Splinter Remedies

White Vinegar

10 User Reviews
5 star (10) 

Posted by Lil Bread (South Bend, In) on 01/12/2011

About three weeks ago I got a long wood splinter in my finger. I pulled out about 1/2 inch of wood and thought that was all of it but sadly it wasn't. I tried soaking in Hydrogen peroxide, alcohol and salt water to no avail. I came across this article about soaking in vinegar. I submerged the finger in vinegar for about 30 minutes. Squeezed the Affected area and out popped the 1/2 inch long splinter. I was amazed.

White Vinegar
Posted by Ada (Geneva, IL) on 09/07/2009

Splinter deep under index fingernail

Just want to say Thank you. I followed the instructions above soaking my finger in white vinegar then applying pressing to the end of the splinter. It moved just enough to pull out with tweezers!! Thank you so much. Thought I was going to have to go to urgent care.

White Vinegar
Posted by Beth (Madison, Wisconsin) on 07/10/2008

I had a tiny wood splinter in my finger. I first tried to take it out with my tweezers; I had to rip of the top layer of the skin to get to the splinter. I only got 90% of it out that way. Then, I read a post on this wonderful website about using white vinegar. I soaked my finger in the vinegar for several minutes and then pulled out the rest of the splinter with my tweezers painlessly. Wow, I was happy. That was last night, and now this morning, as I look at that same finger, I don't see any marks or cuts where the splinter was!! Thank you all for creating a fantastic website and for contributing more safe remedies to it!!

White Vinegar
Posted by Jamie (Gilbert, Arizona) on 05/13/2008

SPLINTER REMEDY: White vinegar removed a splinter quickly and pain free! My 2 year old son grabbed a catus and had, what seemed like, hundreds of splinters all over his hand. We soaked it in a bowl of plain, white vinegar and the splinters all popped out on their own!

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