Posted by John (Boise, Id, Usa) on 08/11/2010
My daughter sprained her ankle and she can barely walk. I massaged the ankle with some left-over arnica tincture that I made sometime ago. I wrapped it with an old towel before going to bed. She was healed after 2 days.
Arnica Gel
Posted by Lindsey (Waukesha, WI) on 02/23/2009
I swear by using Arnica Gel for sports injuries. My son had a 3rd degree sprain on his ankle during a basketball game. He was told that he would be out for the rest of the season. He wore a walking boot during the day and iced his ankle 5 times a day and after each time he would smear Arnica gel all over. He was so swollen for 2 weeks for almost 3 weeks. At his next visit to get rechecked which was 2 weeks and 3 days. He was completely healed. The doctor was amazed. He said that he could go back to playing as long as he felt O.K. He hasn't had any problems since. My husband had one of his basketball players use it when he hurt his back in practice. The kid was skeptical but came back the next day and wanted to know where he got it because it worked.