Natural Remedies

Top Natural Cures for Ringworm: Quick & Easy Remedies

Fig Tree Sap

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Posted by Allison (Houston, Texas) on 11/21/2021

Please DO NOT use fig sap! It is a strong proteolytic enzyme that will eat up the flesh. I had tried this on a ringworm on my belly after the vinegar didn't work. The fig sap just ate up the flesh and made it raw and extremely painful but did nothing to get rid the ringworm. Just like the other person said from 2010, it's like a chemical burn, so DON'T try it on yourself or your pets!

Fig Tree Sap
Posted by Vcanfield (San Antonio, Tx, Usa) on 03/03/2010


Warning on fig tree sap for Ringworm!

The sap is caustic and will burn the skin. We have a fig tree and I have to use gloves when I harvest figs or my hands will get terrible chemical-like burns. Fig sap is a natural cure for burning warts off, so putting it on the skin that is already inflamed is cruel and abusive.

Please do not use this method on your animals. There are other, kinder methods to turn to.

Fig Tree Sap
Posted by Alejandra (Templeton, CA) on 10/25/2008

I used the sap of a fig tree to heal my ring worm on my ankle. I had tried tea tree oil and it didn't work for me but the sap cleared it up by the next day! I used a knife to peel a piece off of the trunk and rub it all over the ringworm. It worked for me!

Replied by Mary
(Chatsworth, Georgia)

You can't put that on if the skin is scaly and blistered already. If you cannot find a green leaf at this time of year winter how can you extract the sap from the fig limb? I took the antibiotics and the cream I did what the doctor told me. I am boiling the twigs and getting ready to put the liquid on the very infected area.

Fig Tree Sap
Posted by James Lindon (Greenville, South Carolina USA) on 09/16/2007

re: Natural Cure Ringworm -- I tried the Fig leaf sap as someone suggested and I will tell you it was gone the next day!

Fig Tree Sap
Posted by Jack Parker (Gaffney, SC) on 07/31/2007

My grandmother taught me this and it works for Ringworm. Take a leaf from a fig tree (Edible Fruit Variety) and the milky white sap from the leaf rubbed on the ringworm will get rid of it in a few days.

Fig Tree Sap
Posted by Dallas (Dallas, TX) on 04/27/2007

For ringworm or any other fungal infection of the skin, I've always used the milk from a figleaf. You usually only have to do it once or twice. This is good for humans or pets.

Fresh Pecan Hulls

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sabrina (Houston, Tx) on 02/07/2010

In November of 2009, my 6 year old daughter had a fingertip sized ringworm just next to her eye. Due to the delicate area the best choice for a remedy was the black walnut hull. But we had no walnut trees nearby, only pecans. I reasoned that since the pecan was a genus of the walnut family, it stood a great chance of success. I went outside and grabbed a pecan off the tree.

The outer green part surrounding the pecan in its shell is what is used. Wearing gloves (the tannin in the hull stains a lovely shade of brown), I cut a 1/4 inch piece. With my daughter laying down, unaware of the impending horror, I commenced. I squeezed the hull until the liquid appeared. I rubbed the liquid directly onto the ringworm and used tissue to mop any excess. After about 30 seconds my daughter began to cry out. The process burned terribly. I explained that the burning sensation most likely meant that we were killing the fungus, so at least the pain would be productive. I spent 20 minutes blowing on the area and my poor daughter went to sleep quite upset. However...

The next morning, the ringworm area had begun to scab. It was not pretty to look at. That night my daughter was afraid to let me touch her. I had to wait until she was asleep to apply the pecan hull. She awoke during the end of the process (quite angry and annoyed at my tactic). The next day the scab was huge and crusty. I had not read anywhere about the appearance after the application and I hoped that it would slough off quickly. The 4th night (taking a forced break on the 3rd night) I reasoned with my daughter that we would apply more pecan hull liquid and it would only sting if there was still live fungus under the scab, otherwise it should be painless. She weighed it out and realized that she wanted the thing totally gone, so we proceeded. This time, no sting and it lightly stained the skin surrounding the scab. That was it.

The scab lasted about 4 weeks. It was ugly and thick and showed no sign of leaving. We would cover it with a bandage coated with cornstarch to keep the adhesive from pulling on the sensitive skin near the eye. Finally the scab began to decrease. After about a month the scab totally came off, but a red scar remained. Now after 6 weeks, the scar has faded to a barely visible mark and I feel confident that the cure worked.


7 User Reviews
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Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 08/06/2017

Garlic is strong but didn't work for my ringworm.

I mixed fresh garlic with coconut oil, applied it every day to my wrist (where the infection was) and I thought it was working because the skin felt like it was burning.

The smell was very strong too, so I believe I used a generous amount, but after a couple of weeks I gave up because it didn't really do anything to cure it or make it smaller.

Posted by Julie (Larose, Louisiana) on 09/30/2008

i work in a medical clinic and contracted a ringworm from one of my young patients. the nurse told me to buy some otc antifungal cream and it would be gone in about 3 weeks. i have been interested in alternative meds for sometime, so i grabbed one of my books and read that garlic is antifungal. i bought a head of garlic, sliced a clove of it quite thin, applied it to the ringworm,covered it with a bandaid, and waited. now the chemicals in garlic will burn the skin for a minute or so, but after applying the garlic 3 nights in a row, the ringworm disappeared. i recommend this remedy to everyone. garlic works for lots of things.

Replied by Stella
(Brisbane, Qld Australia)

Yes Garlic definitely works to get rid of ringworm. I slice a clove into slivers and rub the juice into the fungal spot. Though its easier to get liquid garlic capsules — pierce them to rub the oil directly on the spot. Gone in less than a week. Garlic is so good for so many things its a staple to have in the house.

Posted by Okarel (Houston, Texas) on 06/25/2008

Garlic works for ringworm. It smells bad, but it works. You should buy a cheese grater and then grate the garlic. Once the garlic is grated, get a cotton boll or a clean napkin and apply in the area. It's going to burn but it helps do this at least 3 times a day: once in the morning and one time during the day and last but not least, during the night. But make sure you clean your face first with warm water then dry with a clean towel.. =] good luck=]

Posted by Brenda (San Antonio, TX) on 03/03/2007

Take a fresh clove of garlic. Cut it, rub the juicy piece on the ringworm 3 x day. It'll be gone in a couple of days. It does sting a bit, but not for long. Tried it on me and my neighbor kids with great success.

Replied by Deeraj
(Ahmedabad, Gujrat)

My ringworm burns with garlic.

Posted by Eddie (Ft Lauderdale, FL) on 09/19/2006

I applied pure garlic oil directly on the ringworm patch. I also took Garlic oil capsuls internally to cleanse the bloodstream. This worked for me.

General Feedback

Posted by Dolores (Roseburg, Oregon) on 01/09/2012

Ringworm is a fungus from hell. I first noticed what I thought was a bruise on my left hip area. Hmm, Few days later, I saw the horror and knew before going to doctor but wanted absolute confirmation and some antifungal. He put me on clotrimazone1%. Said should be gone in about 2-3 weeks. After three weeks, nothing other than seeing more red spots showing up. I kept using the clotrimazone but tried, ACV, Teatree oil, neem, oregano essential oils, mixed. No change after a week.

On 4th week and nothing has died out that I can tell. Tried Absorbine Jr and then today TKO, an orange oil cleaner. I'm desperate and afraid to have to go on prescription meds. I just bought some Terbinefine Hydrochloride 1% as someone suggested on a site. If this doesn't work, I will try the DMSO and Tannic acid if I can find it. There are some 3-day guaranteed products I've seen but expensive and I don't have that much faith because you have to use just as they say and with other products or they won't guarantee. I've read a lot about fungus, never had Candida in my life and now I'm battling this horror and am so health conscious.

It was likely the one time I had to use a public toilet with no protection. Was an emergency and I can't sit down to do... You know but can stand for the other. I have to be fanatic about changing clothes and don't want friends over unless I know clorox has been used on my toilet and I have to cover furniture with a special cloth to protect any contamination as this stuff is highly contagious. I could say where it came from on Public toilet but I won't. I'm so angry and wonder now if I will ever find a cure and if I can control the infection around my buttocks without it spreading onto more areas. OH BOY!!!!


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Squigworm (Bethesda, Md) on 10/21/2012

Each is there own but I will share what finally worked for me. I had a bad case of ringworm. All over my legs and arms and wherever else. Before I realized what it was it had spread quite a bit and nothing was working to get rid of it. I tried this cream, that cream... I even tried bleach, nail polish and I swear I almost considered burning it off one day. Long story short I ended up juicing some ginger and mixing in a little vinegar. I would apply this directly to the ringworm and let it dry up. Then I applied the shea butter mixture I made. (Shea butter, sea salt, tea tree oil) The ginger and vinegar really started nuetralizing the fungus and the shea butter mixture kept it clean and hydrated. Plus when it itched really bad I could rub the very course shea butter mixture on it and it would help a lot. The only helpful product I found was the naturasil ringworm stuff. I think if I hadn't let it go for so long this product may have worked completely but it didn't fully treat what I was dealing with. Just thought I would pass this along in case someone else is as desperate as I was for something that will help.

Posted by Karen (Osage City, Kansas) on 01/10/2009

I got ringworm in the corner of my mouth. A bad place to get it. I have been using ginger on it. The ground ginger and the ginger root bought at Wal-Mart. Scrape the root with a knife apply to the ringworm. Then put on the powder. They say ginger has 23 anti fungus fighters.

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