of these remedies and if any of them work I will let you know. If there was something even partially helpful it would improve life greatly.
Vitamin B Complex
If you can't get the organic brand where you live, you can use the regular, non-organic brand if it's available.
In my case, the regular ACV worked better for me (much better) than the organic did.
Vitamin B Complex
Hey, I read all of you responses. I had s surgery for sweat 5 years ago and my life change completely. I tried almost everything, including alternative medicine, pills and chemical preparation.
I'm going to try this apple*honey but I have a question.. I don't have this apple cider vinegar with yellow label in my country so I have to import..
What is the cost of this bottle? and this is for a month or more?
Vitamin B Complex
Hello there everyone I so know how you all feel!!! I suffered silently for over 10yrs!! I was such a social person but am very restricted now because it's the most uncomfortable feeling being wet or damp with sweat when you go out, only ppl that go through it will understand the frustration!! The worst is when my friends want a hug :S I plucked up the courage went docs 6yrs ago and a horrid doc told me go lose weight it's coz I am fat (I was a stone overweight) omg!! I was mortified that after convincing myself to go he brushed me off like that!! But I'm at a new town with a new doc she's fantastic told her how I felt she did my thorough blood tests diabetes, hormones amoungst some others and what do you know I have an under active thyroid!! Hypothyroidism!! So it's not just hyperthyroidism that causes hh it could be hypo too! Well that was some relief but even though I'm on pills for life I'm still sweating but less especially on my face. Go docs peeps and insist on blood tests you never know.
Vitamin B Complex
Hmm, well even though I always pray everyday still I would have nightmares. Of course I do believe in GOD even though I always feel depressed most of the time because of this HH.. so I just thought that there's a scientific explanation for this?..
But well I keep on thinking that maybe God has a better plan.. WhatsoEver, etc.. Bla, bla, bla.. Hehehe sorry for that.
Vitamin B Complex
Tinkerbell. As for the nightmares, I would advise to first embrace the Christian Faith (assuming that you havn't done so already) so you have a great ally in which to defeat the dark spirits in the unconscious mind. Also Christ can purify the dark thoughts which arise from the sexual desires. Good, battle half over. Now, get some chakra tuning & strengthening to further empower your mind & spirit. Last is visualization. Imagine yourself in the arms of a very noble man. A man full of love & courage that would defend you with his very life. Always holding you. That should do a good job on the nightmare issue.
As for my age, I'll direct you to my facebook page where you are welcome for friendship.
Vitamin B Complex
The thing is, because I usually stay inside our house I used to sleep most of the time... Based on my observation I'm also having nightmares EVERYDAY, most especially at night.. Well I can say that I'm perfectly healthy except for this HH that I cannot control that's why I don't just take any drugs, only supplements. Hehe, what advice can you say bout this Timh?.. and can I ask, how old are you?
Vitamin B Complex
Tink, no it was for sleep & depression, but the dryness and dark dreams made me toss it.
The natural alternative to Amt. is one of the 4 main nightshade plants ---Belladonna, Datura, Brugmansia, Henbane. These plants all contain anticholinergic chems which are quite effective in inhibiting info accross cell membranes which results in dryness of mouth, infrequent urination, and nerve imbalances like hallucinations. These plant alkaloids are known psychotropics that can be very dangerious in even small doses. Many teenagers wind up in ER in need of life saving measures. The secret is to use a very very small dose only before retiring for HH.
I am currently using homeopathic Belladonna for inflammation and sleep disorder with little results, but no dryness or bad dreams. Surely there is a homeopathic formula for your problem that doesn't have bad side effects.
Vitamin B Complex
Timh, did your doctor prescribed this Amitriptyline for HH or you just discovered it on your own? For People out there who know some natural remedies PLEASE HELP, TY.
I'm suffering from palmar and plantar HH EVERYDAY, I swear it's EVERYDAY.
Activated Charcoal
Hello, Yep got the excessive sweating problem but can't take ACV as have low pressure. At present rubbing salt under armpits.. Slight reduction in amount and smell. Will try charcoal tablets and keep you posted.
Have kidney disease so need to watch what goes and on the body. I got my husband to use charcoal tablets for food poisoning the other day... Amazing results. Pain and diarrhea stopped within 30mins. Brilliant stuff.
Vitamin B Complex
Tinkerbel, the prescription drug Amitriptyline (the old school antidepressant) has an anticholinergic effect which causes dryness throught the body. It is sometimes prescribed as sleep aid. Side effects include dry mouth and nightmares. If the side effects be minimal, Amitriptyline might help.
This isn't natural remedy, but there it is. Good Luck.
Vitamin B Complex
Guys, I know how it feels like having this HYPERHIDROSIS thing.. I've been suffering this since birth.. I'm now 25 years old, I usually stay inside the house when it's weekEnd... I already tried using drysol and cider but nothing works, now I'm trying magnesium and I am hoping this wilL work.. HELP US GOD.
Try apple cider vinegar and honey (has to be a thick, coagulated honey - not the liquidy kind). Take 2 teaspoons of ACV and 2 teaspoons thick honey (perferably organic - you can also use Manuka Honey at a low UMF level, which is so healthy for you! ) mixed with 8 ounces of water 3X a day. Drink and mix the apple cider vinegar and honey together with a straw and brush your teeth afterward bc the the Apple Cider Vinegar can erode enamel. This was miraculous in keeping my exceccive sweat away - but I had to drink it 3 X a day - and less than that and the sweat would come back, but total relief from awful, dripping sweating when I took this remedy properly! Good luck to you!
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Honestly, I tried the thick, organic honey and organic ACV with the mother. I bought them both at a health food store. I found no difference at all in my sweating, so I stopped taking it. Perhaps it works in some people and not in others. I so desperatley wanted this to work and I am really disappointed.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Sage for sweating! It is a beautiful plant, very easy to dry, and put it in scrambled eggs, spaghetti sause, gravy for roasts anything. It makes an excellent soap also! And it stops sweat.
hey guys, I feel like I suffer the same sort of sweating disorder, I've tried so many things and spent alot of time and money through doctors, naturopaths, homeopaths trying to prevent the sweating but nothing has helped except for the homeopath, which made the connection with the anxiety as the sweating started after a heavy breakup and precribed me with a medicine that seemed to work for about a month but then seemed like my body got used to it and the sweting came back. The sweating first started in my armpits they would be drenched with out needing to partake in any exersice, I feel that its anxiety based as when I start to get anxcious I start to sweat. Anyway I started using drichlor 2 years ago and have found that it works for my pits but now have compensation sweating that alters from my back, bum, behind my knees and also my feet and sometimes my hands, but my pits stay dry with the aplication of drichlor probably once amonth but I can't cover my whole body in this stuff cause of the burn. Someone earlier stated magnesium also helps with anxiety so I think I will be trying that with the backup of sage, I will let you all know how it goes. It makes it easier knowing that im not the only one out there with the condition
Apple Cider Vinegar
Just had my first drink of the ACV and honey, not crazy about the taste and made my stomach a little upset. Is there any way to help with stomach upset or taste of mixture?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Bill, Have you heard of Terry Naturally Tri-Iodine and what are your opinions of this product to support the body's iodine needs?
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
I know everyone mentions raw honey but I wonder, would raw organic Agave Nectar work too?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Bill, Can you take Lugol on daily basis for health maintenace?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi Dorey... Ted's advice on how to cure fibroids is to alkalize the body daily using his ACV or lemon/lime with baking soda remedies twice a day as well as footpainting with iodine. I would further recommend that perhaps you supplement 4 - 8 drops a day(26 - 50 mgs) of 5% Lugol's Iodine or simply take 2-4 Iodoral tablets(available on the internet) daily. Research from The Iodine Project seems to conclusively prove that iodine supplementation will reduce cysts both in the uterus and fibrocytic breast disease within a few months. Here is some research on iodines many benefits:
If you supplement lugol's iodine, you will also find that your skin, hair and nails will also improve. Iodine also improves your energy levels. A little known secret of iodine is also that it removes fatty liver deposits, so you will also lose weight if you have a pot belly(I can also attest that this is true -- and that it works -- from my personal experience with taking iodine -- I now have a flat belly). Also little known is that iodine is a marvellous anti-histamine -- it interferes and down regulates histidine conversion to histamines preventing inflammation. This is why iodine was so successful when used in large dose against asthma in the pre-WW2 period.
In part of their historic research, the Iodine Project has found that the Japanese ingest an overage of about 4.6 gms of kelp a day. This gives their bodies an average of about 12.5 mgs intake of iodine/iodide per day. This dosage is approx 100 times more than the RDA of 150 micrograms per day. Because of their iodine intake through eating large amounts of seaweed per day, the Japanese as a population have a very low incidence of uterine fibroids, breast cysts and cancer. For years, researchers couldn't understand why the Japanese, as a population, had such a low incidence of lung cancer -- despite their population being one of the heaviest cigarette smoking groups in Asia -- until they found out the iodine connection. Both iodine and the T3 and T4 hormones tend to accumulate in the lungs -- iodine is anti-cancer as well as anti-mutagenic.
Finally and in anticipation, many people seem very afraid of taking lugol's iodine in such large amounts. If you speak to your doctor, he will warn you against the so-called dangers of taking such large amounts of iodine. But this belies and contradicts the research facts and if you look back to the historic pre-WW2 use of iodine for emphysema, bronchitis and asthma, the doctors at the time recommended iodine dosages of between 1000 -- 2000 mgs per day. That's 150 - 300 drops a day of lugols iodine. And doctors recommended this and these treatments were usually quite successful -- otherwise they would have stopped recommending lugol's at the time. For the real illicit reasons why lugol's has been so de-emphasised by medical research -- see this link:
Apart from avoiding processed food, my own regimen just consists of taking dessicated liver as a baseline for all my necessary vitamin, amino acid and mineral intake. As well, I continually alkalize and supplement larger dose iodine, magnesum and vitamin C in my diet -- these are always lacking in our western diets. I also take brewer's yeast regularly for the B vitamins, selenium CoQ10 etc, as well as supplement Humic/Fulvic acid as concentrated drops in order to provide a continual detox from my body of pesticides, fungicides, heavy metals and other toxic dietary poisons. I also use Chanca piedra decoction regularly to clear out the excess calcium from my body and also to protect my intestines, kidneys, liver and blood. Iodine also helps to remove cadmium, lead, mercury and aluminium from the body and also removes bromine and chlorine..
My own view of taking just kelp tablets for the iodine is not a good one. I bought some European-made kelp 3 years ago. Each tablet contained 125 MICROgrams of iodine. Therefore to get the needed 12.5 mgs of iodine per day as just a daily maintaince dose would have meant me taking 100 tablets of this kelp per day!! I forgot all about Codex Alimentrius. A Kelp tablet therefore might just about satisfy the whole body needs of a mouse, but will have very little effect, in my own opinion, against significant problems like cystic fibrosis or uterine firbroids.
Lugol's Iodine, as part of my own weekly regimen, is one of my essential supplements now and has been for about the last 4 years.
Apple Cider Vinegar
question: I am a senior who started taking blood pressure medication and diabetes (Metformin) and since have had unnatural sweating to my head and upper body ever since when I do any physical work. My doctor has no comment. would anyone who has shared this issue - I would appreciate any feedback - Just knowing someone else shares this issue would help
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
I just found this site today. I have excessive sweating that leads to odor. I tried the baking soda which works when it is not too hot, but my armpits are darken and sore. I was at a baseball game and I was so sweaty and stinky too.
The site mentions magnesium for excessive sweating and ACV and baking soda for odor. I will go get some magnesium in the morning. Check out some of the other postings.
What can I do about the baking soda rash?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thanks so much for the quick reply. I will try that!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Footsweater: try Apple Cider Vinegar without any honey. maybe with a pinch of baking soda or even without it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have had excessive sweating my whole life. I am now 41 and it has gotten really bad. It is at the point now where it really affects not only my social life, but also my job. I constantly have to worry about whether or not I will have a cool room to be in, or if Iwill have to do something that will cause me to sweat. I need a cool off period before going places. It is terrible. Absolutely debilitating. I am so embarrased and self-conscious of it. I tried the organic ACV and organic (thick) honey and it made no difference at all. I will now try the magnesium. I am not sure what the dosage should be or what type of magnesium pills to use. Any advice will be appreciated!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I'm on day three of ACV with thick honey. My sweating is out of control. Sugar (honey) has always made me sweat and 4-6 teaspoons a day is WAY more than I usually eat. Yet, I was still hoping this was going to be the perfect cure. Did it get better before it got worse for anyone? Should I keep going for a week? Help :(
Congrats on not sweating. As I was reading your post, I thought that it could have been written by me - I suffer the same type of sweating. I will easily sweat all over my body & it seems to be getting worse. It has even begun affecting my career & social life. I would love to talk with people w/out breaking out in a sweat.
I appreciate taking your time to post & have a couple of questions.
What dosage of Magnesium pills & how often?
What dosage of Sea Kelp pills & how often?
Hello everyone, I suffered from excessive sweating, it got progressively worse over the last 6 years, it had always been pretty bad, affecting what I could wear, when to leave for places, so I had a 'cool down' half hour as sweat would be running down my back and all around my head, I read this forum and started taking Sea Kelp and Magnesium tablets, as some helpful people had suggested.
This weekend I went to a wedding and danced to the music, one song would have had me standing outside for fifteen minutes to cool down, but I had no sweat running anywhere, when I did work up a sweat, I could feel it actually working like it should, and it cooled me down within a couple of minutes, so I went back in, in my dry shirt and carried on!
The other thing I have noticed, is that my acid reflux has been curbed to the point where I dont need to take medication for it, I used to double over if I had forgotten to take my pills, now its a slight case of feeling a slight burn for a second, then its fine, I can cope with this.
Thank you to everyone who has suggested remedies, I feel like a new person!!
Vitamin B Complex
Woh I'm giving this a try, Drysol cured my palms underarms and feets but I still have small sweating other places where I don't know if I can apply Drysol. If you're having hard time finding Drysol I found a site with free shipping called drysolonline.com, I had success with workout and running but forgot to add vitamins to my daily routine.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Does anyone know if you can apply this to problem areas.. Such as hands and feet or is it just for drinking? Can you do both?
Liquid Chlorophyll and Sage Fluid Extract
I started using Periactin tablets to help with my allergies; unfortunately one of the side effects was excessive sweating, ALL over, not just my pits from my face, my arms, the tops of my breasts, my cleavage, ......... Its killing me, I'm gonna try your remedy, fingers crossed.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You may have thrown them off when you said non-acidic apple cider vinegar, but surely they could have guessed what you meant - organic non-filtered apple cider vinegar. The brand name starts with a B.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You can usually find it in the organic section of the major grocery stores (Krogers, Stop and Shop). I don't like to brag, but the brand most recommended is another word for "boasts".
Apple Cider Vinegar
I think you are looking for Organic apple cider vinegar with "Mother" - that is what makes the liquid look brownish and milky - it is not filtered and clear to look through. The "mother" is what makes it so healthy. I was pleasantly surprised to find it mixed in woth all the other vinegars at my local Smith's grocery store. The yellow label is for the "_____" organic brand. You could ask for it by name and find it pretty easily I am guessing. Good luck. Be sure to locate "organic with mother" aka, not filtered.
Apple Cider Vinegar
The health food store I contacted acted like I was crazy when I asked about "non-acidic apple cider vinegar" they told me that was the point of any vinegar is the acid. So I need help finding this brand of ACV that is brownish in color with a yellow label. I am ready to try anything for relief. Thanks
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
I never leave feedback on these sites but after two days of trying organic apple cider vinegar & raw organic honey I swear my excessive facial & head sweating is WAY better! I am a dance instructor & getting ready for our big show & tonight for the first time in rehearsal I wasn't soaking wet and spraying everyone with my wet head! I have been drinking the Apple Cider Vinegar & water and it's also helped my dancers feet! I have tried prescription steroid creams & every other over the counter ointment to relieve the athletes foot/eczema I get from sweating & dancing! I haven't put this on my feet I drank it & noticed 6 days later my feet r smooth & pretty again! It's a flat out miracle! It may b all in my head but I swear it works! I drink 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar & 2 teaspoons of raw organic honey the thick kind in 8oz of room temp bottled water about 2-3 times a day! I have been drinking 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar & 1/4th tsp of bs 2-3 times a day & I swear it has helped me a TON!
@ Edy from Prescott Valley, AZ. I had the ETS surgery in San Antonio in June 2008 because my sweating from the head and arm pits were as bad as anyone can imagine. Since then the compensatory sweating is much worse, especially my abs, chest, back, legs, one arm pit and butt. I soak thru clothes all the time, some days losing 5-10 pounds of water. I noticed there is a company online that sells a tea with all of these ingredients and am thinking I will try it!
Sweaty Feet
Question: Thank you so much for the post. I have the same problem since childhood. Both my feet and palms sweat. This will be heaven sent if it works for me. My question is for how many weeks did you this or are you still doing it twice per week? Thank you.
Sweaty Feet
Two years ago I watched this Dr. OZ show, he was presenting this young lady who said her feet are always sweating and smelling even when she lives in Calif. and wears sandals. Dr Oz told her to make a black tea infusion (normal black tea) the stronger the better and soak her feet in it, Warm or cold it doesn't matter, twice a week for 20 minutes.
I did that, since I had sweaty and cold feet. Mine were always sweating but in winter it was worse; and this infusion really changed everything. Since then I have NEVER had sweaty feet or smelly feet again. What works in the tea is the tanic acid. It is a life saver. I really was red faced before when I had to take my shoes off.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Reply to the thread on ACV and honey for sweating:
I have seen an improvement since using this therapy. Recently my feet had started sweating, which is very abnormal for me. For years I have been able to wear women's dress shoes with no odor or sweating. Since using this ACV honey I have seen an improvement and less sweating.
In addition, I am taking ACV for my seasonal allergies which are almost nonexistanct while I keep taking it.
For those of you who don't like the taste of ACV, I will offer this encourgement. I used to HATE the taste of it, really couldn't stand it. However, when I know something is good for me and makes me feel good I am able to build up a taste for it. Now I truly love the taste of it because I associate my improved digestion and allergy relief with it. Give it a try, and see if you can trick your brain into loving it too.
Apple Cider Vinegar
So all u tryed is lime and place it under the armpits?
Apple Cider Vinegar
In regards to brushing your teeth right after drinking the mixture, because the acidity wears away at your teeth it is better not to brush right after drinking. Instead drink something like milk or rinse with a ph balancing rinse to balance the ph in your mouth. Brushing right after is going to wear away at your enamel worse.
Sweaty Feet
HELP! SOS Cannot find any posts on this site for sweaty feet. I am fine in the summer. When I have to put on socks and wear shoes, my feet sweat. The colder the temp, the more they sweat. I have to change socks several times a day because my feet chill and I am concerned about getting sick. This is weird, not to mention aggravating. Has only gone on in the past couple years. I am 63, had mercury poisoning which has left me with lots of physical problems to live with. I was healthy up to that point; always been interested in natural health. The only prescription I am on is for BP. Help!
I 100% agree about the crystal stone. It's amazing! I tried every kind of antiperspirant and nothing worked. My armpits were constantly wet... After using the stone for about a month my excessive sweating is gone! It's amazing after all these years. I recommend everyone should try it out.
I just read on another site that a pharmacist recommended "painting the armpits with iodine" for excess sweating and odor remedy. Funny I was just thinking about trying that before I found that. I'll let you know how it goes. I'd say you should be sure that you are not allergic to iodine before you try this. And I would also think that you should do the iodine patch test periodically to make sure you are not using too much. Seems to me that if it is iodine deficiency causing sweating, it would make sense that after you paint armpits for awhile, your iodine levels would go up and you could stop doing this.. Or only do it occasionally to keep the benefits. Again, I'll let you know if it works.
Note: In response to other comments about magnesium deficiency causing sweating: I do believe that magnesium levels also affect sweating. I dissolve a 1/4 cup of epsom salt in a glass jar (or pan) with 1-1/2 cups very hot filtered water (stir). Once it cools, then put in spray bottle and spray armpits, as well as all over your body several times a day or at least after you shower. It seems to be helping.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
Hi just wanted a reply from Dan from Brisbane and Tania from Boston. Dan has this worked for you and Tania can you send me some info on the type of ACV you used and type of honey and details like how may times a day, if it was on an empty stomach, did you add hot water. Anything that may be important. Contact me at dwatt78 [at] gmail[dot]com thanks.
What kind of iodine/iodide did you use, just curious because I also get cold extremeties and excessive sweat. I did an iodine test and it does seem like im lacking iodine. I used Liqui-kelp Daily iodine and noticed you also said iodide, is that was I should be using? Let me know, thanks.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Everyone mentions using non-acidic apple cider vinegar but I cannot find any products that say that specifically. All I see is an organic vinegar that contains the "mother". Anyone have ideas on specific brands or where to buy this product?
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
I was just curious as to how soon you see a difference? or is it different for everyone?
Sage Tea
Please provide the tea you use with sage, astragalus, St. John's Wort and Valarian? I do not care what it tastes like nothing can smell or taste worse than apple cider vinegar & honey. Plus, I have used Valarian in the past for sleeping and know the fumes it gives off. Haha Thanks so much. Another question why distilled water and not just tap?
Multiple Remedies
I totally agree I am a big sweater at least I was until I started using the crystal stone
Multiple Remedies
I am 30 year old woman, but as a teen I had terrible problems with armpit sweating. The best antiperspirants seemed to act as sweat enhancers! My armpits were clean-shaven, but my deodorant / antiperspirants still didn't work well. And, I bought the strongest that had rugged, outdoorsy, exercising men in their advertisements! One day, I decided to try waxing my armpits. I didn't want to put my harsh yet poor working antiperspirant on right after, so I rubbed some aloe vera gel & tea tree oil on instead, just so I wasn't stinking. What a difference! The sweating was probably 10% of what it had been, & that was with no antiperspirant! It's like if I have hair in the follicles, I sweat awfully & if they're totally removed, I don't. I find the easiest & most convenient method to do this to use a hair plucking device. I use it weekly. This is really worth trying if you have a sweating problem, want to use a more natural deodorant, or have a BO problem. Although I know it doesn't cure ones odor, the possibility of sweating less certainly can't hurt.
If you're interested in more natural deodorants for whatever reason, read forums & try several if your first doesn't work. The glycerin natural deodorants have never worked for me personally, but some people love them. My personal favorite is the crystal stone. For some reason, the spray & roll-on versions don't work nearly as well. Note about the stone: when it states wet the stone prior to use, it isn't kidding. I find it doesn't work without putting the actual stone in water, even if my armpits are freshly "wet" from the shower. Hope some of this helps!
I thought it was the sweat staining not the deodorant :-/
Its been 3 weeks since I wrote on here. Ive taken 'Magnesium' 3x100mg a day, this doesnt seem to of done anything. After taking them for about a week I started taking 'Sage Leaf' aswell, as I read this was good for stopping sweating, I started with the bottles recommendation of 2x285mg twice a day. I did this for about 2 weeks, nothing changed. So I looked online and found out there is 1000mg to a sage leaf, so I upped my dose to 7x285mg in the morning till my pills ran out (4 days worth). Did a work out yesterday and I was still having sweat run down my face. So im considering not buying anymore. Dont want to waste money on something that isnt working. Im still taking 'Magnesium', im not sure whether to up that dose, to see if that works, im not sure the amount safe to take. Think I read on here before someone was taking 500mg a day. Im only taking 300ml. But like I said I was going to try and get to the root of the problem, so ive been and bought my 'Yeast busters' for my 'Candida' been taking them 3 days now. I will update on whether that makes any difference to my sweating.
Two things that work for me are, zinc oxide, found in the baby aisle. Also, I have found the best results with Magnesium Oil.
Oil of Magnesium is awesome as a deodorant, can't say it would help with excessive sweating. But I am totally controls odor from perspiration much like salt crystals except I find it last much longer.
I recently did some research on why my shirts were turning yellow and it is the Aluminum in deodorant. It didn't always do this until the last 5 years or so. I tried some of the natural deodorant for the body odor but that stuff really irritated me to no end. I have been experimenting with using coconut oil and it seems to work. I would at times get a sticky feeling so it wasn't 100% for me. Any suggestions?
I read your post and a few of you mentioned the same problem with staining white clothes. The cause is aluminum in your deodorant. I don't know what brands do not contain aluminum so I just wear tank tops when it's hot. I also have constant sweating problems. In fact my whole family does. I sweat in winter, I sweat from head to toe, and even sweat off my makeup. I don't know how to subside this curse. I feel dehydrated in these hot Georgia summers. Help if anyone can please!
Rachel from Charleston, SC how did you take the iodine? please help I have tried everything.
Ive suffered with excessive sweating since my teens, my doc gave me 'Driclor', because I sweated a lot from my underarms. I would turn white clothing yellow in that area, so my tops never lasted me very long, and I started to wear a lot of black, so you couldnt see seat patches so much. The 'Driclor' irritated my skin and made it very sore, so I stopped using it. I tried 'Mitchum' which turned my underarm skin brown, so I gave up on that too. An since then I have tried to avoid hot places. A few yrs back I started to sweat from my head, and it would run down my face, this was really embarrassing, so now I still avoid hot places / days. When I do a work out it literally drips off me and my hair is soaking. I decided to seek doctors advice again a few months back and was given 'Probanthine' I took 2 three times a day and nothing changed, I upted it to 4 a day and the only thing they really did was give me a dry mouth. I asked my doctor about 'Robinul' but im in the UK and its not licensed here, he said I will have to see a specialist because its about £100 for a small amount of power. So I've been looking on the net for solutions, I came across this page, and have decided after reading to give the 'magnesium Citrate' a go and see if anything changes. I was talking to the lady in the health store and she said they do a 'Sage' supplement pill, which helps with sweating, so if the 'Magnesium' dont work im going to try that next. I did see a chiropractor when I was about 20, (im now 35) And he said I suffered from 'Candida' I looked up the symptoms and one of them is excessive sweating, the lady in the health shop told me they do a good tablet that rids your body of 'Candida', so I think im also going to try these, best to get to the root of the problem if I can , better then trying to solve the symptoms, by taming the cause. I noticed people hadn't posted in here since 2009, but like me someone searching for help might come across this post, so I will update with my progress.
I started using iodine/iodide and my hyperhydrosis disappeared. I no longer suffer from excessive sweating on my hands and feet and I no longer have cold extremities.
I found sage tea bags for excessive sweating. For 10 years I have been embarrassed to work and socialize because sweat pours off my face, neck, and body down to my knees even in cold weather. I had my implants removed and after that I began to sweat profusely. Make-up will not stay on my face either because it just melts and runs off dripping onto my shirts. This tea I am using has sage, astragalus, St. John's Wort and Valarian and steep 3-5 minutes in 8oz hot water. I use distilled water & heat it on the stove and not the microwave. Drink 2 cups daily. It takes a few days to take effect. WARNING: It tastes awful but I add another kind of tea bag to help the taste and you can add sugar, honey and milk if you prefer. I prefer to make ice tea in the summer months and stay away from hot liquids totally.
Tea Tree Oil
In addition to normal sweat glands, you have scent grands located in your palms, under arms and bottom of your feet. These are associated with your emotions and have an odor. Temperature has little to to with these glands and deodorants have no effect. If you are afraid of a dog, he knows it by these scent glands and will likely bite you because he feels threatened. Your situation is interesting. I wonder if this is normal sweat or from your scent glands.
Tea Tree Oil
I had a cut on my hand that I was putting tea tree oil on. I noticed however after 2-3 days that the really bad sweating on my hands had stopped!
I added 6 or so drops of tea tree oil to around 3T of olive oil and covered my hands in it before I went to sleep. The tea tree oil meant it was absorbed quickly, but you may want to alter the timing if you are concerned about the oil getting onto your sheets.
I did this for 2 nights then stopped and it was almost 2 weeks before I noticed the sweating was becoming a problem again. It didn't completely stop my palms from sweating but now I don't have to be nervous when I go to shake hands etc.
*the season has also just changed (spring>summer) so I don't know whether that also had some effect.
I tried the apple cider vinegar honey remedy. I do notice it helps for sweating A LOT - THANK YOU!! I think the original poster left out important info though! You have to mix the the 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons thick honey with 8 OUNCES OF WATER. I wouldn't heat the water up or anything, though. I would just leave it at room tempertature. Not all of the honey is going to dissolve, but you can still slurp it up with a straw! I found the recipe on line. Apparently, this is a famous recipe and the brand who makes the apple cider vinegar wrote about it in a book. Do this three times a day and see if your sweat reduces significantly!
Apple Cider Vinegar
when you mix the apple cider vinegar and honey, do you mix it in like a bowl or do you add water? im not sure how to take this as i raed that you should dilute apple cider vinegar before using? :D
Question: Has anyone heard of formalin used to prevent excessive sweating? A friend told me that he was given a diluted formalin years ago to apply on feet and palms for a week and he stopped sweating in those areas for over 6 years and now it's coming back. If you know of this please let me know how much to use, how to dilute it and where to get it. Thank you and God bless you all.
Apple Cider Vinegar
how did you take it? i've had to deal with excessive sweating my whole life.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I just wanted to thank all and any, plus your site profoundly for the knowledge shared here. It has truly helped me so much~
I found out about using lime on here for deodorant and not only has it helped my arm pits, but candida smells under boobs, belly button, and body odor in my 'crack' front to back... te hee, tmi I know, but honestly this is a godsend~ God bless you all, I am so utterly grateful~ With love, hey~ namaste mahalo-c
Vitamin B Complex
To Mary -
For body odor, I SWEAR by liquid milk of magnesia applied to the arm pits after a shower. I use a hairdryer on cool to speed up the drying process. I am positive this will help your odor problems better than deodorant or antiperspirant!!
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
I purchased the vinegar and honey yesterday and started taking them last night. Do you just mix the two and drink or do you add water as the bottle suggest? 2 tsp of each/3x per day? Thanks!
Apple Cider Vinegar
As the weather is starting to cool down here in Australia I'm not totally convinced of whether this works. I have done some exercise during this period and would have to say the amount of sweat is still rather excessive. I would also like to add that i have been mixing this drink using hot water to dissolve the honey so I'm not sure if this affects the efficacy of the honey as stated in my first post. I will post again at a later date. I wish I had found this earlier so I could have tried it in the middle of summer here, which is very humid.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Did the apple cider and honey work for you yet?
This is in reply to Mjelma in response to the nurse telling you that you did not need mag. supplement at your age. I am an RN and yes people of all ages need magnesium for different reasons. For example...just the fact that you are a female you lose magnesium and iron every month. If you have a heavy flow then you may be prone to magnesium and iron deficiency. Also many things now are supplemented with Calcium without the proper ratio of Magnesium added as well. It is possible to not be deficient but to be inbalanced. I was taught that when taking calcium, magnesium should be taken as well with a ratio of 2:1. meaning 1000 mg of Calcium with 500 mg of Magnesium. However, my own logic is that due to processed foods and "fortifying of Calcium". I find it necessary to take less Calcium and more Magnesium because of the inbalance caused by the improper fortifying of calcium without also fortifying foods with magnesium. And I am still successfully controlling my sweating with the magnesium supplementation. I do not take it every day, sometimes I only take it a few days before my menstrual cycle. However, I have also been adding Epsom salt to my bath water occasionally so it is possible I am absorbing mag. there as well.
Hello, you need to ask a different person someone trained in natural health care and knowledge of the body's use and need for vitamins and minerals. I guess you are trying as you are asking here. I am not a trained health care professional but I do know that it doesn't matter what age you are everyone needs magnesium and could be deficient at different times in there life. I have known a lot people personally who did get help with sweating by taking magnesium. In some of the books I have read excess sweating could be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Keep in mind there other things that could cause this but magnesium seems like a simple enough place to start.
I asked a nurse about magnesium tablets and she said that they are highly not recommended for my age. I'm 19, but it's impossible to me to deal with my sweating, and it has turned to a serious problem lately. I would really appreciate your help.Thanx
Apple Cider Vinegar
I had ETS surgery many years ago for excessive facial blushing and sweating and suffer from compensatory sweating on my back and chest as a side affect of the surgery. Although I have gotten used to theses affects they still do make life a little difficult at times and it can be quite uncomfortable when the weather is humid.
I have tried many different methods from antiperspirants, sage, magnesium and an e-book about loofahs and avoiding soaps. I did find some minor relief from the sage though, but still not effective enough in high humidity. Since finding this post I am delighted to give this remedy a try. I have purchase the organic vinegar and raw honey (which is the thick almost solid type of honey) which I am starting today.
I have one question as to how do you mix these 2 ingredients together as the honey is very thick.
Can you use hot water to break down the honey when mixing or will this reduce the effectiveness of the honey?
(Knowing the difference between raw and normal honey being heated and filtered)
All feedback will be appreciated.
I will post again a later date to determine how effective this treatment has been for me.
Good luck!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Had the ETS clipping and suffer from Compensatory sweating....This really works? And does it work when the weather is above 70 degrees? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Thanks for the information, as I am a suffer of Hyperhidrosis since the as of 5 and I'm in my mid thirtys and have tried every under the sun. My question is: Do you add purified water with the ACV and honey. If so how much?
Thanks a bunch!!
Vitamin B Complex
To Alex from Bangkok, Thailand: you did not mention if you had the body odor with the sweating. I dont have much sweating but lots of body odor. Could I have a vitamin deficiency that is causing the BO?? Will the vitamin B complex work for the BO and I also drink coffee but do not smoke. Help please
To like to help from Silver Springs, MD: I too have the same body odor problems as Anonymous complains of and like Anonymous I also use the Zinc, Mag, and chlorophyll and nothing seems to be helping. When you say to use the limes 2-3 times a day how do you go about this when you are at work?? do you go to the rest room and apply more lime?? Also once you cut the lime does it lose some of its potency?? Body odor is exactly that Embarassing. If anyone can help, may God in Heaven bless them for the rest of their life.
I have excessive sweating problems, usually worst when I drink coffee and smoke.
Recently I have been reading about mega dose vitamin therapy, and I have been taking huge quantities of vitamin B complex. I am taking up to 4 capsules every 4-5 hrs per day and it works, even though I drink coffee and smoke!
Hi Bb - It's good that you got the right kind of honey. I make the apple cider vinegar honey drink 3X a day on an empty stomach - about a half hour or so away from meals. The third drink I have at the end of the night before I go to bed - it stops the night sweats).
I don't know how much it matters to have it on an empty stomach but I had read somewhere that it did.
I drink it with a straw - the vinegar can wear away at the enamel on teeth so it is important to so this. Sorry if I forgt to mention this before. I also try to brush my teeth right afterwards.
I hope these suggestions help!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I started taking drink after your first post, but before I read your second post, and like you said, it didn't work with the syrupy style honey. I'm now onto the thick, raw, organic honey and just started this morning. Do you have a specific way of making this concoction that you could share?
I had this surgery in early 2005 and my life hasn't been the same since. I'd give almost anything to take the sweating away and feel 'normal' again.
Thanks so much!
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
I just used a regular thick kind of honey - no herbs or anything in it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi - I wanted to reply to the 2 people who wrote to my post about the apple cider vinegar honey drink helping my sweating... definitely try it, esp. if you have had ETS surgery (horrible surgery with horrible complications! Don't ever get it if you have hyperhidrosis (or anything else for that matter) - the debilitating side effects and sweating in other areas of your body will be even worse!!)
You have to get a certain type of Apple Cider vinegar - I cannot mention brands on this website but if you go to any health food store and ask for the non-acidic type of apple cider vinegar that is a brownish color with a yellow label on it they should know what you are talking about. Other vinegars can be harmful to you -they are too acidic!
The honey has to be a thick, coagulated honey that you have to scoop out. The best place to get this honey is at a health food store. Most supermarkets carry the thin, syrupy kind of honey and that type of honey mixed with apple cider vinegar did not work for me for some reason. Manuka honey is a thicker honey that also worked for me, although I think the thick, coagulated lighter colored honey worked best. If you decide to try the Manuka honey, get 1 with a low UMF# because the higher ones are too powerful (in terms of killing bacteria) for everyday use.
I hope you guys have success with the drink!
Liquid Chlorophyll and Sage Fluid Extract
Be careful with sage. I took a few drops once- twice a day in a glass of water and the sweating was less but after a month or two I started to have heavily vaginal bleeding. Turns out it was the sage that caused the blood loss.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
I had rhinitis and the doctor prescribed Celestamine a couple of times last year. One of the side effects is exessive sweating. I think I would like to try this apple cider vinegar with the thick honey. But would you be able to name what type of ''thick'' honey, such as lavender, eucalyptus or which type of bee honey ? Thanks.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I live in NYC too. What brands of ACV and Honey do you use and where can I get them too?? THANKS!
Apple Cider Vinegar
I had the ETS surgery too and have started to sweat profusely on my chest and back. Do you still take the same dosage 3X a day to combat the sweating? Have the results maintained their effectiveness?
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
I just wanted to write in and say that the apple cider vinegar honey remedy does work for excessive sweating. The key is that you have to try it WITH a certain kind of honey. And the honey has to be that thick, clumpy kind. I tried the remedy without any honey (didn't work) and then with that watery, thin kind of honey and it didn't work - then iI tried it with the thick kind - and lo and behold my excessive sweating is gone!!!
Please give this remedy a chance using the right kind of honey!
I feel like I have found kindred spirits. I developed a sweating problem in my hairline, facial and neck area when I came to Atlanta five years ago from a colder and non-humid climate. I have clear flawless skin but would like to be able to wear a little make up without it melting off in the first 10 minutes. The temperature must be at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit = 10 degrees Celsius for me not to perspire prior to leaving my home.
I am a female 29 of Jewish, Korean and West Indian descent. I do not excessively sweat except in those areas mentioned earlier. It normally takes me about 7 to 10 minutes to cool down. I do not sweat on my palms. And when I exercise I perspire normally like most people.
Part of my problem I think is anxiety...regardless of where I am going. I do not have an odor problem. I have ruined some blouses-under arms. In the coming weeks I will try some of the recommendations many of you have suggested. I will post my results.
A little background about me- I am running (3 miles-4 times a week) on a regular basis and also a little weight, rollerblading, Pilates, rock climbing, skiing, snowboarding or hiking. I also like to swim. I refuse to allow my problem to get the best of me.
I normally take an ice cold drink (water) with me as I am leaving my home. I am a loner by nature. I have a few select group of friends. I think my problem has to do with social anxiety. For example, regardless of my destination I always breakout in a 3 to 5 minute sweat before leaving my home. I try to placate it by having the air conditioner or a small fan on in my bathroom. I mix aloe Vera gel in with my overall sun block and lotion after showering. On really humid days I have been known to take a discreet ice pack in a little drugstore bag and carry it against my waist or stomach if I am not driving. One would never know. It looks like I have purchased an item from a drugstore and simply carrying it.
I am very healthy. No thyroid problems. I am 5'3' and 98 pounds. I consume very little in processed, white sugar or fatty foods. I consume alot of fresh fruits, veggies, fish esp. those high in omega 3s, raw and non salted nor cooked nuts and seeds and only indulge once a week with things like chocolate, vanilla ice cream or the occasional steak.
QUESTIONS: Would someone please suggest a brand of Sage tea they have used? Please suggest measurements too.
I have researched the effects of the magnesium citrate. Does the Magnesium with zinc or plain magnesium work? What brand do you use? I am worried about the effects of the citrate.
Thanks in advance
To Anonymous from Alanta,
God has answers to your problem of body odor today. Body odor generates from your Ampit especially when you sweat. I had that problem for a long time, no doctor could help. this is what actually cured me. LIME LIME LIME LIME. Limes works like magaic for body odor. get a piece of lime, using a knife, open the lime compeletely, u could cut it in two halves if u want to. USE the lime to rub the ampit for about 1 mins making sure that the juice stays in the ampit (under arm?). leave the lemon juice there for about 10 mins before taking a shower. do this just 2-3 times a day and you will see magic. the odor will be gone. you will notice the difference even the first day by evening. you can also use lemon in case you run out of lime. that is what i used to treat my friends and family members with body odor, it can be embarassing i can tell you that.
you can also use salt in place of toothpaste to brush your mouth in case u have mouth odor too. salt is very effective for mouth odor. it has a crazy taste but i will do it if that is what will help. you can then use your deoderant after show.
let me know how this Lime remedy helped you please.
All the best
help with Body odor & excessive sweat: For 2 1/2 weeks I've been taking Sea salt & a tablespoon potassium lite salt everyday as well as 50 mg of Zinc plus Magnesium Oxide pills for Body Odor & excessive sweat. I also take chlorophyll
Darian..I also forgot to mention that you must get sunshine for Vit. D to absorb any mineral. If you are vit. D deficient you can take mineral supplements til the cows come home and will receive no benefit. Unfiltered Sunlight every day is very important. Even if you where glasses...take them off...sun on the skin and in the eyes is very important for human health. It takes about 20 mins of exposed skin to being producing Vit. D. Do some research on it.
The only magnesium supplement that works for me is the ionic form of magnesium citrate. It takes several days for you to notice a difference. I know that the magnesium is what works for my sweating because after I forget to take it for a week, the sweating starts back. Every time I restart the mag. it takes about 3 days to get into my system. I only take about 200 mg once per day. After it starts working...I can take the 200 mg. of mag. just a couple times a week and it will still be effective. The kind I take mixes in warm water and fizzes. It helps for sleep and stress too.
I already tried the apple cider, that didnt work. I have been on the magnesium supplements - 500mg twice a day and not much help. i would have it in the morning with a bottle of water and then at night with water. It helped very little. Can someone tell me what im might be doing wrong or if this means i have a serious condition.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I started to take the Apple Cider Vinegar supplement for my excessive sweating ive had for 3years and sadly it did not help get rid of it. However, Apple cider vinegar is usefull for a lot of things such as boosting metabolism and helping regulate cholesterol!
EC: ACV tablets and pills aren't nearly as effective as the liquid!
To Jake from Newark, NJ depends on your case. Experiment, if 1 cup of tea frist thing in morning doesn't help you than try in few hours one more. Also try ading sage to your food. I hope it helps.
I've been taking magnesium gluconate for almost 2 weeks now, and when it would be 70 degrees out and I would try to do mild house work, it looked like someone sprayed me with a squirt gun. I don't want to say definitely that it works but the past couple days I've been really dry, maybe a little excessive sweating but I think my body is still working the magnesium in. Overall I am hoping this helps me in the long run, as I cant stand using topicals and all that. 1 pill a day is fine with me as long as its a supplement and not a chemical with bad side effects
Sage Tea
Yea Rah, R. You have learned to listen to your body. For others who find you are running low on magnesium, this little old mineral has a lot to do with calming the nerves, lifting depression as well as lowering the blood pressure and keeping the heartbeat in good rhythm. For those who are taking magnesium, I find that you can take 400-500 mgm twice a day without laxative effect. When you go above that level and still need more magnesium, it is also absorbed through the skin, therefore adding magnesium to your bath water & luxuriating as if you were at an expensive spa, you can build your levels up faster by doing both the 400 - 500 mgm twice a day orally and using the magnesium bath to avoid flushing out your much needed magnesium with more magnesium orally causing the laxativie effect. I have never had to take magnesium shots, but my niece who did said they hurt worse than any shot she ever had. Of course, she had been through chemotherapy and never did get her levels back up before she crossed over.
Excessive Sweating: I am a 35 year old woman and have had excessive underarm sweating for a couple of years now. After reading someone's post about Magnesium deficiency being the cause of excessive sweating, I decided to try it, because I also had some other symptoms of mag deficiency/inbalance. I have been taking about 200 to 300 mgs. of an ionic form of magnesium citrate for the last 2 weeks (sometimes skipping a day or two) and the faucets under my arms seem to have turned off. This has been an embarrasing problem for a while. I could be freezing and I would still have sweat rolling down my sides. I hope I haven't posted my story too quickly. So far it has been about 6 days since I noticed the sweating has subsided. The only other thing I have done differently is take liquid kelp with potassium iodide. I am sure it is the magnessium because I have tried the iodine before without any luck and I had been taking the iodine for a couple of weeks before I added the Magnesium. It took about 4 days from the first day I took the supplement to notice a difference. Much thanks to the lady who posted the comment about the magnesium connection. Also I would like to warn you about the amount you take. Magnesium has a laxative type effect. Start off with low dose then go from there. (I gave Magnesium to my children when they were younger because it helped them to not have nightmares and it stopped my daughter from sleepwalking.)
Apple Cider Vinegar
go and try sage leaf capsulse, it will really help you....
Apple Cider Vinegar
How much do you take daily to curb excessive sweating?