Sprain Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jerry (Long Beach, CA) on 06/30/2023

Tried the sock mentioned above for sprained wrist and it worked. I got a lot of movement back and a lot of pain gone. I rubbed olive oil on my palm and that kept it from getting really wrinkly or itchy. I used a sock that I cut holes in for each finger and my thumb and I wrapped enough plastic wrap around my wrist and hand to cover the entire sock it was a cast but in the morning it felt a lot better.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ondra (Vietnam) on 10/26/2021

I fell on my wrist while roller skating and it felt like the TFCC tear from what Mr. Google was able to tell. There was no bruising or heavy swelling so I decided not to go to the doctor. There seems to be no major issues regarding the mobility of the joint but it was quite painful. ACV is basically my go-to remedy for everything so I tried the trick with the sock dipped in ACV and a plastic wrap over night. It definitely decreased the pain and increased joint mobility by at least 50%. I strongly recommend this. Just be careful with applying the ACV on your palm as you can damage the skin like I did - it is now dry and itchy but still worth it. However, you could surely protect it somehow... the back of the hand was fine...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amanda (Ashland, Oregon) on 12/10/2020

@SJ (2018 post below),

Thank you for sharing your experience. yesterday evening I took a hard tumble walking to the grocery store. Fell on concrete and must have taken all my weight with my right hand. Seemed to only affect my pinkie to hand knuckle, but by night time the whole back of my hand hurt and my wrist. The pain kept me awake.

Came here and discovered your story about ACV. I tried it and the coolness felt great. I applied fresh ACV (to a sock) an hour after the first application and the pain definitely went down. I finally found a comfortable position for my wrist and hand, and slept like a baby. It's painful to use today, so must not use it! Tough, cause I am right handed. Anyway, thank you everyone who shares their experiences here.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sj_4162 (Wa) on 01/07/2018

Editor's Choice Yesterday I fell and sprained my wrist in the morning. Come that evening became very painful and was throbbing. I iced it and it felt better for a short time. I looked on EC and found the apple cider vinegar remedy. I cut the toe out of an old sock, saturated it with AC and put it on my wrist. Wrapped it with Saran Wrap. Excruciating pain for 2 hours. Pain stopped and I fell asleep for the night. Woke up this morning with swelling mostly gone and no pain. I was amazed! Thx EC.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jovancou (Struga) on 09/21/2016

Apple cider vinegar really helps in getting rid of the swelling from sprains. Just damp a sock in it, drain it and put it on your foot. Put a plastic wrap or a plastic bag to keep you away from the smell and to keep your sheets dry.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diana329 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pa Usa) on 10/13/2012

Before it got cool here I was in very tight shoes and my feet were swelling up as they do in hot days. I was taking a break outside work-we have a back yard- about the only way to get back thru the door is to sort of jump in so you do not knock over the small step ladder that serves as our steps.

Anyway the next day I awoke and I couldn't put my right foot down I was in Deep Pain!! I was praying I didn't break anything but I didn't know? For two weeks or more I had to hop on a cane. Everyone telling me to go to the doctors. I am not one who runs to doctors. Make a long story short I found this site and heard about ACV. Next day I went in I {should say hopped in} to a small fruit store near where I live and by chance I asked if they had heard of it and bam the lady said we just got in in!!! I did it twice with the saran wrap etc. It is GONE NO PAIN I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS! ~! I AM BEING VERY GENTLE WITH MY ANKLE AND WILL USE THE CANE FOR A FEW DAYS. Just unbelievable!! Thanks you all for your posts!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kiana (Chicago, Il) on 04/01/2012

I sprained my ankle badly one night and thought I would be out of commission for a while but remembered the wonderful ACV cures on this and other websites. My ankle was swollen and painful. I could barely walk. So, I took an old sock, cut the toe off and soaked it in ACV. I slipped it over my foot and positioned it on the most swollen part of my ankle. I then took a small plastic bag (Ziploc works well) and cut both ends off so it was just a plastic sleeve and slipped it over the wet sock and tucked it in around the sock so the vinegar would stay put. I took a larger plastic bag and made another sleeve and slipped it over the whole mess. I then took an ace bandage and wrapped over the plastic to keep everything in place and went to bed. The next morning I was walking without pain and as the day went on, I got better. I am shocked and cannot explain how this worked, but it did. And that is all that matters to me. Simply amazing!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Lawrenceville, GA) on 03/05/2008

I was looking for a home remedy cure for my female dog who has a urinary tract infection for the second time. I did not want to pay the expensive vet bill again. This is how i found your web site. I hurried to the store to get some ACV, put a tps. in her food and in no time she was back to her self. Praise GOD for this miracle! The same night while i was walking her i fell off of my shoe and sprained my foot to where I could barely walk. I took 2 tbls. of ACV 2 times a day. By the end of the second day i was up and running, literally. It decreased the pain and did not even turn purple.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 05/04/2004

I thought I had broken my ankle. It was so bad I had to crawl on my knee and my leg and foot were one! My grandmother told me to soak a brown paper bag in vinegar and wrap it around my foot all night. Incredible results. The swelling had gone down two thirds and in three full days I was walking on it again.
