Natural Remedies for the Stomach Flu

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 04/30/2016 2227 posts

M to M,

I have used silver nanoparticles for stomach flu and it stops it cold in my limited experience, but I should add that I take a quart of uncapped particles right up front and a quart a day for three days after to make sure that I hit it hard and it doesn't rebound. The symptoms are gone within a few hours.

I have also had a herxheimer reaction on one occasion when it seemed a particularly rough stomach flu.


Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 04/29/2016

April seems like an odd time of year for a stomach bug to be going around, but there has been a miserable stomach bug going around for a few weeks.

My 19 year old son was the first in our house to have it a few weeks ago. I was pretty horrified because my oldest son's wedding was coming up and it wasn't the best time for a stomach bug. I guess it never is! :)

I started to give everyone colloidal silver. I gave adults and adult sized children 1-2 Tablespoons of homemade colloidal silver (25 ppm) morning and evening on an empty stomach. I gave children 1 -2 teaspoons at the same times. I was hoping this would be a preventative.

I gave my sick son CS a couple of times. He was only sick for 12 hours. By the grace of God, no one else got sick before or during the wedding, which was last week. I kept giving everyone silver. We heard of friends and neighbors getting it. We had house guests immediately following the wedding and three of the four of them came down with the stomach flu while in my house. One of my children did get the stomach flu but it didn't last long for him.

I am pretty confident that the Silver did help to prevent the stomach flu and that it reduced the duration of the bug for those who had it. It is pretty rare that a stomach bug goes through my house and nearly everyone does not get it. We like to share around here. Haha.

I guess I can't know for sure that CS kept us well and kept the duration of sickness shorter, but it sure seems to be the case. I will be giving silver again next time a stomach bug goes around!

~Mama to Many~
