Sensory Processing Disorder
Natural Remedies

Sensory Processing Disorder Remedies

| Modified on Jan 09, 2014
General Feedback
Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 06/09/2012

In answer to a reader request, we have created a new page on Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), a chronic medical condition in which the mind does not appropriately process signals from the body's sense organs into useful information.

We've been hearing more about this condition these past months, and about the occupational therapy techniques used to treat it. Does anyone else have any information about the condition or possible home remedies to help treat it?

General Feedback
Posted by Sera (Texarkana, Texas) on 01/07/2014

My daughter is 4 years old. This is the only advice I can give about this.... One of the biggest problems we had with her is the temper tantrums when changing tasks or running errands. We couldn't say "We are going to the store, " when we are going to the bank first. We had to say, "We are going to the bank, " then once we are starting to leave the bank, tell her, "We are going to the store." We can't tell her everything we are going to do at once, like, "we are going to the bank, then to the store, then to the park." She will only hear the word "park, " and when the park comes later than she think it should, there would be terrible fits... Also, I have heard, but haven't tried, visual task charts with pictures that show examples, help a lot and letting the children mark off each task after they are completed, is supposed to help. All this and PATIENTS PATIENTS PATIENTS, is all the advice I can give.. Also, get your child to therapy ASAP. Occupational therapy for sure and Speech and Physical too, if it is needed for balance. :)

General Feedback
Posted by Jillery (North America) on 01/09/2014 86 posts

Something that may also help are small photographs on a ring of your daughter behaving appropriately, doing what is correct during her visits and you commenting while showing the picture-- 'oh look dear you are doing a great job waiting' etc etc - the she gets the idea of what is expected. For transition times to the next activity or errand you are doing show her a picture of her at the store, at the library, at where ever. She can carry the picture ring/communication ring (always keep back ups). You can use pictures for her to request things. Playing, reading, computer, a friend. They make sets of these communication pics but for a kid this young pictures of HER doing these things is best. Tell her when you are pleased by showing her a pic of you hugging her but also communicating 'mommy/daddy is so pleased how well you did'. Speech therapists can be helpful with communication systems like this.

Best wishes.
