Splinter Remedies

Posted by Mutsa (Zimbabwe) on 01/01/2017

Thank you. Apple Cider Vinegar worked for me today as I am writing. I thank God. The splinter was stuck deep in my hand finger nails and I followed the steps it came off easly without pain when I pulled it after it appeared on the surface.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/13/2016

Editor's Choice This is the second time a vinegar soak (10 or 20 minutes) caused an embedded, not-even-seeable splinter to pop out of the skin making it easy to remove.

One time wine vinegar was used and the second: plain white distilled vinegar.

Both times, the splinter "appeared" (1/2 popped out of the skin) only a while later, when I had given up staring at it!

Posted by Toni (Henderson ) on 03/27/2015

I was a little skeptical about the whole vinegar treatment for splinters but I got one under my fingernail that could not be removed and it hurt so bad that after reading this I had nothing to lose. I went home from work and soaked in for 15 minutes in white vinegar. I bandaged it and left it alone for the night. The next day, I massaged the splinter on my fingernail in a forward position. On the third try, the splinter came out in one complete piece. I was so excited and my husband couldn't even believe it worked, but it did.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/22/2013

Another YEA for vinegar soak for splinters. After about 10-15 minutes of soaking (I only had wine vinegar), the edges of 2 hair-thin spliners came out of the sking far enough for me to painlessly pull them out with tweezers.

Posted by Austin (Texarkana, Texas) on 11/11/2011

Vinegar for Splinters

Thank u so much. It just made my day because I was just about to go to a wedding in Arkansas with a huge splinter in my thumb. My mom just told me to tweeze it out but it didn't work. Then I looked up this website and it saved me from my worst dipleasure in the world. Thanks a bunch.
