Ice Cream and Sinus Infections: The Link to Artificial Flavorings

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Hamptom, GA)

I was amazed, but not surprised to read about others who suffer flu-like symptoms after eating ice cream. I usually get a headache and increased sinus pressure from any milk product but the last time I was really sick was when I had eaten a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. That has been several years ago but I haven't forgotten how sick I was for a week or so. Milk products, in general, do a number on me but ice cream is especially harmful.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by LJ (USA)

Wow, I couldn't believe what I read about the ice cream. I've had ice cream several times in the last week, and I have also incurred a sinus infection. That's the reason I was searching the web for remedies!

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Deb (USA)

Believe it or not... yesterday I had a vanilla/chocolate dipped cone from Dairy Queen. Today, I'm miserable!! Sinus headache, post nasal drip... scratchy throat etc. I even went out and bought a cool mist humidifier. Out of desperation for what I feel lies close ahead, I decided to search the web for home remedies before heading for bed (to wrestle the body aches). Thankful to have found your site. Tomorrow, apple cider vinegar, here I come!!!

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Susan (USA)

Wow, 6 hours after eating half a cup of a Dairy Queen Snickers Blizzard, I had the beginnings of a sinus infection that lasted 6 days.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Melanie (Brighton, England) on 03/03/2005

This is the most extraordinary thing I've encountered (and I'm already familiar with many complemetary therapies) I've had a very severe sinus infection for over 5 weeks, which has not responded to 5 different antibiotics. It started when my daughter had Whooping Cough, so I thought it had been caused by the pertussis bacteria. I now realise from your website that it was due to ice cream, which I don't normally eat but was buying regularly for my daughter when she was sick (and eating loads myself!) I've just tried a strong solution of ACV in water and can breathe for the 1st time in weeks.I thought I was going to have to have surgery. The words thank you have never seemed so inadequate (especially as so many sites are just out to sell you their cures not just share them as you do).

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Shirley (Ontario) on 07/26/2005

I have definitely seen a connection between Baskin Robbins ice-cream and my sinus problems. Three times I've traced the onset of my sinus infection to that particular ice cream.Over this past year I have been building my immune system by taking oil of oregano, ACV and other vitamins. However,after I came down with flu-like symptoms with-in twenty-four hours of eating it the last time, I poured hydrogen peroxide in both my ears and stopped it in its track.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Katherine (Deloraine) on 08/23/2005

You've just made me discover why my nose infection is recurrent. Ice-cream... is a very possible cause!?!? Golden Gay Times, Bulla and Peters icecreams all seem to affect me!! My nose is inflammed, sore, and it irritates something terrible! Have just started ACV today after discovering your website last i go.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Natasha (Alpharetta, Georgia) on 08/13/2005

This might just be a coincidence. I NEVER eat ice cream!!!! But the other day I felt like indulging and I ate a lot of mint ice cream. It wasn't baskin robbins. That night my husband said he thought I might have fever. I felt fine so I didn't really pay attention. The next morning I woke up with the worst sinus infection ever!!! My head is about to explode and I am very congested. I read this article and I can't believe the coincidence.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Ashley (Pleasanton, CA) on 08/09/2005

Just recently I have been looking for natural remedies to my day to day issues I just can't get rid of. Today, I feel congested and I'm coughing up things I shouldn't have to. After reading your webpage on Sinus Infections, I realized I did have ice cream two days ago. I ate two fat boy ice cream sandwiches on Sunday and now on Tuesday I feel so congested. Interesting tip, and keep them coming.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Janet (Sale Australia) on 07/15/2005

Was very interested in sinus attacks after ice cream, I suffer terrible sinus & it has just occured to me that more so when I eat ice cream, for a while there I would eat it every night after my main meal. i am going to try the apple cider, as I quite often go through 1-2 pkts of sinus tabs a week & it can't be any good for me. Also I am a great believer in colloidal silver, since taking it I have hardly had a cold & if I get the early signs of a cold it doesn't turn into a cold.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Sandra (Ravenel SC) on 03/20/2005

me and my friend went to baskin robins thursday night and friday the next day were on antibiotics for a sinus infection.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Demetrius (St. Louis) on 08/27/2005

I recently was in Malaysia, and I ate two big scopes of Baskin Robbins cherry's gracia ice cream. The week and a half before I felt fine, but the last few days there I suddenly became ill. I had not been sick in years. I originally thought it was because that was my first time in another country, but why didn't I get sick after only a few days. I developed flu like symptoms after 24 hours of eating the ice cream.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Josh (Schaumburg) on 08/26/2005

I haven't had ice cream in years, had ice cream the last three days in a row from Mcdonalds and today I have the biggest meanest sinus infection of all time.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Rich (USA) on 10/22/2005

Every time I drink a Baskin Robbins Chocolate milk Shake, I come down with a Sinus infection and flu like symptoms. (chills, headache). Usually within twenty four hours. I never realized it was the shake until now.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback
Posted by Mona (Salt Lake City) on 10/10/2005

Dreyer's Rocky Road Ice Cream is the cause of my sinus infection. I ate too much of it last year and the symptoms worsen every time I eat it. Of course, I've toned it down quite a bit. Thanks for the natural remedies suggested.
