My 12 year old son sprained his second toe playing frisbee. The first night I did an apple cider vinegar wrap since that usually brings significant relief overnight. However, the next day the toe seemed no better.
Then I remembered I had some Arnica/Comfrey Tincture. I had him apply it liberally to his toe before bed the next night.
He woke up with significant improvement.
Last night he asked for a comfrey tincture poultice, so I doused a piece of old t shirt with the tincture and wrapped his toe.
This morning he is doing well. Not 100%, but able to wear his boots as the swelling has subsided.
I made that particular tincture in the first place because I want to use it as a base for magnesium oil.
I have been using magnesium oil that has been made with magnesium flakes and vodka instead of magnesium flakes and water since it is less sticky with the vodka. (Thanks for that tip, Art! )
I thought, "Why not make magnesium oil with a vodka that is actually a tincture of herbs that is useful for muscle and joint pain?" I haven't gotten around to making my comfrey/arnica magnesium oil yet, but meanwhile, the comfrey arnica tincture is quite useful!
Here is how I did it:
I filled a mason jar about 1/3 full of dried arnica flowers. Then I added about 1/3 of the jar worth of loosely packed dried comfrey leaves. I poured vodka over the dry herbs to cover plus about an inch and let it sit for 6 weeks. (It may have been much longer, actually. 2 weeks would have been enough, though I think 6 is better.)
I strained out the plant material through a coffee filter and labeled my jar, "arnica/comfrey tincture."
By the way, while many herbal tinctures in vodka are meant for internal use, arnica is not to be taken internally. So this tincture is not for internal use.
~Mama to Many~