Ice Cream and Sinus Infections: The Link to Artificial Flavorings

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Dave (USA) on 03/31/2006

I have to agree about the link between dairy product and sinus infections. I normally stay away from milk products, but I do eat cheese and do not have any problems at all. For me it's when I have ice cream or milk. I am now suffering from an all out sinus infection that started 3 days ago, and yes, I had some ice cream from Culver's 4 nights ago. I know better than to eat ice cream and now all paths point to; if you eat it you will soon pay for it!

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Cathy (Bakersfield) on 03/25/2006

I also experienced the same thing after eating ice cream however; I had ice cream from our local Rite-Aid. So I can definitely relate to others who have consumed ice cream or milk based products and later develop a sinus infection or flu like symptoms.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Lad (Bel Air, MD) on 03/18/2006

I've had reoccurring sinus infection for 1 1/2 years. After pigging out on two "organic" choc./vanilla ice cream bars, I got another, big-time infection the very next day. Milk and dairy have always been tied to more mucus production. Add the immune-lowering sugars and the cilia-slowing coldness, and you got problems!

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Mario (Norwalk, CT) on 03/10/2006

I find this very weird, but after reading this I have to admit it must be true. I've had extreme sinus pressure for 4 days now and I did finish of some Haggen Dazs Ice cream the night before this all started. Too weird.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Jen (MP, Virginia) on 03/08/2006

I didn't realise this until just a few hours ago, but 3 days ago i went to Cold Stone Creamery and brought home ice cream for myself, my little sister & brother, and my dad. My mom was the only one who didn't want any ice cream. That was last friday night. On Sunday, my brother, sister, dad, and myself all got sick & we've been sick since (today is tuesday). My mom is doing just fine. Coincidence?

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Tom (Palm Harbor FL) on 02/20/2006

When i read about the link between ice cream and throat infections i was not surprised because i currently have a PAINFUL throat infection that i've had on and off since last summer. whenever i started having symptoms my mom would buy me a frosty from wendy's and this time a shake from steak n' shake. every time the infections have gotten so much worse after consumption of the ice cream. i've come to the conclusion that milk is horrible for the sore throat too.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Tracey (Tujunga) on 02/13/2006

Just ran across this site trying to understand some painful sinus and tooth pain I experience infrequently. Very sudden onset lasting about 45 minutes - - has occurred twice after long bike rides at the beach followed by a large serving of Dreyer's ice cream! I wasn't sure if it was the physical activity, the beach weather, or what. Now I am wondering if the ice cream has anything to do with it. Next time - - NO ICE CREAM.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Steve (WY) on 02/10/2006

I just started taking Airborne effervescent as a cold preventative yesterday. Had no congestion before I took the first one, but within an hour, I was congested! One of the ingredients - yep, sorbitol. I took it once more and then stopped and the congestion went away after about 6 hours. I bet that's the ingredient causing the infections. Suppose some people are sensitive to it.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Katie (Corpus Christi, TX) on 02/10/2006

This is so weird... after logging on and looking for a home remedy for sinus infections, I stumbled onto the Dairy Queen area theory! I had a Heath Blizzard on Sunday and on Monday evening had a sore throat, cough, and congestion that is still with me 4 days later. I can live without ice cream if that's all it takes to avoid sinus infections! Thanks!!

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by John (Victoria) on 02/04/2006

Many bacteria thrive in a temperature just under our normal body temperature. That is why we get most of our respiratory infections occurring in the winter; the colder air cools the sinus passages. It is also why summer colds are so hard to get rid of, they're heat resistant. Eating ice cream could have the same effect. Some interesting studies are being done on introducing "good" bacteria (bacteria that aid us in fighting off bad bacteria) back into our sinus passages after modern medicine indiscriminately killed off all bacteria in there attempt to "cure us". Stay away from ice cream especially in cold weather, and wear a mask over your face so you retain more of your body's heat when breathing when you go out in the cold.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Sharon (Chicago) on 02/03/2006

This is unbelievable, ice cream and sinus infections. Who would have thought. I had a vanilla ice cream from McDonald's on yesterday. To my surprise, I wake up this morning with sinus pressure and body aches. This is so unreal. Thanks for the site.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Krista (Rock Falls IL) on 01/31/2006

I just had a mocho blast from baskin robbins on saturday, and within hours had severe headache, acidy stomach and diaria, and was very nauseated. It is now tuesday, and I still have acidy stomache, and can't eat. I have just a little sinus pressure, but it could be a possible link. I don't live by baskin robbins, but somehow get sick from it when there.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Darrel (Washington, DC) on 01/17/2006

I had been dealing with a sinus infection for about 10 days and on the 10th day of treatment I had some ice-cream and I immediately was sick all over again. I felt worse than I had when I was first diagnosis 10 days prior. Now, I feel as if I have to start all over again. This is not an easy ailment to deal with and I often what is the cure. The ice-cream was Breyers and not Baskin Robbins so I'm wondering if any and all ice-cream can cause the relapse of a sinus infection.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Chris (Bolivar, MO) on 01/17/2006

I have been a big dairy products consumer for years. I always liked to drink milk (and sometimes milk shakes) before going to bed as it would help settle my stomach. However, over the past 10 or more years, I had started to come down with sinus infections from time to time. Instead of going to the doctor for the usual medication, I decided to see if there was anything in the way of natural cures that might help. After seeing this site, I am consuming less dairy products (especially ice cream)...and I have noticed a difference. I'm also going to try the ACV.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Donna (USA) on 01/11/2006

I've read that Baskin Robbins Ice Cream is loaded with sorbitol, which is a killer for me. Maybe that's what's behind all the headaches with that brand. Anything with "ol" on the end or "modified food starch" is also a sugar alcohol, same as sorbitol. I say stay away from all that stuff "tweaked"
