Sprain Remedies

Castor Oil
Posted by Wendy (London) on 03/02/2023

I walked home ricked my ankle maybe on uneven paving. Carried on no pain then walked home. That evening foot started to hurt then got worse and worse until I could hardly walk. Restless night in pain. Next day massaged my foot and ankle with castor oil 3 times and the following day, like magic the pain was all gone. I couldn't believe how wonderfully it worked.

Castor Oil
Posted by Carlyn (Portland Oregon ) on 06/02/2022

I fell off two railroad ties and all 175 lbs of landed on my left ankle and top of my foot I couldn't wait to get home to soak my foot in epsom salt, rosemary and black seed oil. Then for bed laid Castor oil on my entire foot up to a couple inches above my ankle wrapped it in saran wrap and then wrapped flannel around it and an ace bandage to keep it all in place slept with foot elevated.

Morning I hurt but every night I have kept this routine and not missed a beat at work. Our family has used this method my whole life for any pulls strains, sprains and it has been a life saver. On the mend :)

Castor Oil
Posted by Christina (New Zealand) on 02/02/2015

Hello! I just discovered the amazing healing qualities of castor oil and thought I share my story...

My husband and I went to concert Friday night, where I danced my butt off and severely strained both my calf muscles (although I didn't know it at the time). For the next two days I was in a lot of pain and could hardly walk. I have to say, I found this rather comical--albeit a bit embarrassing--to discover that I can no longer shake it like I used it!

Anyway, last night I had the intuitive guidance to massage castor oil into my calves and lo-and-behold the difference straight away was utterly amazing! I did it again before bed, and then this morning before getting up, and although my calves are still a bit sore, they feel so much more comfortable, and I can pretty much walk normal again! I am completely blown away by how effective castor oil is at relieving muscle strain! Crazy-awesome-cool!

I plan to make an infused oil with healing herbs to have on hand to treat muscle and joint problems, which should help with recovery even more. Will probably make a warming balm as well.

Anyway, that's my experience with castor oil. Amazing stuff! Cheers
