Hello! Well I've been using pure 100% coconut oil on my stretch marks since mid-January maybe..... So going on 7 weeks. I am reporting my findings. Well I have to say I have not noticed too much change with them unfortunately. I apply faithfully once a day and quite often 2 times a day. Usually right out of the shower but on occasion in the evening as well. I have switched it up and bought a few different brands but I haven't noticed much change. I have had mine for a long time and they are all that white/silvery colour. I have read about people's successes on here so I will keep plugging away, but if anyone can share more details about their successes that would be great.
What brand did you use? How often did you use it and so on. A lot of people seem to say 3 months and they are all gone. That seems like a dream to me! I guess everyone is different. Anyway I will keep in using it and will keep updating my findings. :)